All Chapters of Cruise from hell: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
47 Chapters
Chapter 21 – Alike somehow.
[Heath’s POV] Though this development is a good one, I still feel scared, scared to lose her, I had lived my life paranoidly, unable to be comfortable in my happiness. When I thought mom and dad were finally happy together, it ended up being a hoax, when I thought father was finally over mother, he had to end his life, it was always a patten that I had feared being happy, because I feared my happiness would manifest into pain. “Please don’t hurt me,” I hear Fiona mutter in her sleep, she was crying, I hated that. It seemed like me she was also afraid to be happy, ‘seem we are much alike that I thought’ I tell myself. I look at her peaceful face, “I will not hurt you, I promise, and I will protect you from all hurt,” I see tears fall down her delicate cheeks. I gently wipe the tears, first love, this is my first love, quite unbelievable for a man my age, but here I am falling in love in my late 20s. I really hope this doesn’t go like mother and father’s love story; I hope this b
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Chapter 22 – Rocky relationships.
[Fiona POV] Do I feel insecure about my body? Yes, I had dated bums that had told me how disgusted they were about my body. Do I have a praise kink, also yes, who doesn’t like being told their gorgeous? Did Heath satisfy my kink, definitely, the man is passionate about loving my body, and I feel really secure about it. Sure, many would have liked it if I waited a bit before sleeping with him again, maybe take it slow like Selby and Lucas, you know, start with the dates, and take it slow, but you didn’t hear how that man moaned my name in his sleep so shut up. “What are you smiling at?” I am startled by Selby who catches me smiling at myself. “Nothing,” I say clearly embarrassed, I hear Heath chuckle happily. “So, anyone seen Carl?” Esther asked, completely draining my happy mood. “No, I haven’t, why are you asking,” Heath says annoyed. “I was just worried about……” She doesn’t finish her sentence as Carl joins us. “Morning,” he coldly says, his face bruised up and still smelli
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Chapter 23 – Burned dishes and nose kisses.
[Heath POV] A date, the first I have ever been on, well excluding that prom date I was forced to go because father wanted me to date more as he worried, I would die single, but that wasn’t officially a date, so I don’t count it as one. Though it is my first Fiona have been on more dates, she has been impressed by a lot of guys and my attempt might just end up being underwhelming. “Can you stop stressing already,” Lucas chimes, “I spoke to the ship’s crew, and they will help you out.” “What if she hates it?” “Then you will try again, I am sure Fiona is not the type to cut you off just because you planned one awful date,” Lucas reasoned, but it didn’t stop me from worrying, the Fiona Lucas know is a different woman from the Fiona I know. The Fiona I know wouldn’t stand for anything short of impressive. And I wouldn’t let her, I wouldn’t let Fiona Lennon settle for less, because she should never, she should always get the best, because she deserves the best. “Come on tell me how y
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Chapter 24 – Family Ties.
[Heath’s POV]Last night was a true dream come true, not only did I get to be with the woman of my dreams, but I also get to wake up with her in my arms.Though it was rather presumptuous of us to sleep on the floor of the restaurant, I held her cold trembling body gently, “Fiona, I think it is time to wake up,” I whispered to her ear.“Let me sleep a little longer,” she grumbles in her sleep.I guess her sleep is worth more than the warmth of her bed, I chuckle as she snuggles closer to my chest, “you will get more sleep when we get back to your room Fiona.”She ignores my plea and continues to rest, though I wouldn’t mind her sleeping a little longer, the cleaning staff had already started entering and they were getting ready to clean.“Fiona, this is someone’s workplace we cannot stay here any longer as they need to work,” I whisper gently.“Ugh…... Fine,” she says rubbing her cute eyes. I could watch her act bratty all day long while feeding unto her ways like a fool.We started p
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Chapter 25 – “Don't misunderstand.”
[Fiona’s POV] I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling violently. I know they didn’t deserve to see me broke. I remember refusing to cry and begging for their mercy when they dropped me off a dangerous street. When my parents died, my aunt and uncle took over very quickly and, by the looks of it, it seemed our family was going to be okay. But that was only a facade, a mirage, an illusion, that only lasted for two months. The moment life insurance paid up, everything broke; they started telling people how my parents left no money for them to raise me and how unruly I was. Rumors, they spread rumors that way they wouldn’t be faulted for abandoning me all while eating my parents’ hard-earned money. How dare they even come close to me and act as if they cared. They didn’t mind dropping off a girl child in a dangerous neighborhood in the middle of the night. A defenseless child who has just lost her whole world. I cry loudly as Heath continues to comfort me, not asking too many question
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Chapter 26 – Scorned woman?
