All Chapters of The Billionaire's Unexpected Soulmate.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Chapter 11
Damian.The day had been long and tumultuous at the office, with one challenge after another. As the evening sun dipped below the city's skyline, casting a warm golden glow across the streets, I decided to unwind with my best friend, Godwin.Godwin and I had been inseparable since our college days. We'd shared countless memories, from late-night cramming sessions to adventurous road trips. Now, amidst the chaos of adult life, our friendship remained a steadfast anchor.Tonight, however, there was a shadow looming over Godwin. His usual cheerful demeanor had been replaced by a cloud of melancholy. He'd been in a relationship with his fiancée for five years, and it was evident that something was amiss.We settled into a cozy corner of our favorite bar, the soft jazz music providing a soothing backdrop to our conversation. I couldn't help but notice the weariness etched into Godwin's face as he stared into his half-empty glass."Hey, buddy," I began, my concern evident in my voice. "You
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Chapter 12
SERENAAs I walked into my studio that morning, I couldn't help but notice the stunning bouquet on my desk. The vibrant colors and sweet fragrance filled the room, instantly brightening my day. A small envelope with my name delicately written on it was nestled among the flowers. My heart raced with anticipation as I carefully opened it. Inside, I found a note, handwritten with care. It read, "Get ready for a magical evening, my dear Serena. Dinner at 7 pm, and the driver will pick you up. With love, Damian." A rush of excitement coursed through me. Damian had planned a surprise dinner for us, and the thought of spending an evening together, just the two of us, filled me with joy. I glanced at the clock on the wall, realizing that I had an entire day of work ahead of me before our date.The hours seemed to drag on as I worked on my art, my mind wandering to the evening ahead. I couldn't help but daydream about where Damian might be taking me, what kind of restaurant or place he had in
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Chapter 13
He took his seat in front of me, a cocky grin on his face."Hey, take it easy, baby, sit down," he said, his tone almost mocking.“Not the face you were expecting to see, huh?” He continued, his fingers casually playing with the ring on his middle finger.“I’ve missed you, baby,” he declared, his words dripping with an unsettling familiarity.That was the moment I managed to recover from the shock. My eyes narrowed, and I shot back, “How did you know about Damian?” I tried my best to conceal my nervousness. "You better not hurt him," I added, my voice now laced with a hint of anger.Wait a minute, I thought he was in prison for a life sentence. How did he get out, and when did this happen? Has he been stalking me? These thoughts raced through my mind as I confronted the person from my past.“What do you want?" I demanded, my tone firm. "I told you we were done," I declared. "And how did you get out of prison?”“Baby girl, don't get ahead of yourself, okay?" he said dismissively. “I see
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Chapter 14
There he stood, Owen, his eyes dark and filled with a menacing glint that sent a shiver down my spine. "What are you doing here?" I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger. But Owen, ever the master of manipulation, simply smirked in response. "I just wanted to see you, baby," he said smoothly, as if his mere presence in my home was some kind of privilege. I could feel the rage bubbling up inside me, threatening to spill over like a pot boiling over on the stove. Without a second thought, I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him outside, my heart pounding in my chest with every step. I needed him gone, out of my life for good. But as I pushed him towards the door, Owen's demeanor shifted, his eyes narrowing with a dangerous intensity. "You better watch yourself, Serena," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "If you get on my wrong side, your precious Damian won't be safe." “I want us to meet tonight and you know better than to say no” he said The
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Chapter 15
Damian's phone buzzed with a notification, and his heart sank as he saw Marah's name attached to a video message. With a sense of dread, he tapped on the notification and watched as the video played out before him. His worst fears were confirmed as he saw the footage of two figures entwined in a passionate embrace, their faces obscured from view. A surge of anger coursed through Damian's veins as he realized the implications of what he was seeing. Before he could even process his emotions, his phone rang, and he saw Marah's name flashing on the screen. With a deep breath, he answered the call, steeling himself for whatever manipulation she had planned. "Hey, Damian, did you like my little gift?" Marah's voice oozed with faux innocence, a sickeningly sweet tone that grated on Damian's nerves. Damian's jaw clenched as he struggled to contain his anger. "You think this is some kind of joke?" he snapped; his voice laced with fury. Marah chuckled on the other end of the line, her amus
