All Chapters of Intercepted: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
32 Chapters
As Zakariah dialed a number on his phone, Sarah watched with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. She could only catch snippets of his conversation, but it was clear that he was speaking to someone important—perhaps his brother, given his earlier mention of seeking refuge at his place. As they continued their journey, Zakariah made a brief stop for fuel, hastily purchasing some food for Sarah as they had missed breakfast. Sarah gratefully accepted the meal, her stomach rumbling with hunger as she devoured the food. But their moment of respite was short-lived. As Zakariah paid the bill at the counter, his sharp eyes caught sight of armed rebels surrounding the shop, their menacing presence reflected in the mirror. Without hesitation, Zakariah sprang into action, his hand instinctively reaching for his pistol as he bolted towards their vehicle. "Fuck!" he cursed under his breath, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he raced to start the engine. "What...what is happening?"
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With each passing moment, Zakariah's resolve strengthened, his determination to protect Sarah unwavering in the face of impending danger. As he steered his jeep away from her location, his heart raced with the urgency of their situation. She was his woman, his responsibility, and he would stop at nothing to ensure her safety—even if it meant risking his own life in the process. With a fierce determination driving him forward, Zakariah pushed the limits of his vehicle, pushing it to its maximum speed in a desperate bid to put as much distance between them and their pursuers as possible. But fate had other plans in store, and before long, the strain proves too much for the aging jeep, its engine sputtering and wheezing before finally giving out altogether. Undeterred by the setback, Zakariah's instincts kicked into overdrive as he swiftly assessed the situation. With a quick maneuver, he veered the jeep towards an oncoming black van, the impact sending it careening off the road and in
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Sarah's departure from Zakariah's country marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life. Despite the weight of guilt for Zakariah's capture, she was determined to embrace this second chance at freedom and happiness. She refused to be consumed by regret and instead focused on forging a path forward.With unwavering resolve, Sarah made the bold decision to leave behind her old life completely. She resigned from her job, sold her belongings, and relocated to a new city far from the prying eyes of her past. It was a deliberate choice to obscure her trail, ensuring that no one could trace her back to her previous life. The anonymity of a nondescript town appealed to her, offering a sense of safety and security away from the turmoil of her recent experiences.Sarah understood the fragility of life all too well after enduring months of uncertainty and danger. Rather than dwelling on what had been lost, she embraced the present moment with newfound appreciation. She realized that waiting
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It had been nearly two months since her return, yet something felt amiss. Sarah couldn't shake the constant fatigue and sickness that plagued her days, nor could she stomach even her most beloved foods. The steady decline in her weight was alarming, and her body felt out of sorts, as if something within her was fundamentally wrong. Recognizing the gravity of her symptoms, she resolved to seek answers and scheduled herself for a thorough medical examination. With each passing day, her concerns grew, overshadowing any semblance of normalcy in her life. She couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something serious was amiss, and she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.But right now she had another task at hand and she got herself busy in beautifying herself. She had a date that day. Sarah felt a flutter of excitement as she prepared for her date. Meeting her colleague after hours filled her with anticipation, especially considering his reputation as a charming and
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A few months later,Sarah gave birth to a healthy baby boy.As time passed, Sarah found herself immersed in the joys and challenges of motherhood. Her beautiful baby boy, Adam, brought immense happiness into her life with his golden skin and curly hair. Yet, it was his eyes that captivated her the most—a striking shade of steel grey, inherited from his father. Sarah marveled at the sight of those eyes, a constant reminder of the man who had once been a significant part of her life.Naming him Adam seemed fitting, as he became the apple of everyone's eye, bringing joy and laughter wherever he went. Sarah's parents, devoted grandparents, lived with her, providing love and support as they helped care for the young child. Their presence eased the responsibilities of parenthood, allowing Sarah to balance her career aspirations with the demands of raising a child.Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Sarah navigated the journey of motherhood with determination and love. She was
