All Chapters of Rejected And Banished With His Triplets: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
193 Chapters
Kai's POVA week has gone by already since I asked Nadia to marry me and become my Luna. I sat on the edge of my couch in my room, the weight of the upcoming ceremony heavy on my shoulders. Exactly two years ago, I was seated in this exact same spot, getting ready to swear my love and devotion to Alana as wife and future Luna. Everything was just like yesterday. The raw emotion I had felt, the pure joy that had was a total contrast to what I feel now.Today was the day I would officially make Nadia my Luna but I don’t feel anything. No rush of excitement or eagerness to go down and meet anyone. Adam was here a while ago to remind them it was time but I just couldn’t get myself to stand up and go.Maybe I’m wrong to want to commit to her when I feel nothing for her but the pack needs a Luna and can’t be put off much longer. The responsibility of being the Alpha was not something I took lightly, but it didn’t change the fact that, the thought of the ceremony that was about to take pla
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Kai’s POV I took a step toward her, my voice barely more than a whisper as I finally let her name slip passed my parted lip, "Alana." I noticed her hand twitched slightly at the mention of her name. She seemed just as stunned as I was, her eyes widening only an inch as she looked at me. Her lips parted slightly, causing my heart to skip a beat when I heard my name tumble from her mouth in a whisper but I heard it all the same, a fragile but undeniable connection between us still. The world around us seem to fade into the background as we continued to lock eyes, and in that spilt moment, it was as if we were the only two people in the world. The past, the present, and the uncertain future all submerged in that singular gaze, and I knew right at the core of my being that nothing would ever be the same again. As I stood there feeling my heart divide between my duty to the pack/ woman I had just swore to be with and the undeniable pull of my past, I couldn't help but wonder what Alana'
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Alana POVI stood there frozen with Kai’s arms still wrapped tightly around my bosom. I couldn’t believe my luck. Everything was unfolding before my eyes in a way I had never thought or expected. I was ewe struck and left dumbfounded.Things were turning out much better than I even thought possible. I never imagined, he would accept me back into the pack with open arms nor did I dream it would be this smooth and easy going, I had expected a lot of opposition and names calling but so far so good, everything seems to be going the exact opposite of it all.Kai, the same one whom I had come to eliminate, still wanted me with such desperation and plea. The sheer acceptance and vulnerability in this moment was something I never saw coming. In fact, his reaction to my unexpected return was a rare opportunity, a once in a lifetime chance for me to end him and return back to Oceanic pack with his head as proof of my loyalty to Alpha Klaus. But doubts and hesitation began to set in at the last
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Alana POV I stood in the dimly lit living room of my parent old house later that night, the memories of my childhood flooding into my mind like a tidal wave. Everything was still the way I had left it that day, though a little dusty and covered in cobwebs but nothing has been moved from its original position. Kai had insisted I stay back at one of the guest room in the pack house for the night but I had declined. It’s no doubt he seem concerned for my well-being, but I’d rather be in my old place than anywhere else. I had to be here, in this place that held so many things for me, both good and bad. This was home._my home with everything in it. The fireplace look death with burned out logs and ashes, just like my own memories. Everything feels odd and nostalgic at the same time. As I moved through the old and shattered remains of my home and past life, tears swelled up in my eyes. It was truly hard to believe that I was back here. The same place I had spent most of my childhood yea
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Alana's POVI woke up the next morning with the memory of all that happened the previous night, flashing through my mind. Getting out of bed, I showered and got ready before stepping into the familiar pack house, determination coursing through me.My heart raced as I approached Kai's office, my foot steps lightweight and calculative against the polish marble floor.I was about to make a decision that would change the course of my mission for either good or bad, but certainly for good. As I entered the hallway, I met with some unfamiliar guards stationed at the door. One of them ask for my name before he went inside to inform him of my lingering presence at the door."Sorry for the interruption, Alpha but someone is here to see you”“I’m not available to see anyone” I overheard Kai growled back at the guard before I heard retreating footsteps, “Wait!, does this person have a name?”“It’s Alana Brooks, sir. She is demanding to see you"“Let her in" Kai's reply was almost immediate, caus
