All Chapters of My Sweet Revenge : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
159 Chapters
I want a divorce
Jake's POVI get out of the car and walk into the house. As expected, the three people I despise are still waiting for me. I am not afraid of them. I know they can be evil, but I am not scared of them. Amanda looks furious when she is sitting in a high-school sweatpants and top. Typical, she still lives in high school and will never grow up. Why didn't I see this before? Why didn't I see her selfishness before? Why didn't I know that she would never grow up? I could have been with a woman like Belinda. Now, I am stuck with this woman and about to tell her I want a divorce. I know they are already furious with me, but they will throw tantrums like always. They only use me because they think I will inherit all my parent's money one day. My parents have threatened to disinherit me if I do not divorce Amanda. "Where did you run off to? Why didn't you protect me? I am your wife. You let the whole world see my nakedness at the ball! I am the laughing stock on the Internet. That picture is
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Reopen an old case
Chase's POV It is time that Belinda and I started investigating the circumstances in which her mother's death occurred. Now that she has kicked them all out of her properties, we can continue investigating what happened to her mother. I know that the case investigator must have been corrupted or paid off. We cannot go to him. We will have to go to another investigator and ask him to reopen the case and look into her mother's death. Perhaps I had something on him. I do not know if he's even in the police force anymore. I know a few investigators and have a few friends in the police. I will have to talk to Belinda about it after we spend the first night together in our room. She allowed me to stay in her room. We now cannot return to separate rooms because of Conner. The sex is excellent, and I know Belinda enjoys it as much as I do. However, she never utters a word of love. I know I love her, and I will never let her go. However, I do not know how she feels about me. We will have to
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An anouncement
Jake's POVWe have waited a few days until all the arrangements have been made for me to leave America before we announce my divorce from Amanda. Today, me and my father will talk about the divorce. Although my father is not one of the wealthiest people in New York, he has a reputation in town. We must explain to the world why we will not proceed with this marriage. I'm ready to move to Europe. I cannot see Belinda. Knowing I am in dangerous territory, I always want her, and nobody messes with Chase Stone. I cannot wait to get away from that family. The Jones is not good for me, and I know getting away from their problems with Belinda and her husband is the best thing I can do. I will also announce my departure from the law firm. I know everything is going to work out. I have to find a new life in Europe. I also have one thing I need to do before I leave. I need to go and apologize to Belinda and Chase. I know my father wants me to do that because he does not want to lose his business
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Amanda's Drama
Amanda's POV I am curious where I stand and hear Jake's accusations against me. How dare he tell the world that I am not expecting his child? I know that I have been sleeping with other people. However, that does not allow him to humiliate me like this in public. Please don't assume that it is my fault that he is not a good lover or husband. I know he has been craving for Belinda ever since he left her. How do you live with her husband, who longs for another woman? He has always told me he made his biggest life mistake by taking me and leaving Belinda. I cannot believe his cruelty to me—throwing all our dirty laundry like this in front of the public. I thought he loved me, but I am sure he has never loved me. He always loved Belinda. I wouldn't say I like anything about this situation I am in. "How dare you? Amanda is my daughter, and you are slandering her in front of everybody. You cannot talk, Jake Green. Everybody knows that you have always been in love with Amanda's sister, Bel
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Amanda's Troubles
Amanda's POVI do not believe that I can live on my own. I do not know where to go. I have no friends that are willing to take me in. It is my fault that I never made any friends. There are not many women in this town who like me. Most of them hate me. Can I blame them? I have slept with most of their husbands. What I forget is that it takes two to tango. I could not have had affairs without men that are not willing. At least I have a little bit of money that I have saved over the years. It is not much, and it will not take me far. I know I will not be welcomed in my father's business anymore. I will have to look for another job. Maybe I can ask Belinda if she is willing to take me in, but I have mistreated her in the past, and I do not believe she wants me close to her.I do not know what Belinda thinks about us being half-sisters, and I do not believe that she appreciated that my father cheated on her mother while her mother was still alive. However, I do have information about her
