All Chapters of Perfect Avatar: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
67 Chapters
The Way The Strong Fight
At Elizabeth's cue, Barron and I released our auras which collided, sweeping the air in every direction."Let's get this over with quickly, I don't have all day."Barron said spirals of flame swirled around his arms."As you wish."In an instant, a bed of flowers covered the field, and the ground, which had seemed chaotic earlier, took on a heavenly appearance, the best way to conceal a lethal weapon.Barron, unfazed, fired an orb of fire at me, sweeping the flowers away. A magic user so, interesting. The orb exploded on me, and the petals scattered, Albert jubilant."Well done, Sir Barron! I knew you had it in you!He coughed lightly and regained his composure."This establishes that Miss Elizabeth, even you cannot deny that it is grossly insufficient."No one answered him or even looked shocked, Hope and Elizabeth stared at a very familiar scene, thousands of petals swirling around Barron."... No, you won't."Barron turned the palm of his right hand and a violent wind rose,throwin
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The Privilege of The Powerful
Later that night we celebrated the news of my admission at a party with my mother, my sister, Hope, Elizabeth, and, sadly, Albert who had no shame in joining us."It's a private party, can you go?""Sh-shut up! I'm only here to keep an eye on you.""You just want to eat for free, beggar.""Oh, you... Your mother's beautiful son.""... Yes, you ugly women't."The party was filled with moments like these, after the exam I was guaranteed to be a privileged student of the academy and so Albert suffered from becoming a boot licker. Everyone was cheering and my mother was not openly surprised, "Your admission was only a formality, I never doubted it", What a beautiful sentence from a mother, with the only downside of condemning me to do my best,but on his side, Hope, discussing with his sister, seemed bothered."Just once more, please, I'm strong enough to assimilate it.""Hope, the problem is not if you can or not assimilate it, the problem is that if you wish to become a top Emissary you
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What Lays Within Me
It was dawn in the village, the day I left. In the house, everyone was still asleep, and outside, the streets were deserted. The perfect time for my morning round. I headed for the nearby forest, sinking deeper and deeper until I was sure I was completely isolated. "Very well, one last time before the great departure." I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them again, they brightened red. In this scene, I was alone in the forest, in my point of view, I could see a message on a green screen. [Extermination Quest: Kill 10 Boars | Reward: 20 exp - 1 soul stone] [ Quest: Gather 400 black water lilies| Reward: 40 exp - 3 elemental stones] I had a unique ability giving me access to a system offering me a choice of two quests every day. The best part was that after completing one of the quests, I was rewarded with a brand new skill that made me even better at things I'd never practiced before. These skills ranged from combat skills like swordsmanship and archery to survival
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Play Monster Against Demon
We were facing my former companions, given their faces, they must also have been surprised to see me, we hadn't had any contact since that day."Hm? What a surprise, the useless debuff is here, you came to say goodbye to us? How nice." Erick launched hostilities."Erick, stop this, please. Hello, mister Anesidora, we weren't expecting you, are you also leaving?""Oh, Liliana was it? Yeah, I'm doing great, very great" I smirked at Elizabeth in her disguise and she sighed in answer. "I heard that you had subdued the rift last time, excellent job.""... Thank you, it wasn't that hard, everyone did a great job, even though I would have liked to count you with us.""For what? Did we even need to use my poison skill? This only confirms that this thing is worthless, like the user somehow."These words agitated my family and Hope, Wendy, too young to understand what was going on tugged at our mother's sleeve."Mom, who are they?"Mo didn't answer and only patted Wendy's head, she knew how she
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Time For Explanations
"This is your bus stop."I snapped my finger and a dimensional hole opened beneath Erick. He fell there without even realizing what was happening, and in no time, found himself free-falling under the bridge."Say hello to the parents of my payment, stone and stick."Erick felt endless, it would be fun to know what he was thinking at the time, but I had to take care of his companions first."W... What... Where's Erick?! What did you do??""On the bright side... Now you really have the harem of girls you've been dreaming about.""Bring him back, now!"Leon was advancing furiously towards me, his fist clenching and releasing dangerous waves of energy, his means of negotiation."Scary."I snapped my fingers and another hole opened up under Leon, knocking him under the bridge.No matter what people say, gravity has always been a formidable weapon, I took out 2 E rank emissaries with minimal effort, not a feat but still impressive."Are you crazy?! When… What did you…""Ah, I forgot you, Mo
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An Ending And A New Beginning
The rest of the trip went off without a hitch, the tension had gone down and the debate mainly revolved around the complaints of my comrades and Hope telling us about his future exploits.We soon arrived in Sungen Town, one of the largest towns in the region and headquarters of the Southern Guild. Sana, Marie, Liliana, and Lilith prepared to go down, the time for our new farewell had come."So keep doing your best mister Dora, We'll do our best too and I hope to finally work with you one day.""You wish to see Leon die?""*giggle* You better keep getting strong because we won't stay E-rank for long.""By the way, Idiora, What is this device you were manipulating in the bus? It looks like a magic stone.""Marie, this thing is called a mobile phone, have you never... Oh, yeah... Poverty.""Jerk.""Hm! No, I mean the village is so poor that no one has one, even I got this... In a special way! I'm not insulting you, I'll even give this to you as a farewell gift. "I handed her the device.
