Semua Bab Love Me Not : a haunted alpha tale: Bab 1 - Bab 10
41 Bab
Chapter 1
"You look fine, now can we go already?"My twin brother, Ricky, whines with exasperation as he leans against the doorframe of the hotel room we had rented. I look at myself in the mirror for the last time, wondering if I should have done something different with the auburn hair that ran loose down my back and if my short black dress was showing off too much skin for the meeting Ricky and I were being forced to attend. "Fine!" I sigh, flashing the mascara wand through my eyelashes one last time before tugging on my heels. "What's your rush anyway?"Ricky rolls his eyes at me before grabbing my purse and throwing it at me, rushing me out of the door."I want to see who else is being placed this year. You know, we haven't left Grampa's place in ten years but I'm sure I'll be able to recognize some of our old playmates." I smile at his enthusiasm. At least one of us is keen for this whole placement for training saga. Having been out of the pack life for the last ten years has made me a
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Chapter 2
My grandfather was waiting for us at the door of the cottage where Ricky and I had basically grown up. It was a rough looking home, stark against the backdrop of the rumbling mountains which had been both our playground and training field.Grampa had begun training us from the moment he moved us to the mountains, terrified that the murderers of his son and daughter-in-law would return to finish off Eric and myself. He had given up everything for us - his position as Beta of Red River, his beautiful pack home, his friends - all for my brother and I. We would never be able to truly express how much we loved and appreciated him. "So younguns? Where are you off to?" He wiggles his bushy eyebrows at us as we tumble passed him. "Dark Moon." Ricky declares, flinging his bag onto the sofa before grabbing a glass of water. We'd trekked up the mountain to our home as no vehicle could navigate the harsh terrain. Grampa had said it was better that way, not letting anyone or anything sneak up o
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Chapter 3
Having been homeschooled, I missed out on bitchy teenage drama for which I was eternally grateful. Unfortunately, one of the recruits decided to catch me up on all I had missed. "Oh look, here comes the rogue. Be careful Natalia, pack wolves kill rogues." Amber eyes flutter innocently as Lana Cole turns her back on me and my roommates and gathersher flock of sheep around her. I'll show her rogue! Ember growls. The tiny upstart needs her ass beaten properly. I ignore both Ember and Lana, smiling sweetly to the other girls. I am determined to be the bigger person. The guys join us with Jaydon who quickly establishes a no-talking-while-he-is-talking rule. "Ok, runts. Let me see what you've got. The last person to get around the lake and back here does the dishes tonight. Every recruit for themselves! Go, go, go!" We all take off at a sprint, some of the guys leaving us in the dust as their long legs afford them quick strides. Suddenly that same intoxicating woody smell hits me
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Chapter 4
"How were the dishes last night?" Lana whispered to me as I shoved a piece of toast into my mouth.I ignored her… but barely. My sleepless night had put me into one hell of a mood and I wasn't up to putting up with her bullshit today. Ricky eyed me from across the dining hall where he was shoveling food onto a plate before he dropped into the chair next to me. "Spill." He said via mind-link, not paying me any attention externally."Didn't sleep well and that bitch Lana keeps pushing my buttons." I reply, reaching for his coffee cup and taking a sip."Yuck! What is this?" I exclaim, barely able to swallow the bitter swill I'd just sipped.Ricky grins at me, looking more like a doofus than ever. "Green tea." He answers proudly. "The guys and I were discussing the benefits of clean eating last night as a way to improve performance. I'm giving it a shot." "You can keep that rubbish, thank you. I'm off to get a coffee refill to get me through this day. Will catch up with you on the t
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Chapter 5
After yet another restless night, I drag myself out of bed. It's been two weeks since I've seen Liam but every night when I close my eyes I dream of him. It's the mate bond. Ember explains in her bossy way. It's trying to get you to jump his bones so you can either accept that or reject him. I tell my roommates to go ahead to training and I'll catch up, wanting a moment to myself to compose myself.  I enter the small bathroom,  splashing ice cold water on my face to force myself to wake up.  A quick glance in the mirror makes me cringe.  My skin is pale,  my green eyes slightly bloodshot and my auburn hair looks more brown than auburn, hanging limply down my back. Try as I might,  I only make myself look faintly better - plating my hair and pinching my cheeks to try instil some colour into them.  "That's as good as its going to get." I say to myself before I brush my teeth, throw on my training kit and run down to the training grounds where th
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Chapter 6
Jaydon paid me a visit before dinner, telling me to rest and recover. The incident had reached the Alpha's ears and he had ordered a respite for the recruits. Two days off of training and we were allowed to visit the nearby village. I'm sure Megs, Ash and Amy are ecstatic about that, the topic of shopping having come up numerous times in our cabin. "Thanks for visiting me, Jaydon." I say, feeling my body being pulled towards sleep once again.  I've got no clue what drugs Doc had given me but they sure did work a charm.  I woke up with a start as the sun was starting to rise. I could smell the lingering scent of Liam and knew that he had been in the room.  I managed to pull myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, the pain being more of an irritation now than actual pain. Megan had dropped off some clothes and toiletries so I gratefully took a much needed shower and brushed my teeth before dressing in the tank top and shorts Megan had provided.
