All Chapters of Fearless Human Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
99 Chapters
Spencer turned to look at what she saw. In the little valley stood a small cabin with the side wholly torn down. It looked as if something smashed the side of the cabin to the ground. With Spencer's help, Lottie returned to her feet and walked toward the cabin, but Spencer stopped her. "No, you stay here, Lottie. Let me check it out first," Spencer said, heading towards the cabin. From the scents in the air, he could tell there was blood from a human and a werewolf. He made it to the crumbling wall and peeked inside. There was nothing there but a bedroom set up. Pieces of the ceiling were scattered on the floor, but nothing else seemed to be destroyed. Spencer turned to see Lottie looking apprehensive, but he was glad she stayed put."I'll be back as soon as possible," he linked her. She didn't respond, but he saw her nod before he headed inside. The smell of blood increased as he approached the door leading into a hallway. He kept his ears perked for any sounds or motions before
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Waking Up
"Ah," Xenia screamed and sat up. "Owwww." Her body felt sore as she brought her hand to her head. Her vision was blurry as she looked at her surroundings. Wait, where am I? she wondered. It took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the light coming from the windows, and she realized she was in a bed. Remembering Barrick, she quickly jumped out of the covers. The massive headache she had was keeping her from remembering anything. She looked down and saw her teddy was still covered in dirt and blood. There was a glass of water near a lamp on the bedside table, and she quickly drank it, unaware of how thirsty she was. Her room was big, way bigger than her entire cabin. The light shined on the amber-colored walls, matching the polished hardwood floors. There was a huge painting over the bed of a beautiful blue-eyed woman. Her hair fell in golden waves over her shoulders, down the crimson red dress. On her face was a smile carved out of beautiful red lips. She looks familiar, Xenia
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The First Attempt
Xenia looked for a place to hide but gave up and climbed back into bed. The glass on the bedside was filled with water. So, she quickly drank it and hid the glass under the covers. She didn't know what or who to expect, but she wanted to be prepared. She focused on calming her pulse before lying back down. It took a minute for the person to come into the room. She could hear the rickety sound of a cart being pushed across the floor. It stopped near the front of the bed. By the footsteps, she knew it was at least two people. They continued to busy themselves around the room, and she could hear someone running water. Then, a hand caressed the side of her face. "I know you're not asleep, Xenia." Him. Xenia gripped the covers and slowly opened her eyes to see him beside her bedside. He sat down as she sat up and watched him cautiously. Two other women were in the room with them, so Xenia felt some relief. She didn't want to be alone with him. One woman moved things in and out of
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Getting Acclimated
What's more embarrassing than fighting and screaming at someone trying to put you in a bath? Having another person watch you being manhandled like a child, and there was nothing you could do about it. Jane ducked her head and brought her hand to her lips to hide the smile on her face as Mason carried a fighting Xenia to the tub. There were times when Xenia could slip away, and Jane couldn't help but giggle when Xenia found things to throw at Mason. After a few minutes, Mason finally got Xenia to the tub. He lowered her, teddy and all, into the water. It was hot and soothing, and the moment her body hit the water, Xenia went utterly still. There was a sense of calm flowing through her body out of nowhere. All her worries disappeared, and nothing was left but peace. It scared but delighted her at the same time. "See, that wasn't so bad now, was it," Mason huffed out before standing. Xenia wanted to frown at him, but her body was too relaxed, and his voice was pleasant as she
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To Eat Or Not To Eat
Jane lifted the lid, and a cornucopia of smells filled Xenia's nose. She looked down at the plate of meats and veggies piled up and could feel herself salivating. She would've dug in, but the thought of Barrick poisoning her flashed in her mind. What if he did something to the food? She wondered, looking at Mason. "Eat," Mason ordered. "You're going to need your strength if you're going to continue to try to escape." She could see a faint smile on his face. Yeah, he definitely did something to it. She made a big show of pushing the plate away from her. Almost causing it to fall off the table. Jane rushed over to push the plate back to the middle before stepping back. Mason sighed. "Xenia-" "Don't," Xenia snapped at him. "Don't say my name like we're friends. You don't know me." Xenia turned away from him, and soon after, she could hear him moving toward her. Yes, come closer, you bastard! "You're right. I do not know you, but I could hear your hunger even from miles away." X
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Not So Hidden Threat
