All Chapters of You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
779 Chapters
Chapter 11 Is This Your New Boyfriend?
The area was full of life since the food stalls were packed with people. They mingled about, enjoying their time. Calista's long wavy hair was up into a bun. It was held up at the back of her head with a claw clip. When she lowered her head, several strands of hair fell loose. They covered her face, emphasizing her fair and flawless skin. She pointed at the menu and turned to speak to the man beside her. He nodded, and she smiled, signaling for the waiter.   Cade raised an eyebrow. "It seems to me that your wife's enjoying the time of her life after leaving you!" Lucian didn't say anything in response. He merely turned to leave the private room. Somewhere near the food stall, Bryan downed a bottle of beer. He still couldn't believe it. "Are you really Claude? The Claude who fixed the severely broken antique vase?" Calista looked at him, stunned. He had asked her the same question over and over again on their way here. And now, she was at a loss on how to answer him.Jacob
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Chapter 12 Divorce at City Hall
Lucian turned to look at Calista. "Because you're an idiot. Something's wrong up there, and you're blind." "I—" Calista was so pissed that she started smiling. "Why should I waste time talking to a pig?" She turned to open the car door, but Lucian grabbed her arm to stop her. A shadow crept across his handsome face. Outside, Bryan got no response from inside the car and began to worry. The knocks on the window became more frequent and urgent. "Claude, are you alright?" "Claude?" Lucian repeated. Something dangerous flashed in his eyes. "How sweet. We haven't gotten divorced, yet you're already eager to cheat on me. It seems like your taste in men has gotten worse," he said through gritted teeth. Calista didn't bother explaining the misunderstanding that started because of that nickname. It wasn't that important anymore. "You're right. I've always had bad taste in men. That's why I married you. Bryan and I are just co—friends. Stop thinking badly about others when you're on
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Chapter 13 Fulfilling Her Request for a Divorce
Lucian thought he had said enough and softened his tone. "Couples' fights don't last long. I don't have time for this. Come home tonight, and we can forget all about it."Calista didn't hear what he was saying. And she certainly didn't try to think about what he meant by "cleaner." All she knew was he was making fun of her because of her salary. He thought she couldn't pay rent. He even thought that she was playing a game with him. "Are you nuts? Even if I don't make much … even if I have to live on the streets, I'll never go back. Why don't you just agree to the divorce? If you just won't, I'll take you to court!" Calista then hung up and blocked him. She wanted to block him on WhatsApp too but decided to leave at least one means of contact. Just in case they wanted to discuss their divorce. She promised herself that she'd block that scumbag once she got divorced. She would never bother with him again. Just then, Calista heard two of her colleagues gossiping. "The man who
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Chapter 14 Is This a Joke?
It never crossed Calista's mind that Lucian would suddenly agree to their divorce. She should be happy about it, right? She smiled triumphantly. "Thank you for granting my wish." She turned and left the gloomy place. When she got home, she prepared all the documents that were required. Then, she put them into her bag. She froze for a moment as she looked at the photo of them. It was taken on the day they registered their marriage. They were married for three years. Yet, this was the only photo of them together. Calista stared at the expressionless man in the photo and felt her heart break a little inside. Thank goodness this exhausting marriage was coming to an end. No more waiting in the empty living room every night, staring at the clock and guessing if Lucian would come home. Her heart would also stop racing at his slightest touch. She would finally stop thinking that he actually had feelings for her. She took a final glance at the photo. Then, she shoved it into the d
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Chapter 15 Paternity Test
Calista was startled by him yelling through the phone. She froze, not knowing how to respond. She glanced at Selena, who was also staring back at her. Then, she turned and left the ward. "What are you talking about?" she asked. When did she ever joke with him? Lucian's deep and harsh voice sounded from the other end of the line. "Where are you now?" "The hospital—" "Even if you're making up an excuse, come up with something more convincing," Lucian snapped. "Weren't you so eager to get divorced? It's only been one night, yet you're so sick you can't get out of bed? Or maybe you're just making a fuss to get my attention?" Calista didn't even get to tell him that Selena was at the hospital when he cut her off. She knew his impression of her had never been good, but she never thought it was much worse. He accused her right away without even having the patience to let her finish talking, let alone listen to her. She took a deep breath and tried to suppress the sadness thr
