All Chapters of Luna's comeback from Hell: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
122 Chapters
Chapter 11. Key to get him
Anabelle got back to their house and shut the door loudly with annoyance.The people inside were startled including Vera and Arnold, who were discussing together. Anabelle walked up to them, with a morose face and slumped on the wooden chair. Instantly, Arnold and Vera turned to her, feeling astonished and puzzled. Looking at the decor of the whole house, and the things displayed, it was obvious their status had increased within 10 years after Anita's death. Now, they were known as one of the richest werewolves in the Pack. And since Arnold was part of the council in the Pack, it made their status worthy and respected among all. " Where have you been?" Arnold questioned her immediately, evidently worried. " Anabelle! You told the guards to go on without you. Why? What were you thinking?! You made us worried, and we were even about to start searching for you," Vera said, frowning, as she was dissatisfied with Anabelle's sudden disappearance yesterday. " And tell the Alpha!" Arn
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Chapter 12. Unanticipated
" Idiot! You are crossing the line! This is not your territory!" Violet was so enraged to the extent, she threw her daggers at Anita and rushed towards her! " Forming a fucking rotten Luna, because you saved us?! Who do you think we are?! Morons?! Who will just accept you because you defeated those creatures?! Shameless! I think you need to know what you deserved! I told you, don't try me!" Anita quickly reflexed the dagger and grabbed hold of it, before it could injure anybody else. She lifted her head up and lowered her cold eyes at Violet. " You are a warrior, a lady, and a werewolf, stop acting like a beast!" Then, she threw the dagger back to her before Violet could do anything again. Selene gave Violet a warning look, which made the latter to feel more annoyed, and she growled! " You will regret this!"" Anita!" " Anita!" " Anita!" Unexpectedly, the roars and shouts of the other ladies were heard, which startled Anita including Selene, Violet, Akira, and the rest! An
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Chapter 13. Strange visitor
" What?" Anita was astonished and befuddled upon hearing Selene's reply. " Do you know what you are saying?" Her brows knitted together into a frown. Selene placed her arm on Anita's shoulder, her look turning welcoming the same. " Welcome to the community Luna Anita." Then, she bowed her head slightly in a respectful manner. A smile tugged the corner of Anita's lips, and she nodded. " Thank you." " There is no need for that. Just make sure you don't act in the same way like Goldie." Selene warned her seriously. Anita shook her head negatively. " That's Goldie. I am Anita." " Good." Selene looked away from her. " So what now? Where are we starting from?" Anita's eyes dimmed, instantly turning frosty, to the point where the temperature surrounding her also became chilly. " We have to rebuild this community. It's time to make this community strong and formidable, like a Pack. This is one of the way we can avoid an attack from those strange creatures." She said, a glint of determ
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Chapter 14. Kickass Luna
" Luna Anita, I think this is a time for me to let you know about the special ladies in this community," Akira bowed her head respectfully, before she expressed herself. " This is Jett, Violet's twin sister, and she is one of most skilled fighter in this community." She introduced the lady beside her, who was half arm. Jett stepped forward with a stoical face. " Luna Anita." She greeted respectfully.Anita pressed her lips into a fine thin line, but she nodded. " She will be good for you." Selene added with a smile, referring to Anita. " If you say so." Anita replied and looked away. Akira observed Anita's expression, and she crossed her arms over her chest with a sly smile. " Luna, are you thinking Jett is like her twin sister, Violet?" She inquired out of the blue, startling Anita. Anita snapped her head towards Akira and arched her brows. " No." She responded instantly in a curt manner. Akira just shook her head, " You shouldn't bother. Jett is not like Violet."'Anita'
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Chapter 15. What comes first
Anita strode out of her chamber, with so much courage reflecting from her eyes, and her body oozing of power, grace, and might! She had called for some special ladies to meet her outside. Though, most of the ladies in the community were still busy with the building of their new pack.When Anita got outside of the chamber, most of the special ladies were in awe! They were bewildered and wondered what's more. Well, except only one hard head, Violet. Violet was among the special ladies, that were chosen, but she wasn't pleased with that. She was still annoyed with the happenings currently and didn't want to have anything to do with Anita, the new Luna. Anita didn't give a damn. She stood with so much confidence and grace, as her eyes bored into each and every ladies standing in front of her. Her face appeared like she had never smile before. " Selene, is Goldie imprisoned now?" Selene nodded calmly. " Yes Luna." Anita pointed to Selene, Akira, Jett, and Violet. " You four a