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"Adi, have you finished your homework?" Sarah's voice reverberated through the modest apartment, cutting through the quiet hum of the late afternoon. She had just returned from her job, the fatigue evident in the lines etched on her face as she found her son, Adam, engrossed in a pile of toys strewn across the living room floor."Mum, I'm playing now," Adam responded, his attention still fixed on the colorful array of toys before him.Sarah sighed softly, the weariness of the day settling heavily upon her shoulders. "Adam, you know you have to finish your homework first," she gently reminded him, her voice tinged with a hint of exasperation."But it's finished already," Adam replied casually, finally tearing his gaze away from his toys to meet his mother's tired eyes.Sarah's eyebrows shot up in surprise, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten as she processed her son's words. "But you just got back from school. When did you finish it?" she asked, a mixture of disbelief and curiosity co
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Sarah stood outside Zakariah's imposing mansion, feeling the weight of exhaustion and apprehension settling upon her shoulders. The journey to reach his home had been long and arduous, spanning borders and time zones, leaving her drained both physically and emotionally. Yet, she knew that the hardest part of her journey still lay ahead. As she stood before the grand entrance, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation wash over her. The enormity of the task before her loomed large, casting a shadow over her already weary spirit. She took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of courage within her, reminding herself of the purpose that had driven her to this doorstep. With a trembling hand, Sarah raised it to knock on the door, the sound echoing through the silent air like a thunderclap. Each rap against the wood felt like a hammer blow to her heart, a stark reminder of the stakes involved in this encounter. But she knew that for the sake of her son, she had to press forward,
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"I want you," he said, his voice firm and unwavering as he looked deeply into her eyes, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and determination, daring her to refuse him.Sarah felt a surge of shock at his words, her mind reeling with the implications of what he was suggesting. She knew he was serious, and she also knew that he was capable of stooping to any level to get what he wanted. But this...she wasn’t prepared for this.He wanted to test her loyalty, to see how far she would go for her son. Would she betray her husband as well, just to save her child?"I had missed fucking you...all these years," he continued, his voice low and husky as he traced his finger along her neck and down to the exposed skin of her cleavage. The touch sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire within her that she had long thought extinguished.Sarah's heart raced at his words and his touch, her body responding instinctively to his proximity. It had been so long since they had been this close, so i
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'He is your son, Zakariah ', she finally revealed the truth in a hoarse voice.Zakariah stilled in his tracks.My son!He was still trying to process her words.He turned to look back at her, furrowed forehead, and his burning eyes held questions for her!She quickly opened the file, which she carried with her, and took out a photograph.'His name is Adam, and he is five years old', Sarah said and extended her arm towards him to look at it.Zakariah's hand trembled slightly as he stared at the photograph in his hands, his emotions swirling like a tempest within him. The image depicted a smiling young boy, his steel-grey eyes a striking reminder of their shared bloodline. It was a paternity that needed no DNA test to confirm. Adam. His son. Five years old. Five years of his life had passed without the slightest inkling that he had a child. He scrutinized the photo, noting the resemblance between himself and the boy, save for Adam's straight nose and brighter skin tone inherited from h
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Nightfall draped its shroud over the world as they finally arrived at Sarah's place, weary from the journey. With a simple meal to nourish them, Sarah busied herself arranging accommodations for him in the guest room, adjacent to Adam's quarters. She could already imagine the curiosity gleaming in his eyes as he explored his new surroundings, a familiarity born from her own past experiences with desperation.Zakariah found himself drawn to his son's belongings, each item a poignant reminder of the life he had missed. Framed photographs adorned the walls, capturing moments from Adam's life—a kaleidoscope of birthdays, school days, and family outings frozen in time. A smile tugged at Zakariah's lips as he took in the sight of his son's room, adorned with medals and trophies that spoke volumes of his achievements at such a tender age. "How old is he...5?" he mused, his heart swelling with pride at the thought.Yet, amidst the joyous memories, a pang of sorrow gripped Zakariah's heart as
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