All Chapters of ALPHA FAY: True Bloodline: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
70 Chapters
Chapter 31
Jake walked back to his room fuming with anger, he was visibly shaking. He needed to cool off or else he would end up doing what he would not like. He walked to his window and opened it, he looked outside and it was still evening. It was nowhere close to nighttime or even moonlight. He closed the door angrily and walked back to the bed. He had to do something, something to vent his anger. But there was nothing he could do, nothing apart from running.He did not go to have dinner with the whole family, he did not even have dinner. He was too angry to eat and he did not want to see people. He just lay in his bed, waiting for the moon. He wanted to run under the moonlight, which will help him.The moonlight finally came, full, bright and beautiful. He stood up from the bed and walked out of the house. The night was far gone and a cool soothing breeze brushed his face as the moon was smiling beautifully and brightly down on earth. It was a perfect night to go running. He walked to the w
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Chapter 32
Mystery Jake's foot. He turned around quickly and before the wolf could say jack, he was already gone. Running back to the pack.He got to his room and lay on the bed. He yearned to look into those beautiful orange eyes again, but he was sceptical. Sceptical of the wolf's honesty and sincerity, sceptical of the wolf. He was so afraid of letting another person into his life, that he needed peace.He did not go to that particular woods for some days, he just went running to the woods in which he met Fay. The same woods Fay went running in every night but he made sure to stay in his own lane. But he did not know how or when she got to find him but she did and he was excited seeing those orange eyes again.The night he saw her in the woods again was like every other beautiful night. The moon was shining brightly on the earth and the calm soothing breeze was making its move. Max had been running for a long time and he just made a halt to stop and catch his breath when he heard her behind
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Chapter 33
They did not stop seeing each other after that day. Jake knew the girl was lonely and needed a lot of company and he was like her. A lonely boy too and he too like her, needed a friend he could talk to. In a couple of months, the duo had built a strong friendship. Running in the woods at night, under the moonlight together, hunting together, eating together and helping Irene sneak out of her home. Jake was totally in love with the girl, her wildness and her eyes were striking to him and he hoped each day for the girl to be his mate.Jake stood by the open window. It was late in the night and he was waiting for the full moon to appear so he can meet Irene again. The moon appeared after a while of Jake waiting and he rushed out of the house. He walked through big houses and when he got to Priscilla's house, he went behind the house. Behind the house were three large windows and a small one, Jake walked silently to the open window, which was Irene's. He squatted under the window and wh
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Chapter 34
The moon had disappeared and the sky was getting brighter. They were late, Irene was late in going back home but it did not matter. All that mattered was that they were together, in love with each other and walking hand in hand back to the pack. The pack was quiet and it was because the werewolves were sleeping. Tired from the night's run, they always slept. The love birds walked to Irene's backyard and they kissed before Jake helped Irene climb up the window and into the room, they kissed again through the window and Irene closed her window and went to bed.Walking through the lonely pack and through the big houses, Jake kept whistling and dancing to himself. He was happy, extremely happy. He had just had his first kiss and he could still feel a little bit of the adrenaline rush in his veins. He finally got to his house and he went straight to bed but he could not sleep. He was just up all day, thinking about his kiss with Irene, he loved it. He loved every bit of it.It had been
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Chapter 35
..."He's at work." His mother confirmed.He nodded. He then bent to take the baby from his mother but she refused to give her to him."Food is ready honey. Go to the kitchen, it's in the oven." His mother said.He left her and rushed to the kitchen. The food was there, in the kitchen.**** THREE DAYS LATER ****Back at the pack, Jake woke up on that day happy. He was happy for two things, he would get to have a mate which he hoped would be Irene and secondly, he was happy because Fay was not there. Fay was not there to take the spotlight from him anymore. He had just freshened up, worn fresh clothes and eaten breakfast when his father came into his room.Jake was standing by his window; the sun was up and he was enjoying the view of the pack. His door cracked open without warning and he turned swiftly to see who it was. It was his father and when their blue eyes met, the man smiled at Jake, and Jake smiled back. Jake bowed politely to the man and the man told him to rise, and he
