All Chapters of Contracted: Love In The Shadow: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
86 Chapters
Chapter 21 - "Awakening Desires"
Lucian heaved a sigh, deliberately brushing off the man who stood in the doorway, his gaze fixed on him. He had no need for prophetic insight to deduce Jake's thoughts, but in all honesty, did he even care?"HELL NO!" he answered that question in his mind, dismissing the concern over Jake's musings. His thoughts were preoccupied with far weightier matters than any assumptions Jake might harbor.His eyes returned to the document, another sigh escaping his lips. Ah, yes. The document held fragments of information that were still alien to him, a puzzle he was keen on deciphering. Yet, these details merely scratched the surface of what he truly sought. They recounted her experiences and actions subsequent to becoming an IED patient. What he yearned for was a glimpse into her life before the rage and chaos took over, particularly the incident that sparked her flight from home.But alas, no matter how many resources he poured into the search, the information he sought remained elusive. Undo
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Chapter 22: Unveiling Shadows
Lucian stared at her, confused. "What do you mean, who am I?" he questioned. "You don't know who I am?" he asked, shocked. "No, I don't," she replied with a serious face. "I'm quite puzzled to find unfamiliar faces as the first thing I'm seeing after waking up," she continued. "But where is Lucy and Roman?" she asked, glancing around. "They're supposed to be here." "Who is she asking for?" Lucian wondered aloud, his gaze fixed on her. Her accent is... "Jake, do you want to explain what's going on?" Lucian demanded, not taking his eyes off her. "Well, the fact that she doesn't recognize you and the change in her accent could be an after-effect of the drug she took," Jake sighed and stepped forward. "It could indicate a relapsed memory. She can't recall anything." he added with a frown "If that's the case, why the sudden personality change, and why is she asking for people I don't know?" Lucian inquired further. "Just because you don't know them doesn't mean she doesn't," Jake repli
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Chapter 23 - Echoes of Unspoken Fears
As the moments unfolded, a rush of memories surged back to me, vivid and intense. The aftermath of these memories played out before my mind's eye, each moment carefully replayed as if it had just happened. I wanted to safeguard the surge of my sanity, to keep it hidden for as long as possible. But it was evident that everyone present, even the maid, sensed the shift in my mental state. Would that be alright, though? If he realizes that I'm not fit to be his wife, would he let me go? Yes, that thought had crossed my mind. Yet, in those brief moments of memory lapse, he didn’t abandon me or treat me with hatred. Instead, I recalled the care he showed me. He easily could have been mistaken for a real husband. Now, looking at his concerned face, I felt bewildered. He should release me. "Yes, I'm okay," I replied to him as he gently guided me to the bed. Lucian joined me but remained quiet. He signalled to Jake, who approached with his medical equipment. During the doctor's examination,
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Chapter 24 - Alliance of Vengeance
“You’re very quiet, hope you are not mad?” Lucian asked, attempting to initiate a conversation. “Is there a reason for me to be?” she replied with a question. “Well … I suppose,” he responded. I stared at him for a few minutes before speaking again. “Why do you suppose so?” I questioned without looking at him. Lucian remained quiet, undoubtedly searching for the perfect excuse, but that didn’t matter anymore. The cat was already out of the bag; there was no need to act all high and mighty. “Look, Mr. Creed, you …” “My apologies,” he blurted out, cutting me off. “What?” He sighed loudly, “Look, I know you wanted to keep that part of your life a secret. I mean IED is not something you share with others.” “And yet, you knew about it. Not just you, but the entire household,” I spat out. “I guess you really did dig up a lot about me.” “Not that much, and on the contrary, it’s just the four of us,” he replied. “I take it the ‘four of us’ means Josie the maid is included?” “Yes,
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Chapter 25 - The Intricate Dance of Strategy
In the dimly lit room, the weight of our collaboration hung in the air like a delicate dance of shadows. Lucian Creed's attention had been ensnared, and now I found myself entwined in a plan of uncertain outcomes. His intentions mirrored mine – a calculated symbiosis, a dangerous alliance shrouded in intrigue. As the firelight flickered, our pact unfolded, revealing a path fraught with risk and possibility. "It's ironic," I began, "how the aroma of raw hard cash is the only scent potent enough to lure Nicholas Dolman from his hole." Lucian's response was swift, his tone measured. "Not unlike my own theory," he mused. "But it different," I countered, eyes locking with his. "For this plan to succeed, it demands both our co-operations. My father likely believes I've been bartered away or enslaved. Little does he know, I'm poised to live as a true Creed wife – relishing opulence, wielding influence?" "Very well," he responded, a quizzical eyebrow arcing upward as his curiosity was und