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Chapter 16
SerenaSerena's entrance into the bar was met with a cacophony of noises and a whirlwind of activities that filled the air. The scents in the room were a mix of alcohol and sweat, with the smoky fragrance of food grilling in the kitchen adding to the sensory experience. The dim lighting in the bar created a moody ambiance, with shadows dancing across the room, adding an air of mystery. The bar was a bustling hub of activity, with patrons engaged in conversations, laughter, and clinking glasses, all blending into a joyful symphony. The jukebox in the corner of the room played lively tunes, punctuated by the sound of glasses clinking and the occasional burst of raucous laughter. The decor of the bar was rustic yet cozy, with exposed brick walls adorned with vintage posters and neon signs that added a unique touch to the ambiance. The wooden bar that stretched along one side of the room was lined with patrons chatting and sipping on their drinks, providing a sense of intimacy. Behind the
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Chapter 17
Damian was driving towards the airport with a mixture of anticipation and concern. He was going to pick up his cousin Fiona, who held a special place in his heart, almost like a younger sister. As he drove, memories flooded back to him of a time when Fiona's innocence had been shattered by a cruel act of jealousy. Damian couldn't forget the incident that had caused Fiona to leave the country at such a young age. His childhood friend, Marah, had committed an unspeakable act against Fiona that still haunts Damian to this day. They were only fifteen of them at the time and were having a sleepover like any other pair of friends. However, what should have been a night of laughter and bonding turned into a nightmare. Marah, consumed by envy and spite, had taken her jealousy to a new level. In a fit of rage, she had mercilessly chopped off Fiona's long, beautiful black hair, hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall of ebony silk. It was a senseless act of cruelty, driven by Marah'
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Chapter 18
"Oh, your hair grew back” was the first thing that left Marah's mouth after being silent for a minute or two. poor thinking I thought to himself, Is there a brain in that head of hers at all? How could that be the only thing that came out of her mouth? Dad was there and Mom had just stepped out of the kitchen, the shock on their faces was visible. As Marah's words hung in the air, I felt a wave of frustration wash over me. How could she be so oblivious to the tension in the room? Her shallow comment about Fiona's hair felt like a slap in the face, especially given our history with her. I exchanged a quick glance with Dad, who looked equally taken aback, while Mom's expression turned from surprise to concern. I cleared my throat, trying to maintain my composure despite the rising anger within me. "Marah, what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice sharper than I intended. It took all my willpower not to lash out at her for dredging up painful memories. Marah flashed me a saccharine
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Chapter 19
Serena As Owen's words hung in the air, Serena felt a surge of panic and unease wash over her. She couldn't believe that he had tracked her down after all these years, especially now that she had finally moved on with Damian. But she knew better than to underestimate Owen's manipulative nature, and she braced herself for whatever he had in store. Summoning all her courage, Serena took a deep breath and met Owen's gaze with steely determination. "I'm sorry about how things ended between us in the past," she began, her voice steady despite the tremor in her heart. "But I've moved on, Owen. I'm with Damian now, and there's nothing you can do to change that." She pleaded with him to let her go and put an end to this twisted game he was playing. "We can still be friends, Owen," she said, her voice softening with genuine concern. "For old times' sake. But you need to understand that I've moved on, and I'm happy now. Please, don't make this any harder than it needs to be." But as she loo
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Chapter 20
Owen Owen rushed to her side before her head reached the ground. Ignoring the stares of passersby, Owen carefully placed Serena in the backseat and instructed his guard to retrieve her purse. Upon their arrival, Owen wasted no time explaining the situation to the medical staff, his voice steady. The doctors quickly sprang into action, assessing Serena's condition and running a battery of tests to determine the cause of her collapse. As Owen paced anxiously in the waiting room, his thoughts were consumed by Serena's well-being. He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him, knowing that what he had said earlier had led her into danger once again. As Serena lay unconscious in the hospital bed, Owen's mind raced with memories of their early dates. He vividly recalled the terrifying moment when Serena collapsed after biting into something hard, her body going limp in his arms. At the time, he had been filled with panic and confusion, unsure of what had caused Serena's sudd
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