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One Step Before Glory
The next day had arrived, the day we were supposed to enroll in the academy.The sun had risen a few hours ago and life was returning to normal in the capital.In the courtyard of an inn, Hope, wearing only shorts, was swinging a wooden sword in the air."Ha!"Powerful blows rent the air, a delectable sight for the inn manager."Mister Hope, you have a visitor."The young man stopped and looked at the manager who was accompanied by a robust man, tall and with disheveled black hair."Hm, not so bad, if It was me, I would have added a few weights, but I think for a beginner it's already good.""Oh Huh... Thanks, but it's only a warm-up, I can't risk getting injured today, my daily training is usually more brutal.""For me, if you don't risk getting hurt, it's not training.""... Who are you by the way?"The man crossed his arms and cocked his chin proudly, showing off his massive pecs."I am an examiner from the Royal Academy of Nebula, Physical Education teacher, and especially C-class
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The Royal Academy
The vehicle had been parked outside and we continued the road on foot. The spectacle behind the walls was divine.A vast area, richly decorated with statues along numerous paths, water fountains further on, and tremendous vegetation. It was like a capital within the capital, this world was simply magical.The architecture of the main building in the distance was reminiscent of a castle, with its many towers and buildings.Other buildings emerged in the distance, this world was infinite.As we walked, we passed more and more students from the academy. Some, grouped on a hill or a public bench, we imagined with curiosity.(Is it because we're not in uniform?)Then I looked to my right and noticed Hope and his duckling walk, spreading his feet wide apart and a smug glint on his face, following Muscle Man as he jutted his chin forward and rolled his shoulder pads.(For God's sake…)After a while, we arrived in the main hall. A large population of students were gathered there, chatting ami
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Odd Encounter
An awkward silence settled in, we stared at each other like animals in different cages in a zoo, Iris noticed this strange tension and broke the ice."Good to see you Thomas, I see you've already brought Cid""Oh, good to see you, Miss Iris, and yes, I brought back this rascal but… What a hassle.""Hey, watch your mouth, I'm not getting ordered around by a subordinate. And what are those beggars doing here? You're not here as cooks or something right? Even this would be too much for the likes of you."Thomas facepalmed and sighed while Iris was giggling."I see, I heard the Avatar enlisted by Dean Candace was quite the character, You seem to live up to that name.""Hm, Yeah, and You should tell loudly to this fool who enlisted me, we don't have the same value."Hope fixed his collar, a smirk on his face." Oh? Is that really all you have? For your information, the one who enlisted us is the captain of the Royal Guards, MY sister. The strongest woman in the country saw potential in us
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Show Of Force
Hope and Midgard looked at each other without saying a word. The young lady, whose face had become severe, carefully observed the slightest reaction from her interlocutor, like a snake after having bitten its prey, but this time the venom did not spread as expected."System? What do you mean? What system?She looked at him, her irises narrowing so much that they were becoming less and less visible."You don't know what the system is? Are you playing dumb? What are you trying to pull?"Um... What do you mean seriously? What is a system?"... Hm, I see, with your past, I expected you to be the one… Unless you are trying to trick me, little toy.""Look, I have no idea what you're saying, can we move on? I cannot wait anymore!"Go ahead, play your children's game."Hope, as if freed from his chains, rushed towards the end of the tunnel. Midgard crossed her arms and sighed."This game of cat and mouse has been going on too long… You know you're stuck, why do you keep hiding from me?"Hope
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