All Chapters of THE AMAZING HEIRESS: Chapter 31 - Chapter 38
38 Chapters
Tensions at the Wake
The late afternoon sun cast a warm, golden hue across the room where Chairman Vincent, Sarah, Catherine, and Hendrick gathered to discuss the relocation of the wake. The room was adorned with opulent furnishings, a testament to the wealth and power of the Xiang family. Outside, through large windows, a view of the vast and beautiful garden stretched as far as the eye could see.Chairman Vincent, an aging but still imposing figure, sat at the head of a long, polished wooden table. His sharp, calculating eyes bore the weight of a lifetime of business dealings. Sarah, his granddaughter, sat beside him, her presence a testament to the strength of the Xiang bloodline.His expression, while stern, also held a touch of nostalgia as he thought about the wake. He had been preparing for this moment for a long time, but the circumstances had taken an unexpected turn. He had hoped for a peaceful transition, but it seemed that challenges lay ahead.Catherine, the family lawyer and Vincent's truste
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After a Long Day
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the city, Sarah decided it was time to leave the grand mansion that had hosted her grandfather's wake. The heavy weight of her responsibilities seemed to momentarily lift as she retreated to the solace of her own thoughts. Gone was the somber attire she had worn throughout the day. Instead, she chose something that embodied youthfulness and vitality. Her choice was a mini balloon dress, adorned with playful patterns that brought out the vibrancy of her spirit. The dress hinted at her allure and beauty, its flowing fabric mirroring the grace with which she moved. For footwear, she opted for sneakers, a symbol of comfort and agility amidst the weight of her family's expectations. The juxtaposition of the dress and sneakers created a unique harmony, a blend of sophistication and casual charm that only Sarah could effortlessly pull off. Before departing the mansion, she took a refreshing shower, letting the warm water wa
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From Grief to Euphoria
“I never thought you could cook. Hmmm... "My mom taught me when I was nine years old. She was with us until my 12th birthday. She died in a car accident." William feeds her then kisses her lips. She could sense the bewilderment on the part of his mother's death. “I’m sorry to hear about that. Me, too. I lost both of my parents when I was young. So, I have no remember them. You're lucky you had you mom and still you have your dad.” William kissed her again. “You’re not alone now.” He reflected with what her said. He was shocked with how he reacted. He felt so protective of her. But in an instant, Sarah embraced her tightly and he did the same. "Tastes so good," she expressed her appreciation at the apple pancakes, then slaps his behind then laughs and ran. 'Wait 'til I catch you, I'll make you really fat by feeding you all of these and all my loadful cum." She ran to the bedroom then, he opens the door and finds her. They're like children playing hide and seek. He gave her a mout
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Grayson Knew
In was a sunny morning, as the rays streaming through the glass walls. William left a sweetnote and a breakfast for her. She was totally on Cloud Nine, not thinking that all of these are just temporary. Then she receive a call which shook her to the core. As she was biting an apple, Catherine told her there's a change of plan. The apple rolled on the floor. She couldn't imagine such henious assault could be terribly done. Hendrick was badly beaten almost to death with 30 fractures. and one of his arms was cut and fed to the beasts. On the other hand, his date, her step cousin, Adelle now turned into a new leaf was violated, and tortured on their way to a restaurant. They are both at an intesive care unit fighting for their lives in undisclosed location for their safety. Hendrick lost one of his eyes. It was good that they were located and saved by her granduncle's men before they were fed to the hungry lions of the Lao's den. That is how inhuman Lao clan kills their prized rivals. T
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Sarah wakes from deep slumber, her mind a blank canvas as she cautiously opens her eyes. The luxurious surroundings of the room are unfamiliar, and she slowly becomes aware of her own nakedness, the fine silk sheets a stark contrast to her exposed skin. Her fingers trace across her body, searching for any noticeable changes, but nothing stands out. A subtle wetness between her legs serves as a reminder of the passionate night that she had the with William the other night ago, where they had a marathon of steamy sessions until dawn. But last night wasn't the case, she was summoned by her step-cousin, Grayson Lao to protect her from his grandfather, Chairman Benjie Lao. Until now, she is still puzzled why he is helping her, so she must have to take precautions. As she scans the room, her eyes fall upon a plush bathrobe hanging within reach, tempting her to slip into its comforting embrace. A wave of unease washes over her when she recalls the near-ruined state of her scanty dress, tor
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William in Despair
For three long and painful days, William had barricaded himself from the outside world. The heartache of Sarah's unexplained departure had driven him to isolate himself at the mansion’s bar, leaving him in a state of emotional turmoil. The once-bustling world around him had become a distant and hazy backdrop to his profound despair. William took another glass of scotch, wincing as he felt the effects of the excessive alcohol consumption. His stomach rebelled with an acid reflux, a painful reminder of his self-destructive behavior. In this troubled state, his loyal bodyguards, Tony and James, entered the room, concern etched on their faces. "Chairman Xu, you need to take care of yourself," Tony implored. "This isn't the way to cope with your emotions." James nodded in agreement, adding, "We've been looking for her diligently. We'll find her, but you need to regain control." William's voice was hoarse as he responded, "I can't... I can't think of anything else but her. I need her bac
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Another Side of Him
Sarah's eyes flutter open as she senses a gentle touch against her cheeks. Her heart quickens, and even before she fully comprehends what's happening, the undeniable presence of another person lingers before her. She lies still, her senses on high alert, trying to discern who could be sharing this intimate space with her in the dark. As Sarah slowly opened her eyes and beheld Grayson's impassive face hovering over her, her heart raced, and she instinctively shielded her nearly bare bosom from the gossamer fabric of her silk nightgown. She sat up, her nerves on edge. "Grayson, what a surprise," she managed to utter, attempting to conceal her vulnerability. "Well, tomorrow is your Grandpa's burial, and I must take you there," Grayson stated, his emotions turbulent as he observed Sarah's vulnerable yet alluring state. "You have a natural beauty that drives me crazy," he added, reaching out to caress her hair before standing. "It's almost seven. I suppose we should have breakfast togethe
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Hope Rises from Within
As they returned to the mansion after their half-day excursion in Nanchang city, Grayson and Sarah found themselves in high spirits as if they have no problems at all. The connection between them had deepened, and curiosity about each other's worlds had grown. The mansion, with its grandeur, was a stark contrast to the bustling streets of the city they had just explored.While they were still taking in the atmosphere, Grayson's phone rang, and he excused himself to answer the call. The conversation that followed left a sense of tension hanging in the air. Sarah couldn't help but overhear parts of it, and it piqued her curiosity even further.Grayson received the call from Chairman Vincent Lee, and his expression turned solemn as he listened to the authoritative voice on the other end of the line. "Bring Sarah back to Shanghai," Chairman Lee's words were firm, and his tone conveyed the weight of his authority.The command was clear and left no room for negotiation. Grayson understood t
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