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Chapter 26 - Veil of Emotions
Lucian found himself standing at the entrance of the lounge, lost in the labyrinth of his thoughts. His gaze was fixed on Jake, yet his mind seemed to be wandering in some distant realm, disconnected from the present moment. It was as if he was looking right through Jake, his vision clouded by the fog of contemplation. Breaking through the boundaries of Lucian's mind, Jake's voice cut through the mental haze. With a playful wave of his hand, he beckoned Lucian back to reality. "Earth to Lucian," he called out, a grin playing on his lips as he tried to bridge the gap between their worlds. Startled, Lucian blinked and refocused his attention on Jake. His brow furrowed slightly as he tried to grasp the transition from his inner musings to the external scene before him. "What?" Lucian responded, his voice a tad dazed as he shook off the remnants of his daydream. "What are you doing?" he inquired, a genuine curiosity lacing his words as he sought to reconnect with the present conversatio
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Chapter 27 - Secrets That Bind
Just as Jake had advised, Lucian was spending enough time with Mira.They talked about the plan to bring Nick down, stretching it further. Along the line, they ended up talking about each other and their separate families. At first, he didn’t think the information was necessary, but as time went on, he soon found out that he had no choice in the matter. Answers to her questions just kept coming out of his mouth naturally, as if it was always meant to be. All of a sudden, the idea to be close with her no longer disgust him. “So, you’re okay with doing it my way?” I asked him.“Well, compared to the brutal plan I had, yours seemed better,” he replied.“Brutal?”"Yes, but I just realized now that killing him would be a waste. It's better to make him suffer first, and then make him suffer more, even when he begs for it," he ended. "And if possible, I would love to kill him even more in death."“That sounds comforting,” I responded to him with a laugh.“I’m glad you liked it because I sur
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Chapter 28 – A Tangle of Plans and White Gowns
Just like Lucian said the next morning, Josie and the other maids came knocking on my door. At first, I decided to ignore whoever was behind the door. It was too early, and I was too exhausted to move. Last night was way too super freaky for me to be moving up and down. The thought of going berserk again was eating at my consciousness. But even when I decided not to move, it didn't stop whoever was at the door from knocking. Irritated, I hurried and opened the door. "Just what the heck do you want?" I demanded, staring right at Josie and ignoring the other two. "Good morning, Ma'am," Josie greeted with a smile, ignoring my annoyed expression. Sighing, I snapped, "Just tell me what you want. I don't have time to play housewife." "Oh, we are sorry for disturbing your slumber," she suddenly apologized, glancing at the other two knuckleheads who were obviously yawning disgustingly, evidence that they too got out of bed too early. But I couldn’t care less. "Josie," I called with no hin
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Chapter 29 - Glimpses of Bride hood
Sighing, I can't believe I'm hoping for a better gown when I should be calling this whole thing stupid. Ignoring their sudden outburst, I sat down and faced the big light mirror, staring at my reflection as the maids got busy with my hair and make-up. Seriously, God is amazing... how in heaven did he create human beings, especially girls? I questioned. For the past weeks, I looked like someone who just got out of a mental hospital, which, by the way, is the truth. I even tried to apply a little makeup to my face just in case Lucian came into my room, but right now, staring at my own reflection, I look like a goddess, just after a few brush strokes. "Damn, I look good," I whispered, and Josie smiled. "Yes, Ma'am! You're beautiful, and you should keep looking like this…" she said and added, "I mean no offense with that... It's just since you married Mr. Creed, I haven't seen you going out shopping or even dressing fancy like... you know." With raised eyebrows, I replied from the mi
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Chapter 30 – The Captivating Charade
As Mira commenced her descent, Jake's gaze was captivated by her. He couldn't help but experience a sudden jolt of surprise at her transformation. Despite her sometimes unpredictable nature, there was an undeniable allure to her as she moved gracefully down the stairs. Absolutely, I'd be delighted to add a touch of comedic flair to the interaction: He approached Lucian, his voice laced with a hint of genuine appreciation, and greeted, "Hey!" Lucian's response was a nonchalant, "What?" "Ah, I see we're not exactly embracing the 'happily ever after' spirit today," Jake quipped, a playful glint in his eyes. Rolling his eyes, Lucian clarified, "Jake, it's not a wedding. Just a photo shoots." "Well, my dear Lucian, semantics aside, you've managed to snag a bride-to-be who is, I must say, absolutely breath-taking," Jake remarked, his gaze trailing in the direction of Lucian's fixed attention—the cameraman. Lucian's brow furrowed in bewilderment. “Seriously, what are you talking abou
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