All Chapters of Mommy, Please Marry Mr.CEO!: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
117 Chapters
LeoTony most probably then only loved to discuss Ariadne and it was starting to give me much more peace of mind than ever before, but I couldn't stop thinking about Layla and Nathan. The cops had not provided anything that could point to the criminal, and I was starting to think that they were not taking the case seriously for one reason or another. My contacting the IP didn't seem to be having the supposed effects.“It's time for the meeting, sir…" Celine walked in.“So what do you think? Do I proceed?” Tony queried. What was he even talking about?“Ah, yeah, yeah… it's… it's fantastic.” I pretended to have heard all of what he had said from the beginning to the end, whereas it was totally otherwise.“You don't have any idea of what I'm talking about, do you?” He frowned.“You caught me!” I admitted. “I'm sorry…I…"“You are overwhelmed.” He said as a matter of fact. I knew.“I'll be there in a minute.” I turned to Celine.“Sure sir.” She smiled and walked out.“Have they not caught
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LeoShe flinched and abruptly rose to her feet. Henry was staring at us."Uncle Henry, mummy and Leo are going to be great friends!" Nathan chirruped."Really? That's wonderful." Henry chuckled. I doubted his sincerity he supposedly exhibited.Who would be in harmony with a man who posed as a threat to his romantic pursuit?He walked inside as Layla stepped further away from me. Her beautiful eyes seemed impatient."Mummy?" Nathan turned to her. "Miss honey always says be good to your friends. Be good to Leo, too." He said. I felt I had finally gained a voice through him.His mother nodded quietly and went out of the room. Henry made himself comfortable on Nathan's bed."You two are friends too, aren't you?" Nathan queried."Yeah?" Henry arched his brows. "Yeah." He affirmed afterwards.Friends? Last time I checked we were strangers."We actually haven't had the chance to talk," Henry began."Yeah..." Was all I could say. I wasn't interested in talking to him, most especially when Lay
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Other than the times that he had felt disappointed at something, I had never seen Eugene so pale and teary-eyed. He was slumped on the chair when I arrived at their big house full of sympathizers and well-wishers. Some bouncers were just outside the door, fencing away the press with their sizes. I was the only one putting on colors due to the fact that I had come directly from school. Eugene was surrounded by many people, especially adults wearing the mournful color, black. His mother had just died, his would I feel if someone I was very familiar with died so suddenly? Someone like Aunt Layla or Mrs. Carter. I would be so sad and angry, Sad and mad I thought. I wouldn’t even allow so many people to be around me, saying all sorts of odd things to my hearing. It wouldn’t do me any good, not in the slightest. I’d rather be on my own.I approached the crowd that had gathered around Eugene and tried to wriggle myself through.“Excuse me,” I said to one bosomy woman who was actually about t
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I wasn't going to drink, not with so many women around. History must never repeat itself again. I could say my life was the way it was because of the event of four years. I still see her in my dreams, conflicting my emotions. Love was a story for another day.I quietly sipped from my glass of water."So what do you think? Do you agree with my terms?" He asked after he had presented the terms of the contract to me. I wasn't so sure about his proposal as a third party was involved. A third party I didn't know."It states here that there is a third party. Which organization is that?" I wanted to know."A very interesting organization. It's one of the budding businesses in the fashion and entertainment industry." He responded."I am still in the dark...""Put your mind at ease Mr Cooper. I'll have the three of us meet very soon. Meanwhile, you can think your decision over. Rest assured." He smiled, stroking the golden hair of the lady who was clinging very close to him. I looked away, thi
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He was standing at my door like he said he would.“You will let me in, won't you?” He grinned.I quietly opened the door wider and walked back in.“Leo!” Nathan ran across the room to embrace him. I had accepted I had no control over these things again.“Look what I got for you…” He said when I ambled inside the kitchen. I felt a little bit relieved by the fact that Henry had earlier left for some important business. Sincerely, I felt terrible keeping him in the dark.“How are you doing?” I was jolted out of my thoughts. He was there, at the door, with a sheepish grin across his face. Oh, how much I detested that smile! I ignored him and proceeded to make Mac and Cheese for Nathan.“I don't mind a serving…” He shuffled in. “What can I help you with?” He offered.“Nothing.” I flatly replied.“I can do anything, you know…you used to make me do them during college…”LeoShe glared at me like I had said something abominable. I guessed she didn't want to hear anything about our past. Tha
