All Chapters of Emily, Mr. Billionaire.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
100 Chapters
Chapter 21
Emily stared at the concert tickets in her hand then her reflection in the mirror, a satisfied smile appearing on her face. She was dressed in all black- a top with the bands name on it and a short skirt. Underneath it, she had laced tights and completed her outfit with heeled boots, chains dangling from the corners of her skirt to the laces of the boot. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, dark Smokey eyed makeup done all over her face. She didn’t look like her usual self and was more than glad. It was the perfect look for for the concert. She glanced at her wall clock, realizing it was almost 8pm already. She had stuck to the time frame and was ready before 8pm, left with nothing to do but wait for Giovanni to arrive. She sighed and plopped into her bed, replying the scenario in her head all over again. It did feel surreal. For him to not only get her concert tickets but also manage to wiggle himself out of his tight schedule and accept going with her. Before she could wallo
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Chapter 22
Emily and Giovanni arrived at the concert venue, the pulsing beat of the bass drums so loud it could be heard miles away. As they approached the long line wrapping around the block, Giovanni shuddered, contemplating his every decision for the millionth time that night. He looked ridiculous and was in the most ridiculous place ever. Emily took the lead, shouldering their way in after showing the security guards their tickets and gaining access in. The whole atmosphere had a gothic aura to it, the venue. cavernous space with walls adorned with graffiti that seemed to hide secrets of rebellion and anguish. The scent of leather and incense lingered in the air, blending with the faint aroma of anticipation. “You like events like this?” Giovanni had to ask, as he looked around him again, the dim lightening that cast elongated shadows accross the room adding an extra whiff of mystique to the atmosphere. “You enjoy this?” “Yes, yes,” she nodded excitedly, seeming captivated by the sea of
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Chapter 23
The second Giovanni pulled over in front of his house, he spotted August waiting outside, leaning against his own car. Immediately groaning, he recollected August texting him and him ignoring the text. It was a completely unusual thing to do so it was no surprise August drove all the way to his house to check up on him. “August.” “Oh Giovanni you’re finally back,” August spun on hearing Giovanni’s voice. He initially had a worried expression on his face, the emotion dissolving into one of shock and confusion the second he laid his eyes on him. “I have so many question. First, what are you wearing?” “Just ignore it,” Giovanni replied him, taking off the tshirt he had on without hesitation. “I was forced to wear it.” “Second, where are you coming from?” August continued and just as Giovanni was about to reply, raised a finger to interrupt him. “Wait. Do not tell me you’re coming from a concert.” “I won’t tell you then.” “Weren’t those tickets for Miss Stark?” August was beyond c
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Chapter 24
Giovanni scrolled through the page on his phone, clicking his tongue as his eyes roamed through the list of decent and romantic date locations and events. He had gotten August to send him a detailed list of more activities to do with Emily. After all, they still had a couple of dates to go on and anything worth doing was worth doing well. After a couple of minutes of contemplation, he was down to three locations and events- A park, a restaurant and a cinema. Neither of them seemed appealing enough though. They were just better than the other pointless activities in the list. A park? He clicked his tongue at the thought. There wasn’t much to do at parks and on second thoughts, it suddenly felt like a childish place to be. “Out of it,” he mentally crossed out of his list, leaving with with a restaurant and a cinema. “Restaurant?” It was going to be their third date at a restaurant and thanks to Emily showing up in purple for their past two dates at the restaurant, he couldn’t bri
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Chapter 25
Emily hung up the call and rose to her feet, still in total disbelief about the whole situation. It made no sense and regardless of how hard she thought about it, it all felt like something completely out of Giovanni’s character. Why did he have to come all the way to her school? And like that wasn’t enough, why wasn’t he leaving? Still feeling awkward, she walked towards the main entrance of the library with the thought of going to fetch him from wherever he must have parked his car and was probably waiting for her. But much to her surprise, the moment she was about to approach the door, she caught him strolling into the library, hands shoved in his pocket as he looked around for her. “Mr. Giovanni?” She called out to him in a low voice, waving her hands to get his get his attention. “Um, here.” “Oh there you are.” “How were you allowed in?” She immediately asked as he walked up towards her. “It’s a student only library.” “Well, I have my ways,” he raised his eyebrows. “You sa