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Chapter 16. The stallion
Again, the unknown thing shone even more to the extent, Anita couldn't deny it, and she realized something was queer. Thus, she decided to take a step forward......Anita tugged through the trees quietly, as her attention was solely on one thing. Her curiosity was piqued, so she couldn't help it. As she drew closer to whatever was emitting a bright light, her heart leaped slightly, but she took a deep breath to calm herself. Unexpectedly, she stepped on a dry twig, that immediately made a snapping sound. This made her to widen her eyes and looked down at the twig, with twisted lips. Lifting up her head again, what caught her eyes next made her lost her breath, and she became speechless! She was threw into a world of trance, to the extent it took her a while before she reacted..There.....a silvery stallion stood majestically, with it awesome and eye-catching sturdy body, that was radiating exceptional strength! The house neighed as soon, as it caught sight of Anita staring at
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Chapter 17. Faires
Anita lifted up her head, and instantly caught sight of something fremd, that made her brows to knit togetherShe was startled with what she just saw. Some pairs of golden lights were roaming around a strange large creature, on space. It was really weird for her, as she had never seen a thing like this before. Suddenly, one of the golden lights, flew towards Anita with a loud noise! Anita stepped forward and spread her hands, so the golden light would land on them. The moment the golden light settled on Anita's palms, it popped unexpectedly, and something like a little being appeared, seemingly like a tiny delicate gleaming fairy. The stallion neighed and also stepped forward, facing the little being, that was keenly staring at Anita. Anita was in awe upon seeing this, but she only got puzzled the more. " You did well, White."' The little being turned to the stallion and smiled at it. " What's going on?" This was when Anita realized the stallion planned this. " Who are y
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Chapter,18. Finding her way back
When Anita, Andrea and White got out of the innermost forest, the former cursed beneath her breath immediately! " Is there any problem?" Andrea flew forward and inquired curiously." My ladies." Anita narrowed her eyes, as they scanned the whole dark forest. Although, it was dark, she could still see things around her with her supernatural eyes. " We were supposed to meet at the exit of the forest, but I didn't. They might think I lost my way." " Oh." Andrea realized the problem now. " But didn't you miss your way already? There is no way White would have found you, if you didn't lost your way." Anita looked up at Andrea and frowned. " Seriously?" Andrea nodded. " C'mon. You are a fairy, you have to lead me out of here. There must be a way!" Anita told Andrea determinedly and whistled to White. " C'mon boy, you will also help." " I will try." Like that, Andrea flew forward, using her wand as a guide. **** It didn't take long again, before the ladies met together at
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Chapter 19. The secret of a dead land
Anita turned to her, noticing her odd expression, and she raised her brows. " What is it Andrea?" Andrea's eyes contracted, and she glanced at Anita....." Let's go. I have to confirm it first," Andrea said and urged them to leave. " Confirm what?" Selene was slightly confused and questioned Andrea. Andrea didn't answer her. She gestured for Anita to get going. Anita pursed her lips but hopped on White, preparing to leave with the rest. The rest of the ladies also did, and soon they were out of the forest. Andrea flew over them as they went back to their community. When they got there, the ladies had stopped the construction of the new pack to take a break , and they were also eagerly anticipating the return of their new Luna. " This is the land?" Andrea's eyes scanned the whole community, and she stabbed her index finger in the air. " Now, I am begining to get suspicious." Akira voiced out and jumped down from her horse. " Is there something we really need to know about th
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Chapter 20. Andrea's help
Instantly, the ladies all turned to Anita, obviously expecting her to say or do something, as the Luna. Anita's eyes turned gloomy, and for the first time since she was awake, she was befuddled on what to do......She bit her lower lip! No, there must be a way! There is always a way! Sensing Anita's confusion and turmoil, Andrea landed on her shoulder gently. " I think I can help." " With?" Anita's tone was sharp, as she tilted her head to face Andrea. " With the fertile land," Andrea unhurriedly replied. " We can then device a way to stop the vampires." Anita pressed her lips but nodded. " Good. I will think of a way to put an end to the attacks." Selene, Akira, and Jett supported this, well except for Violet. She faced Anita, glaring boldly at her, and she warned, " You better do. You are the Luna now, and they are looking up at you, except me! Don't you dare try to do any shit or personally, I will slay you!" She huffed and strode away impudently. Violet's last words
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