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Chapter 36
BACK AT THE HUMAN TERRITORYFay lay in bed, he was trying to get some rest. But he could not, his thoughts were with Jake. The boy was turning eighteen and Fay wondered what it would be like, he wondered if the boy would be happy and he wondered if the boy would find his mate immediately.Then he thought of the orange-eyed wolf, he hoped with everything in him that the girl would not be Jake's mate. That would be a disaster for everyone in the pack because the girl looked bad and evil. Fay shook his head, clearing the thought of Jake being the girl's mate, he convinced himself that it would never happen.His heart wished Jake a happy birthday and he closed his eyes, allowing the darkness to engulf him.*** BACK AT THE PACK ***While Max, Jake's wolf was racing through the woods, he suddenly perceived a scent, a strong scent of petals and milk. His mate, werewolves perceived the smell of their mates from afar. But the smell was not mild, it was solid and heavy in his nostrils and that
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Chapter 37
She laid down first then Jake joined her, he laid on her and she was under him. Their sore lips locked again in a kiss, a slow and passionate kiss. When they finally broke the kiss, Irene parted her legs and her swollen vagina came in full view to Jake, he looked at it and the pink clitoris stared back. Jake swallowed hard then he looked at the girl, her orange eyes stared back at him."Tell me if you're hurt or it's painful okay," Jake instructed.The girl nodded. Then, Jake positioned himself between the girl's legs and took his shaft into his hands. The long, big flesh in the boy's hand, he directed it into the girl's vagina. Slowly, he pushed the tip of his shaft into her vagina opening but when he pushed further, she yelped in pain. He could see blood coming out of her vagina and he quickly withdrew his shaft which had gone soft with panic. He looked at her and he could see her orange eyes glittering, there were tears in them."I'm sorry." He said.She shook her head, wiping th
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Chapter 38
She was his daughter-in-law now. He looked at him intensively, just the right choice for his son."Talk to your mother child. She would have to understand that you are not a child anymore and she would have to accept my son as her son-in-law." Klein said.The girl looked up at the man, her orange eyes met his blue ones."I would like to stay here with Jake." She replied.The room went quiet, everyone was stunned by the girl's boldness. Klein had no objections, he granted her request then the duo walked out of the room, hand in hand. The room went silent when the couple left, the elders looked at each other but no words were spoken. Yul was the first to leave.Jake was the first to enter the room, he went straight to sit on the bed. He was tired, physically and emotionally. Irene went into the room and stood by the door, she had her hands folded and her gaze was on Jake. The man looked up at her, their eyes met then he stood up and walked to where she stood and wrapped his hands over h
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Chapter 39
She transformed and started walking out of the woods, it was chilly but she needed it. She needed the cold to calm down. She was still walking to the pack when she heard s thud behind her and her heart skipped a beat. She turned swiftly and she saw a wolf, an orange-eyed wolf. She was about to reach out, to reach out to her wolf and release her when the orange-eyed wolf bounced in her immediately, tackling her to the ground. The woman thrashed vigorously under the wolf, fighting it.The wolf did not waste time to get a hold of Priscilla's throat through her fangs. The wolf's fangs sank deep into the woman's throat and pulled out her oesophagus. Satisfied with what she'd done, the wolf left the woman on the floor and walked away.Irene came home immediately after completing her mission. She walked into the big house and it was quiet, she knew it would be quiet since everyone had gone for a run. She walked to Jake's room and went into the bathroom, she took off her clothes and when she
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Chapter 40
She shot the Alpha a glare and walked swiftly out of the room. Jake was about to follow her when his father called him back."Warn her boy, warn her." The Alpha said.Jake only nodded and then walked out of the room."That is why I came to see you," Fay spoke immediately after the duo left the room."Why?" Klein asked."Her. I don't know her name but she is dangerous." Fay said."And you know that because?" Klein asked."Don't you feel that dark aura she gives? She is dangerous, I'm telling you." Fay responded.Klein only laughed."Her name is Irene by the way and doesn't let her hear you say that, she just recently lost her mother," Klein told Fay."Her mother? Who is her mother?" Fay asked."Priscilla. She was found dead in the woods, I did not know the woman had enemies. She did not look like the type to make trouble." Klein said.Fay did not speak anymore. He just stayed with the man for a while, keeping him company. Then he left.When Fay left the man, he walked to the garden. He
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