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Chapter 7
After days of little to no sleep, my body launched itself into full blown hibernation and I spent the two days we were given off between sleeping and snacking on the mountain of food Megan kept me supplied with. By the end of the second day I was more than ready to face the world and get back to training. After our obligatory run around the lake, Jaydon and another man who introduces himself as Beta Suarez announce that we'll be having a special guest to our training today. Alpha Fletcher himself! "The Alpha is so hot. He trained the same time as my brother and we ended up hanging out all the time." Lana giggles, tying her shirt into a knot at the front so that it tightens suggestively against her breasts. Juan and Matt overhear the discussion and roll their eyes in unison. "You planning on being the Alpha's new bedmate there Lana?" Juan asks her with a suggestive thrust of his hips. "Although I'm sure once with you would be enough."
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Chapter 8
Liam is sitting in one of the armchairs, his face resting in his hands and looking rather defeated. His hair is also wet having washed it in some other bathroom somewhere in the house and he is clothed in a pair of jeans, leaving his broad chest bare. He looks up as I move a bit closer and a strange light flashes in his eyes before he stands up and comes to me. "You saved my sister, Natalia. I cannot think how I can ever repay you." His voice os hard but I can read the suppressed emotions in his face. "I just did what any lycan would have done." I take hold of his hand, offering my support. "How is she doing?" He pulls me closer to him and I feel warmth spread throughout my body as he wraps his strong arms around me and rests his head on top of mine. "She'll be fine. Vicky is stronger than she seems, she was just caught off guard. I think the emotional wounds may take some time to heal though." I wrap my arms around his waist and lean into him. "I take it the two other pe
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Chapter 9
Slow and secret definitely upped the intrigue factor, however getting away from the other recruits without being noticed proved to become increasingly difficult. I secretly found myself bumming out on training exercises just so that I'd get saddled with dish duty. Every time without fail Liam would appear and help me out then we'd either chat for ages afterwards or end up in a heated make out session. I have to admit that every time I looked at Liam I felt the need to thank the fates that we were mated. If I had to spend my life linked with another person I was glad it was him. He is the whole package: intelligent, funny, sexy as heck! It's hard to keep my hands off of him when he's nearby… but maybe that's just the whole mate-bond thing. Jaydon had set us to sparring every day since Vicky's attack, nervous that the assailants would return since they didn't accomplish whatever their goal was. We could all tell that the man was living on edge. "You're throwing this round on purpose.
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Chapter 10
Liam takes a step back and places his hands on my hips."What's wrong?" He asks, worry etched onto his face. I sigh and break away from his hold on me. It's too hard to form words with him being so close to me. "This whole mate bond thing is getting in the way of my training." I rush out, feeling as if the walls are closing in around me. "What do you mean? We've been discreet and no one else has discovered anything about us. What's really going on?""It's a distraction, ok?" I basically shout at him. "I need to focus on improving my skills and you're a bloody distraction!" He looks slightly smug at that admission and I realise I'm using the wrong tactic. "I don't want a mate, you know that. I've never wanted a mate and I never will want a mate." His expression changes suddenly and he looks as if I've just slapped him, staggering back slightly as the verbal blow. "I thought you may eventually feel something for me and that you'd change your mind…" He walks to the bay window and
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