All Chapters of THE DON'S DESIRE : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
48 Chapters
Rodrigo's POVFabio drew out a seat and settled down, letting out a small sigh as he swept his gaze across the table. “I apologize, Father, I was held up in heavy traffic,” he said without missing a beat. I couldn't help but scoff at his excuse. He raised his head, and our eyes met. He held his gaze, and I had mine. “Cut it out, you two,” Father said, irritated and fed up. I looked away and continued to stuff my mouth with food. Fabio was cunning and tricky. Most of my childhood revolved around him being a naughty pain in the ass and me suffering the consequences for his misdeeds. I began to reminisce about the time when he had broken our mother's priced vase and how he covered up his tracks and put the blame on me.I was grounded for weeks until the maid, feeling guilty enough, decided to confess the truth.Looking back, he never apologized for that and many other similar incidents. In school, I would get in trouble for things he did because he was an excellent liar, and we prac
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TANYA’S POV From the window, I could see Augusto’s car leaving along with Fabio's. A sigh of relief escaped my throat, but my moment of peace was quickly interrupted when the door suddenly clicked open. Startled, I turned to face him. He stared down at me, his jaws clenched as he narrowed his eyes on me. I took in a deep breath and tried to walk past him to the restroom. It's not like I needed to use the toilet. I just wanted to be anywhere but here, with him. He grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. “What the hell do you think you were doing down there?” I snatched my hand away, causing me to stagger backwards due to the amount of force I used. “I made one mistake, sorry,” I said, sarcasm lacing my tone. He closed in on me, and his perfume wafted into my nostrils. “I told you to keep your mouth shut and not speak.” “You saw what your twin did, and he put me in a corner. How's that my fault?” I turned around and placed my hands against my hips. “You know, I'm start
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TANYA’S POV The sudden movement in the bed disrupted my sleep, causing me to awake. The first thing I registered was how parched my throat was. I blinked as I stared at Rodrigo's unclad form on the other side of the bed. He was putting on his briefs. Our eyes met, and he almost instantly looked away, like he was trying to avoid my gaze. It left me feeling perplexed. With his briefs on, he grabbed his remaining clothes and walked out of the room without saying a word to me. What just happened? Did he just ignore me after we had such amazing sex last night? After all the things he said to me during sex? My temper flared up, and I peeled off the white blanket covering me. I put on my underwear and then picked a silk nightie from my wardrobe, and then slid my feet into my slippers. This was not normal behaviour, and I wouldn't let him get away with this. I stormed over to his room and tried to barge in, but after twisting the doorknob and pushing, the door proved an immovabl
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Rodrigo's POV My footsteps echoed in the somewhat empty warehouse as I made my way through the entrances. The inside was dimly lit, and a thick, musty smell wafted into my nostrils. There, he was seated in the middle, tied to his chair. His white shirt was now soaked with crimson, and a bag covered his face. I'm sure by now, my men had beaten the daylights out of him. The only reason he was still alive was because they received the order to have him executed from me. “What do we have here?” My voice rang, making the two men by his side straighten their posture. “He was spying on us,” Anthonio reported, his tone guarded. “Bruno and Rowan found him around the perimeter of the facility,” he explained further. As if on cue, Bruno stepped forward with an old-looking bag clutched within his grip. “We found this on him; it contained a camera and an SD card, plus his ID.” I extended my hand and collected the ID card from Bruno. “Ethan Haworth,” I mouthed, reading aloud the name o
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TANYA’S POV My eyes were vacant and staring into space as I slid to the ground and cradled my knees. My thoughts raced with theories about the future, and I wondered how long this situation with Rodrigo would last. For how long would I keep pretending to be his wife? What would he do after time had passed and he no longer needed to be married to me? I lifted myself from the ground and headed to my bed and then popped down with a tired sigh. My fingers roamed the nightstand's top until it met with my phone. The glow of my phone screencast itself against my face as I scrolled through. There was a noticeable red-colored pop-up notification, which was an unread message notification. My heart immediately skipped a beat. My fears were confirmed as I read the text message. “You're running out of time, Tanya; keep to your end of the deal.” Those were the words that the text message read. The account that sent it was immediately blocked, and my phone was tossed on the bed. Can'
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TANYA’S POV Within a twinkling of an eye, Rodrigo leaped forward and wrapped his hands around my frame, turning me in the opposite direction to shield me from the impact of whatever was to come. Anthonio flung the package away, and it landed in the distance with a dry thud. But there was nothing, no explosion, no fire. “I don't think it's a bomb,” Anthonio’s voice rang. Rodrigo loosened his hold on me and stepped forward. “Are you insane? What sort of sick prank is this supposed to be?” he snapped at the delivery man. “I- I'm only following orders; I don't even know what's inside the package,” the man stuttered, adjusting his cap. “You don't even know what's inside, and you brought it here?” “Unless I check the register -” he dipped his hand into his bag and scanned the page with his eyes. “It says here that it's a large wall clock.” Rodrigo tore apart the wrapper in frustration, revealing the clock buried in a sea of foam to prevent it from breaking or scratching.
