All Chapters of The Silent Wife of The CEO: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
226 Chapters
Your Type of Man
"Venti caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino, extra banana, extra sprinkles, extra caramel, extra whipped cream, extra ice, extra cinnamon topping, and seven pumps of black caramel sauce."Zoe looked at Sara, who was ordering a colorful drink, with her mouth wide open. She only needed two words to order her drink earlier: warm Americano.The barista behind the counter remained unfazed; she was accustomed to such situations. She even smiled as she handed Sara her vibrant order and Zoe's plain black one."Let's sit over there."Sara pointed to a corner of the coffee shop's patio, and they sat down. The weather was cold, but bearable. What wasn't bearable for Zoe was how Sara could casually consume—eat?—her colorful order with a spoon.Due to the excessive extras, Sara couldn't just sip her drink; she had to use a spoon.[Is our session over?] Zoe asked, writing it on the colorful, cat-shaped sticky note Sara had given her.Sara didn't want Zoe to answer via text but to write it on the stick
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Your Body is Not For Me
"Wolf?""Hm?" Wolf removed the headphones from his head. Becca waved her hand in front of his face to get his attention."What's up?" Wolf hissed. He didn't like interruptions when he was working in the studio, especially during the final stages of deciding whether a song was ready for release or not.This process took time because Wolf was very meticulous—not hesitant to ask for re-recordings or remixing if he wasn't satisfied. Wolf demanded high concentration and despised interruptions halfway through.For almost a week now, Wolf hasn't left the studio, conducting a marathon quality check of many songs scheduled for release next month. His patience was at an all-time low."That Bitch is here."Becca felt no remorse for the interruption; in fact, she cursed whoever it was that came, as anyone earning that nickname was someone she despised."Which Bitch?"However, Wolf couldn't comprehend, as Becca had a long list of people earning that title. Even Iris had called her that when she wa
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Use Your Feeling
Sara snorted."If that's her only trauma, she wouldn't be mute. It's another psychological issue. If it's just falling down the stairs, she'll probably be afraid of heights or never climb stairs again in her life. Her muteness isn't because she fell down the stairs. It represents another kind of pain, probably related to a man. Shit! I shouldn't have told you that!"Sara is sharing too much. She shouldn't have mentioned the possibility of a man hurting Zoe."What kind of man?" Wolf, of course, didn't understand. Sara waved her hand, not wanting Wolf to bring up the topic of men again."Look. I just want to say that Zoe's issues might not be easy to handle because she won't open up to me. But that's the core of the problem. She's holding something in, keeping the pain or whatever it is inside her. I won't be able to help her unless she starts opening up herself.""And you're giving up?" Wolf would be disappointed if Sara was truly giving up."I am not giving up, but I need your help. S
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What Make You Comfortable?
Zoe complained because the recording she took a few days ago required a lot of editing. In addition to cutting Max's voice to keep Iris calm, there were also many other voices of people present in the gym at that time.Due to being too focused on Iris, Zoe didn't really notice the presence of many people gathering because of the incident. They were mostly whispering, and of course, it was disturbing because the phone's microphone would pick up all the surrounding sounds. There was a part where Cleo dispersed them, but it was after the final part.Zoe wanted to clarify Iris's voice and remove other voices to make it clearer, but she didn't have the ability to do that. Before Billy found them, Zoe's experience using social media to promote Max and herself allowed her to use video editing to blur faces. But for the voice part, it's usually Max's job. Zoe regretted not participating in working on that part, so she had little knowledge now.Zoe leaned back, supporting her cheek with her ha
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A Difficult Test for You
"Okay, what confuses you?" Clay asked while sipping the newly delivered blue cocktail.As requested by Clay, they were at the most ordinary bar, where the patrons were genuinely there for company and diverse cocktail offerings. They sat in a corner with a sofa for a more relaxed conversation."How do you make a woman comfortable?" Wolf asked.This time, Clay really spit out the drink he was sipping, causing Wolf to grimace as some droplets landed on the back of his hand."That's disgusting, Clay!" he complained."You dragged me here just to ask that?" Clay used a tissue to clean his lips and clothes."Yeah, you know the answer, right? I want specific details. I don't want broad strokes. Attention and understanding—I don't want answers like that. I want clear examples!" Wolf demanded specificity because if it was just a global answer, Sara had already covered everything earlier. Wolf wanted clear examples.Clay stared at Wolf in amazement. He never imagined such a question would come f