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Alana's POV Emotions swirled within me and causing a knot to form in my stomach as I found myself with tears filled eyes and realizing how much I was still undoubtedly drawn to the man standing before me. Those piercing blue eyes of his has always pulled me towards him, time and time again in the past and now standing here before him, I couldn't control myself nor could I get myself to look away. I was literally frozen at the spot, feeling my control slowly slipping away from me. "Here," I muttered under my breath, extending the delicate crystal towards him, attempting to hand it back, "I really can't have this, you should keep it. I don't want it" I said pushing the box back into his hands. His smile fell almost immediately, my refusal unexpected. "It's yours, Alana. I mean it’s coming late but it’s really yours" He said with a slight frown. “But I do not want it” I snapped. "Well then, If you don’t want it then you can throw it away" he continued, emotions twirling in his eye
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Alana POV “Well! Well!! Well!!! If it isn’t the bitch that just returned from the land of the dead?” He started, his eyes berating me from the crown of my head and down to my toe. “It’s quite a pleasure to find you here” “I wish I can say the pleasure is also mine, Gaby boy” my voice taunting and almost degrading. At my word, his smile twisted into an angry snarl as he charged toward me with clenched fist. I watched with eyes narrowed into slit as Gabriel slowly approaches, each step, that of a predator closing in on his scared little prey. His dark and unwanted presence sending red warning flags down my whole being. My heart raced with adrenaline rushing through me. My fingers trembled with anticipation as I discreetly reached under the folds of my gown for the comforting weight of my hidden dagger. The last time I had crossed paths with Gabriel, it had nearly cost me my life. But fate had allowed oceanic wolf to cross path with me, saving me and now, here we were, standing in t
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Kai’s POVIt’s been an hour since Alana storm out of my room but I still can’t bring myself to shake her thought out of my head. My whole thoughts was still consumed by Alana. Her angry words, Her fierce gaze as she threw them at me still lingered in my mind like a haunting melody. I shouldn’t have gone that far but I couldn’t help myself and let my emotions get the best of me. I was still consumed by an unfulfilled longing burning deep within my chest for her. Ever since her reappearance in my life, I have this unquenchable yearning to have her back in my arms, to feel the warmth of her embrace once more. My heart still aches with each passing moment she remained distant and away from me. Every time I see her, my mind reel with thought on how to get her back for good and each time I try, I just seem to push her away even more. After she stepped into my office early this morning, for a second back there, I actually thought she had come to say good bye until she said the very word
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Alana's POV Three days has passed since my return to the pack. After my last encounter with Kai back in his room that morning, I had decided to avoid every form of contact with him, at least not while I was still trying to figure out my next move. After spending the whole day surveying the pack border unnoticed, my heart thudding quietly in my chest as I briskly walked home through the lonely path. The atmosphere tonight was a bit windy, causing the leaves in the nearby bushes to rustle gently to the wind. As I continued to walk further down the part stretched out before me, my parent house start to come into view, forcing me to quicken my steps some more. As I drew closer, i couldn't shake the feeling that i was being followed, a realization that soon sent warning shivers down my spine. Half way through, I broke into a sprint, my senses already on heightened alert. I instinctively reached for the hilt of my dagger strapped onto my thighs. I didn’t dare to turn around, instead, i
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Kai's POVMy heart pounded in my chest as I stood dumbfounded, my locked eyes with Alana fierce ones. Her once shy gaze now held a fiery intensity that sent warning signal down my spine and alerting my wolf almost immediately. Moment ago, we were almost about to kiss as there was an undeniable force that still pulled our body towards each other and just like that, all of the attraction was been replaced with something savage and almost carnal. I couldn't understand why she was acting so enraged all of a sudden but I wanted to find out, needed to know what was going on with her. I took a step closer and was about to take her hand in mine when, suddenly, Alana's wolf form exploded into motion. Claws extended and charging toward me. I braced myself for her attack, ready to defend myself without a doubt but to my uttermost shock, instead of coming directly at me as I had expected, she moved to the side at the last moment, her massive wolf body colliding with another figure that seem to
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