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Chapter 16 Marry Me
Selena was taken aback. "You didn't? Then, what about the red mark on your neck?" Selena's eyes widened. "Are you back with that woman, Lily? Did she leave that mark on you? "You're intentionally trying to anger me, aren't you? Let's be clear. I'll never accept you being with her. Whether it's in the past or now!" Selena would have thrown another pillow if there was more on the bed. Lucian instinctively touched his neck. "You've got it all wrong." He didn't explain himself further. Instead, he headed to the bathroom while frowning. Meanwhile, Calista left the hospital under the scorching sun. Yara had messaged her. She invited her to dinner later that night, and Calista agreed to go. It was still early, and she didn't need to go to the studio. So, Calista decided to visit the supermarket and buy some essential items.…Yara drove over to pick Calista up after finishing her work. "I closed a big deal today. Let me take you to a nice place to celebrate your escape fr
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Chapter 17 Watching Everything Unfold Coldly
Lucian glanced at Lily dismissively. "You don't want the lead dancer position anymore?"Lily had joined a dance troupe ranked in the top three worldwide. Everyone coveted the lead dancer position. It was a dream come true for many. His words silenced her. Lily understood Lucian's firm stance.Lucian impatiently tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. He was finding it all tiresome. "Get out of the car.""Lucian, I …" Lily started to speak.Lucian turned his head. His formidable gaze was icy cold. It was enough to freeze anyone to the core. "Lily, you know I've never had much patience. Don't make me say it twice."Lucian arrived at Luminary Lounge 20 minutes later. He saw several waiters and live performers headed to the private room where Calista was. He caught a glimpse of her face through the half-open door. Her face flushed and looked enchanting due to the alcohol. Inside the room, Yara nudged Calista. "What are you staring at? You're so lost in thought that you don't even resp
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Chapter 18 Beg Me
The manager turned around upon hearing the accusation. He politely asked Calista, "Is what Mr. Mitchell said true?"The manager didn't want to resort to checking the surveillance footage. The guests of Luminary Lounge were typically wealthy and valued their privacy. They preferred not to be closely examined. "No, it's not. That man harassed me. He even kicked my friend. If you don't believe me, you can ask your employees here," Calista replied firmly.The two waiters who stood nearby nodded in agreement. The manager understood the situation. However, the manager was quick to judge. He had never met Calista before. He quietly assessed her attire, which appeared modest without any expensive jewelry. On the other hand, he was familiar with Alexander, despite his recent downturn. The manager handled the situation swiftly. He hoped to diffuse the tension."Madam, it seems your friend wasn't seriously injured. How about we let this matter go? Of course, the gentleman will be responsible f
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Chapter 19 I Regret It
Calista winced as Lucian's grip tightened. She tried to turn her head. But he was much stronger. Lucian's eyes were filled with anger, but he managed to keep it under control. Even his voice sounded slightly more gentle than usual.Lucian approached Calista calmly. "What is Alexander to you that you had to seek help from outsiders? Isn't the title of Mrs. Northwood enough? Or do you hate using it?""Lucian, you're hurting me." Calista was trapped in Lucian's hold. Her struggle was useless. His rough fingers pressed against her skin, causing burning pain. It felt as if he might tear her skin. Annoyed, she said, "We're getting divorced. Who I seek help from is none of your business!" "Divorce? You think you can do that? You said you wanted to spend a lifetime with me when you stripped and seduced me half a month ago." What was once a playful comment in private became extremely embarrassing when said publicly. Calista felt like she had been slapped across the face. Her face started t
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Chapter 20 Begging Mrs. Northwood
The bedroom fell into a dead silence for a few seconds. A faint aroma of alcohol lingered in the air. Only then did Lucian belatedly realize what Calista had said moments ago. She said, "Lucian, I feel like vomiting." "Calista!" He gritted his teeth, calling out her name in anger. But eventually, he got up with an unpleasant expression. Then, he headed to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Calista closed her eyes again. She was unconscious and unaware of her surroundings. She slept deeply until the following day. The glaring daylight woke her up. Her eyes wandered around the unfamiliar ceiling. She tried to understand what was happening. Then, she realized she wasn't at her place. Calista had a splitting headache from the hangover. She lifted her head and looked around. It seemed like she was in a hotel room. Instinctively, she glanced at her clothes. The clothes she had worn yesterday had been replaced with an oversized men's shirt of luxurious fabric. After three years of being
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