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TANYA’S POV “Wow,” I exclaimed, just staring at him. “You never struck me as someone who cared about things like that.” My cheeks were already flustered and a light shade of red. “Well, I don't, but my father does, and since it's been just a month, I'm sure he's still monitoring our relationship.” There it was, the real reason. Embarrassment washed over me because I even considered Rodrigo to care about me enough to be romantic, which was why he brought me here. When it came to him, every move was well calculated. “So, tell me about yourself,” he asked, leaning forward. A snicker escaped my lips, “Imagine not knowing your wife,” I stated sarcastically. He narrowed his eyes on me, “that’s why I want to find out.” The eye contact was intense, perhaps too intense, because I started to feel like the room was closing in on me, and I was beginning to feel hot. “Well, there isn't much to know. My parents are deadbeats, and I'm just a victim of circ
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RODRIGO’S POVThe puddles of water on the ground splattered as we approached the gas station's entrance.I had to slow down to keep up with Tanya's running pace, which made me even more soaked than I should've been.Finally, we were under the canopy. This gas station was mostly empty; there was nobody outside.She took a moment to catch her breath as her chest was heaving. “Wow, when was the last time I ran like that? You know, from the car, it looked like it was pretty close by.”“It was.”She raised her head, “No, it wasn't; my legs are burning.”“You should exercise more.”She squeezed the excess water from the blazer and then began twisting her hair to squeeze out the water, too.My shirt was soaked with water and clung to me like a second skin. I unbuttoned my shirt and removed it, squeezing the extra water.From the corner of my eyes, I saw Tanya stealing glances at me. “I can see you staring,” I teased, and she immediately looked away.The rain seemed even to worsen as a low ru
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FABIO’S POV The cool evening breeze crashed against my face as I stood on the balcony, enjoying the view of the city that my mansion offered. It was drizzling, and the heavy rain was slowly coming to a stop. The distant roaring of thunder was like a soothing lullaby. The drink in my hand swirled as I nursed it before taking a swig, old memories resurfaced and they only managed to make me cringe. Whenever I remembered the injustice my father did to me, a fresh wave of anger bubbled within my chest. I met all the requirements, I was married and even had kids, but when he was looking for a capo, he went straight for my twin without even giving me a chance. “Sir, someone is here to see you, Charles, the private Investigator,” my security man said to me. “Let him in, lead him here to the balcony, I'll be waiting.” The security nodded and then left. I made my way back to the chair and plopped down on the couch. Shortly after, Charles joined me at the balcony. A smirk playe
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RODRIGO’S PPV The car sped down the highway, accelerating dangerously with my hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel. The videos from the flash drive replayed in my mind. It didn't come as a shock to me because of the circumstances Tanya and I met. She was supposed to be my escort for the night. I shook my head to banish the inappropriate thoughts in my mind. How did Fabio even get a hold of those clips? He must have done some serious digging. What if he found out that I lied about my relationship with Tanya? I heaved a deep sigh when suddenly my eyes widened in surprise. My foot jammed the brakes, and the car screeched to a stop. The seatbelt secured me to my seat. The smell of burning rubber invaded my nostrils. I craned my neck forward to get a clearer view of what suddenly ran into the road carelessly. It was a white cat licking its paws. I threw my back against my seat and breathed sharply. *** My headlamps cast a warm orange glow against the gravel s
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