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By the time I got home, Nathan had fallen asleep and had been quietly tucked in. Henry was still not back, these days he had become very busy with some work I believed he told me would earn him a lot.“I made Dinner,” Leo said when I opened my bedroom door.“You shouldn't have bothered…"“I should expect you in how many minutes?” He questioned, instead ignoring my statement.I sighed. I didn't plan on having dinner with him.“Did Nathan have something before he slept off?” I asked.“Yeah, some cereal. Will that suffice?” He asked.I wasn't certain. I restrained a yawn, I was exhausted.“I'll rouse him for some snacks before I go to bed. He gets hungry easily.” I said.He nodded.“See you downstairs.” He twitched a smile and walked away. I shut the door.LeoThe way she chewed on her food gave the impression that she was either shy of eating in my presence, which I found weird, or the meal wasn't delicious.“Is it okay?” I asked.“Hmm.” She nodded, her eyes were glued to the food, and
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LaylaI expected Henry to be back by the end of the day, but he called me in the evening, informing me about a change of plans. He wouldn't be coming back until the end of the week. And as it was, Nathan was still home and without a babysitter, since I had to do some work outside the house, I couldn't fill in the space. I thought about Mrs. Carter, but unfortunately, she had previously complained about the tiredness and weakness her pregnancy came with. She always dozes off within seconds these days. I didn't want to add to get problem. Sofia wouldn't be around either, as on the previous day a public apology was given by the culprits as regards her case, so she could then return to school with her head up high. Moreover, some investigations were still going on concerning the slanderous publications, and Eugene's father promised to get to the root of everything. It was baffling, to all, how one could manipulate the friendship between two kids and use it as a tool of public embarras
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SofiaIt all seemed like a movie, how I suddenly became popular overnight. Everywhere I went people whispered and they wouldn't stop. At some point, I thought the only way to stop people from pointing fingers at me was to disappear. But I couldn't, it wasn't that easy. As I left English class, Eugene drew me apart from the group that had begun to gather around me.“What are you doing?” I was startled by how he had suddenly dragged me.“Those kids are bullies!” He shut the door of an empty class behind us.I sighed.“Things might not look fine with you at the moment, but trust me, they don't care.” He said as a matter of fact. Of course, I knew that. They don't care. Even Charlene. She didn't come. She might have thought it was her turn to be upset, but she wasn't right. At all.“Thanks.” I took off my backpack, examining the room carefully. It looked like a laboratory, a deserted one. I never knew such a place existed in all my years in the school.“Where is this place? How did you co
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SofiaA gentle hand brushed my face, making me stir from my sleep. However, I wouldn't open my eyes, I was in a dream. Yes, there was a hand that was touching my face affectionately and I loved it. I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. Its feel tickled my ears and goosebumps popped out of my flesh.“Sofia.” A soft voice kissed my ear. I loved that too. I might shut my eyes forever, but I was startled out by a loud unpleasant bang.“Geez!” I gasped, looking around only to find Eugene standing very close to me.“Sorry, but I guess it did help out.” He chuckled. I frowned. “No, no… It's not what you're thinking. I didn't do it. It came divinely from nearby.”I dabbed my head, wiping beads of sweat away. I didn't know when I had dozed off in my textbook.“You are a deep sleeper, you know?” He came to sit in front of me.“I was tired.” I defended.“Yeah. You must be hungry too. I bought you chicken and
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LeoBy the time she came to pick up Nathan, he had fallen asleep, and I had to carry him to the car.“Thank you.” She said wearily. She looked tired and more of sick.“Layla, you've got to see a doctor.” I quietly closed the back door.“It's not a big deal. I just need to rest.” “You're not doing that.”“Hmm.” She momentarily shut her eyes, and then I took the opportunity to feel her head. She was burning up yet again.“Get in the car.” I urged, helping her to the passenger seat.“What are you doing?” She queried, squinting her eyes. How did she get here in the first place in such a condition?“I'm taking you to the hospital.”“No…I don't want to go there.” She protested as usual.“For the record, it's no longer your decision. I'm the driver here.”“I don't want to go.” She was so obstinate, but I ignited the engine.“She's caught the flu.” The doctor diagnosed. “She'll need to be admitted to the hospital.” He added.And she was lying there, pale and pitiful.“Thanks, doc.”He nodded
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