The moment the door closed, Xenia fell to the floor, a bit shaken. She took measured breaths to try to stop her body from trembling. She zoned out thinking about her situation until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped, pulling her fist back, ready to pounce, when she realized it was Jane. The girl looked as white as a ghost, cowering away from Xenia. A momentary flash of guilt came across Xenia's face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Luna," Jane shrieked. "I brought fresh food and water." Xenia didn't realize she had so much tension in her body, especially when he was around. Still, she didn't eat the food. Instead, she walked over to the bench and looked out the window. Her body felt hot, and the coldness of the pane was soothing. She waited a moment before addressing Jane. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jump at you," Xenia said, walking over to the table. Jane gave her a small smile as Xenia looked at the food. She slowly started to eat, hoping that it was poison. That would be bett
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The Sisters
Mason sat in a dark cave surrounded by lit candles. He has been here for hours trying to contact the Three Sisters. The room was moist from the spring running through the cave into a small waterfall leading outside. He took a knife to his palm, dropping his blood over the crystal inside the circle as he chanted. A moment later, the fire from the candle simmered down, and the only light came from the cave's entrance. Then suddenly, the flame from the candle exploded with dark shadows billowing around like a dance. Mason barely moved or showed any reaction to the display. "Ah, little Alpha Mason." "How sweet of you to call." "Missing us already." The shadow changed its appearance with each voice looming over him. He rolled his eyes, wanting this conversation to be over already. He didn't have time for pleasantries, nor did he like witches. They were…unreliable. Only a few weeks away from the Blue Moon, and he couldn't afford any distractions. "Aww…you didn't like our light displ
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Impossible Task
Mason left the cave feeling irritated as thoughts of Xenia flashed in his mind. He remembered finding her lying across the floor the other day as if she had decided to nap there. Then he saw the box glowing on the table and wondered if she had done something to it. He stared at her for a moment. She looked so peaceful, with her hair framing her face.He picked her up and laid her back in bed. He pushed her hair out of her face and caressed a hand down to her cheek. She sighed and leaned into his hand. The pull of the bond was clouding his mind, making him want to lie beside her and hold her. But he had to quickly pull away before Rodin got any ideas.Now, the Sisters wanted him to mark her, which only meant their bond would become stronger and controlling Rodin would become more challenging. He sighed as he walked up the steps through the door leading to the packhouse from the caverns. He made sure it was locked before walking into his office. Not a moment after sitting down, his offi
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The Kitchen Women
Xenia opened her eyes and immediately tensed up when she felt a presence near her. She thought she saw him staring down at her, so she quickly sat up in bed, and the image disappeared. But, unfortunately, it did scare poor Jane, who was standing at her bedside. "Sorry, Luna. I was only trying to wake you." She walked to the front of the bed with her head hung low while Xenia climbed out. "I brought these clothes for you to wear. We are still working on getting some that fit better but-" A knock on the door interrupted Jane as she walked over to it and opened it. Xenia walked around the bed to see who she was talking to. Someone whispered something before Jane opened the door to let them in. "Luna." The woman bowed slightly before flocking over to Xenia with a tape measure. She quickly measured her before Xenia could get a word out. She wrote down everything in a little book before turning Xenia around to size her up. She stepped back to give Xenia one more look. "Hmm, more fabric,
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The Need to Leave
Xenia remembered Lottie telling her about her mate, Spencer. There was something between them she couldn't explain, but she knew she wanted to be with him. Xenia thought it was love at first sight, but maybe it was this bond. It would explain the connection she had with Mason on their first encounter. How he takes over her mind when he enters a room, how her skin feels when he touches her, and the intensity in his eyes like he wants to… "No," Xenia yelled. "I'm not his mate!" She didn't care that all the women looked at her with shocked expressions. "And I'm not staying here to become one either." The women looked at each other before laughing, which made Xenia angry, ruining a few eggs. Lacey grabbed Xenia's chin and angled it at a diagonal. "Well, I don't see a mark, so that's good news. For now." "Mark? I don't understand." "Humans," Lacey said, rolling her eyes. "When a werewolf finds their mate, they mark them right here," Lacey said, touching her neck. "It's to let others k
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