[Fiona’s POV] This ought to be some sort of a joke, “what on earth is wrong with you Esther?” I yell angrily. “I didn’t know you and Heath were a thing, he called me and……” Esther stutters. “I did not call you,” Heath cuts her off, “why are you lying?” “Geez, Esther how is a man supposed to tell you he is not interested,” I angrily growled, “why are you in my man’s bad naked, and don’t yap about him calling you because one he doesn’t have your number and two, I have been with him all day.” I can see Heath turn into a blushing mess in the corner of my eye, this is absurd, how did she even get into his room with that short time I went back to my room and Heath started getting the shower ready. She looks away in embarrassment before chuckling shyly, “you should see your face right now,” she says covering herself up. “What? What does you be but naked on Heath’s bed without his permission no less?” I question firmly. She continues to laugh hysterically, shocking us both, “it is a p
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Chapter 27 – Those belongs to me.
[Third person’s POV] Though she was here to do her job as Clover Easton’s nurse, Heath Duncan happened to steal her heart violently. He was a natural flirt, flirted with every woman she met, but for some reason Heath Duncan didn’t flirt with her, why, why was all the other woman so superior. She had asked tips from Carl the first day they were on the ship and his ‘tips’ didn’t seem to work, because for some reason Heath Duncan went from flirting with everyone to only giving one woman those bedrooms eyes. A look that should only be reserved for Esther and Esther only, how dare that brown haired woman steals the affection only Esther should be getting. But that was not the worst of it, the worst of it was watching that woman drenched in wine walk out her Heath’s room, like she owned the place like she belonged there. She hated it more when that woman dragged her Heath into her room to not only steal Esther’s reserved affection but also Esther’s lovemaking. He should be devouring h
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Chapter 28 – Getaway plan.
[Third Person’s POV]Though she had trusted Heath to take care of Fiona, Selby still harbored some anger towards Esther.This is not the first time she had suspected Esther of hating Fiona, she had seen signs of resentment most times, but she had brushed it off.“So, Esther what were you and Fiona talking about?” Selby asks, trying her best to be hostile.Esther chuckles awkwardly, “can’t two girls have a secret?” she continues to chuckle, “Fiona will tell you herself, I am afraid of violating her boundaries.”She had quickly picked her drink up before taking a huge sip, and she smiled and Selby awkwardly.Clover had chuckled awkwardly as well as she senses the tension between the two women, she looked at Selby trying to plead with her to stop what she was doing but Selby just ignored her gaze.“Um…. Well, I will go my husband,” Clover says, she was not willing to watch Selby interrogate Esther, because unlike Selby she knew Esther’s hate towards Fiona was because she had a crush on H
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Chapter 29 – My boyfriend.
[Fiona’s POV]I had laid on the freezing ground angrily, it was so pathetic how I have been a damsel in distress yet again. Ugh…. I hate feeling weak, my head was still buzzing from the impact from that bat.Esther had never given me the vibe that she would be this evil, she had always acted timid and sensible, I never really felt like I had to be guarded around her.Now I know Carl didn’t push me, it doesn’t change anything but at least I now know who my enemy is.I had slowly crawled to the fridge door with my whole body buzzing with pain, I had tried to claw my way out, a hopeless attempt to get out of here.If ever I get out here, and get my hands on Esther, I swear to be arrested for more than just a night.My half-frozen fingers that were close to bleeding had slipped off the door yet again, I could hear a commotion outside.I heard Heath’s voice making me angry, I hate this, he has to save me yet again, I am just a weak person who needs saving every time. I had tried clawing my
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Chapter 30 – Keep it low profile.
[Fiona POV] It had been a week since the cruise and I had recovered well, Gian had given me a week off work because of the incident and it was time for me to go back to work. Selby hadn’t been in the apartment since the day we arrived back home, with her new job and new man, she was a bit busy to come home, I guess. Heath has been sleeping in our apartment since we became official, so I also guess Selby is kind of right for not coming back home. Carl was transferred to a different department after his fall-out with Heath, he didn't mind the transfer though.“You are up early,” Heath mumbles from the bed. I had already taken a shower and I was busy ironing my clothes, “well I have to go to the office early, I am an assistant you know.” “My assistant gets to go to work late,” he says. “And?” “And you should resign and come work for me so you can get all the beauty sleep you need,” he reasoned. I chuckled, he had been waking up and leaving for work for the past week and he would
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