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Talking to my sister
Amanda's POV I drive to Belinda's office. I hope she will see me. I would not want to see me if I were her. But there is nothing else I can do but go to her and talk to her. I know my mother took the money from my in-laws. If they think I'm going to get rid of the baby, they are making a big mistake. I will take my child, and I will raise him myself. I do not care anymore what people think of me. And I do not care who the father of this child is as long as I know he is mine. I keep thinking of the child as a boy, but it can be a little girl, and I do not care as long as the child is healthy. I stop in front of Belinda's office. There are tears in my eyes as I go to the reception. "Mrs Green, how can I help you?" The receptionist asks, and I can see that she has a smile. I know that she saw the press conference. Many people are delighted that I have come to a fall. I do not care. I know I am not a good lawyer at all. Today, I have just faced myself. And I realized that I am not as gre
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I will help you
Belinda's POV I know I do not show feelings when looking at my sister. I never thought about her as my sister, but now I have to think about her as my sister, as I know that we are half-sisters and not stepsisters. I feel sorry for her, although I do not show it. Having a husband who does not care about you must be hard. It must be hard to be alone with parents who do not care. I know how that felt when I got pregnant. At least I have somebody that loves me. Chase may not be perfect, but he is a good father. Well, I cannot complain. He is a good husband as well. I will help her. I will help her with this divorce case, and I will help her get the money that her parents got from her father-in-law. They had no right to take the money. They had no right to choose for her. I will ensure that they do not even see their grandson because I am sure that although she has cheated, she was careful. I have a feeling that Amanda knows Jake is the father of her child. I know she wants to ensure it
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Start fresh
Belinda's POV I tested Amanda and put her in a small office with not much of a view, but she did not complain and looked happy as she started to settle in. I let her wait a long time. I want to see if she gets bored. I am surprised when I see a few files on her desk in her office. I look at the files and see there are some boring, minor cases that no one wants. Amanda is concentrating on the files in front of her and does not realize I am standing at the door looking at her working. She's reading through the case files. Now and again, she gets on the computer and looks at something. Is she researching those small cases? Well, it's a start. "Oh, Hi Belinda. I did not see you there. I went to Helgard Schumer and asked him if there was something I could do for him. I don't think he likes me much. He gave me all these boring cases, but I find him fascinating as I am researching these cases for the first time. I must admit I never studied my previous cases, as I was always counting on m
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Chase's POVI cannot believe that Belinda is willing to help his sister. How can she even want to do that? Her sister is one of the most awful people I have ever met. Belinda just called me and told me she is taking her sister to her old apartment and will be helping her with her divorce case. She said she would explain everything to me later. I am pissed off! How can she let that woman use her like this? She better have an excellent explanation because I will not allow it. I will not allow Belinda's family to use her anymore. I love her. I cannot even pursue her because of her family. I want her mother's murder case to be solved. I want Belinda to get her revenge. I want us to move on and become a family. We cannot do that while her family is still in her life. I will never understand a woman. Belinda's heart is too soft. I went to pick up Connor at school today. He looks at me, and he can see that I am angry. He can see that I am upset, and I know I will have to learn how to contro
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Jerry the detective
Chase's POV As I am kissing Belinda, my phone rings. I do not want Belinda to go, but she's pushing me away. I guess I will have to answer my bloody phone. Why do people always call at the wrong time? This is not fun at all. I am not delighted with right now with whoever is calling. I grab my phone and answer it without looking at who it is. The better be important. I am not happy right now! "What?" I answer rudely, and Belinda looks at me like I am the most evil person in the world. "I'm sorry, Mr Stone. Did I catch you at a bad time?" Jerry, my detective friend, answers. "No. Sorry, Jerry, I was just in the middle of something. Do you have any news about the car?" I ask. "Yes, the forensics team that went over the car found that someone did tamper with the vehicle. Not only just the brakes. However, we found no trace of Henry Jones or his wife being involved. It will be challenging to prove they tampered with the car," Jerry says. "What if I tell you that I have proved that
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