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Chapter 26
A small smile appeared on Emily’s face as she returned to her seat in the library to meet Giovanni still asleep. His head was now properly rested on the table, his face completely hidden thanks to his postion. Immediately getting on her toes, she tiptoed towards over to her seat and just as she fell into it, careful not to make too much of a sound, he raised his head. “Oh,” she bit her lip realizing she must have been too loud. “You’re awake.” “What do you mean by that?” He stylishly rubbed his eyes as he asked. “I wasn’t asleep.” “What?!” Emily exclaimed in disbelief. “You were asleep! You fell asleep!” “You must be mistaken,” He adjusted his jacket and smoothened his hair with his palm. “I am unable to sleep anywhere that easily. Maybe I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds and you mistook that for me sleeping but you’re wrong. I was not asleep. I was still fully aware of everything going on in my surroundings.”“Oh, yeah?” She smirked. “Do you know when I left here then? Wh
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Chapter 27
Close to another hour passed and finally Emily was done for the night, Emily proceeding to have Giovanni drive her home. It was already late as they embarked on the night drive, the road stretching ahead of them, illuminated by the gentle glow from the moon. Silence settled between, only broken by the soft hum of the engine as they drove. With gaze fixed on the road, thoughts roamed Giovanni’s mind. It had to be the latest he found himself driving and instead of normally wondering why he was driving so late, he couldn’t help but wonder if school work made Emily that busy all the time. Did she always spend so long at school? And even if she did, did she always have to return home that late at night? The fact that her parents barely cared about her was already established but was it that bad? His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he kept on imagining. For some reason, the thought of her being out that late every night made him uneasy, prompting him to finally speak up and bre
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Chapter 28
For the millionth time in barely an hour, Emily typed in the words "zoos near me" into the search bar.She had been rephrasing, retyping and researching over and over again, trying to figure out which zoo was going to be perfect for her and Giovanni to go to. Though zoos had always been a place she really wanted to visit, she never made any actual plans for it, the preparation process suddenly feeling more hectic than she could have thought.She was done with her classes for the day and was simply whiling away time before heading home.Other than that, she was stylishly looking around her, hoping she'd see or run into Tyler at least once.He wasn't present in classes the entire day and like that wasn't strange enough, he wasn't replying to any of her messages or calls, leaving her with no choice but to worry about him."Why does it cost so much to enter a zoo?" she hissed to herself as she tapped on another z00 that seemed close by. “Shouldn't it be-“"Have you finally lost your mind?
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Chapter 29
“One restaurant, another restaurant and a concert?” Giovanni clicked his tongue as he sat in his office, trying to count the amount of dates he and Emily had gone. According to his plans and the contract he had her sign, they were to go on exactly 9 dates before the wedding. Yet from his calculations, he could only count 3. Was that really all or was he forgetting one? “Zoo date.” He quickly added the zoo to the list since they were heading there the following day anyways. Regardless, that still made the total count 4, making him wonder how they were going to manage 5 whole extra dates. Pulling open his drawer, he reached for his own copy of the contract and flipped through it. There had to be something about the dates- specific dates for each ones or how to complete them all before the wedding or just anything related. However before he could go through the contract as thoroughly as he’ll have wanted, he was interrupted by a knock on the his door, August immediately stepping i
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Chapter 30
It was finally the day set for the zoo date and Giovanni couldn’t believe how much of a hurry he was in to finish his work for the day and head over to Emily’s college to pick her up. He was to pick leave his office by 12pm, get to her by 1pm and by 2.30pm, they would be at the zoo. It was a plan he had carefully drafted the day before and in contrast to the plan, he suddenly found himself being extra busy. Despite getting to work exactly 7am, he still had a pile of work to attend to. A pile he couldn’t see himself getting rid of before 12pm.With a groan, he massaged his temples and peered at his laptop screen, his head slowly beginning to ache as a result of staring at screens for so long. He needed a cup of coffee and just as he was about to call for it, the door to his office flew open to reveal August. “You seem busy.” “I am busy,” he replied him, barely sparing him a glance. “Why are you here? I need a cup of coffee so are you here to help me with that?” “That’s not the ac
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