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Your Strange Behaviour
Zoe squirmed as she threw the blanket she wore carelessly, causing it to fall off the bed. It was indeed her habit. She tousled her messy hair, as last night she was too sleepy to comb it, so she just let it air-dry after a shower.Yawning widely, she stretched to straighten her back as she lowered her feet. She was still sleepy from staying up late trying to edit Iris's recording. It just didn't work.Today, Zoe planned to seek knowledge on the internet again. To find more precise tutorials so she could accomplish it. It wasn't convincing, as her findings yesterday didn't meet her expectations, but what else could she do?Zoe lazily walked to the bathroom while suppressing a yawn."What makes you stay up late at night and sleepy?""AH!"Zoe, of course, screamed very loudly upon hearing that. Her eyes widened as she turned around, looking around.Then she spotted Wolf, sitting with his legs crossed, holding a cup of coffee. Staring at her with sharp eyes. Observing, but maybe a bit to
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Your Request Will Be Granted
Zoe returned to rubbing her chest absentmindedly. Wolf showed no sign of acknowledging her presence. Zoe finally entered the luxurious kitchen that usually sparkled, holding her phone."How did you know I was coming?" Zoe asked."I heard your footsteps," Wolf replied.Zoe widened her eyes. "I'm not wearing any shoes!""Just because you're not wearing shoes doesn't mean I can't hear you. My ears are accustomed to picking up sounds more clearly. And your eavesdropping distance wasn't far, Zoe." The kitchen wasn't too large, as Wolf knew he wouldn't use it often.Zoe nodded, remembering that Wolf's primary job as a producer was to have a keen sense of hearing."Eat," Wolf said, placing two fully loaded plates on the counter. There were high stools for dining; there was no need for a dining table.Zoe looked at the perfectly arranged meal. Two slices of toast, crispy bacon, and sunny-side-up eggs with the perfect level of doneness. The yellow yolk glistened, just halfway cooked. Saliva ga
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Your Memory Disturb Me
Zoe stared in awe at the equipment in Wolf's studio. It couldn't be compared to the rental studio she used to share with Max, with just a few hours available to create demo songs. Even the mixing equipment here was more comprehensive than in Billy's studio in Nova. Wolf even had a professional, soundproof recording room.The closed room next to Wolf's workspace turned out to hide an area that made Zoe feel like she had discovered a secret treasure trove."Sit down." Wolf shifted another chair so Zoe could sit next to him after turning on the computer there."I'll start with the basics. The programs you can use to layer a song and also..."Zoe patted Wolf's arm, asking him to slow down a bit with the explanations, as she couldn't follow how quickly the screen on Wolf's computer was changing.[Can't you explain using a simpler program? I mean something more straightforward.]"Why are you using this note again?" Wolf asked, taking the cat-shaped sticky note Zoe handed it to him, sticking
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Your First Thank You
"Zoe?!" Wolf stretched his head to get a clearer view but couldn't find her."Zoe!" Finally, Wolf got up and opened the recording room door."You..." Wolf, seeing Zoe huddled near the wall, certainly wanted to address her, but then he realized that Zoe was trembling."Zoe? Are you sick?" Wolf wanted to pull Zoe to stand, but as he moved her away from the wall, he heard faint sobs and tears dripping onto the carpet.Wolf became even more panicked after seeing that. Wolf became even more panicked after seeing that. His suggestion for Zoe to sing had actually made her uncomfortable, but it turned out to be worse as it made her cry."Why... wait..."Wolf let Zoe continue to huddle while he rubbed her head in confusion."What should I do?!" The panicked murmurs were very soft, but enough to startle Zoe. She tried to wipe away her tears.Wolf, still thinking hard about everything he had learned instantly since meeting Sara, observed how Zoe wiped away her tears.Wolf searched the room but f
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Part of Your Story
[Have you ever been a singer or something?] Zoe asked.After Wolf read the question she handed him, Zoe stuck the sticky note on the dashboard in front of her. Zoe followed Wolf's lead and attached her sticky note next to the steering wheel, where two others were already stuck."Never. My voice is not suitable for singing. You've heard it, right? My voice is too rough," Wolf said.[Indeed, but I think it's not impossible to be a singer. Many singers have husky voices] Zoe stated the current reality."Not applicable to me. It takes hard work to make my voice worth listening to. And for what? There are many beautiful voices out there that are already worth listening to. I prefer to hear those."Zoe nodded. In essence, Wolf never had the desire to become a singer because he preferred listening to other people's voices."Did you have a beautiful voice since you were a child?" Wolf asked, partly guessing, considering Zoe had mentioned she always wanted to be a singer.Zoe nodded but didn't
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