All Chapters of Tangled in Moonlight : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
249 Chapters
Chapter 20: The Blood and the Mud
Clayton grabbed a towel and began drying his hair, letting it hang loose to air dry. Camden lay in front of the crackling fireplace, feeling the warmth slowly seep into her body, her muddy toes peeking out from under the cozy blanket. "Cam?" Clayton called out. "Yeah?" she replied, her voice filled with weariness. "I'm making myself some coffee. Can I make you some hot chocolate?" Clayton offered. "Mmmm... Sounds good," Camden replied. "Well, actually, I'm making myself an Irish coffee, if I'm being honest," Clayton confessed. "It's been one of those days..." he sighed. "And it's only 2 pm..." Camden perked up. "Make it two Irish coffees," She stated, eager to feel the calm relaxation that the whiskey might offer. "Are you being serious?" Clayton questioned, knowing that she hated coffee and didn’t seem particularly fond of whiskey either. "Yup. Like you said, it's been a rough day."Clayton brought over the drinks, and Camden sat up, reaching out her good arm from under the blanket t
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Chapter 21: The Shower
Clayton turned back around, his eyes meeting hers, a mixture of surprise and eagerness in his expression. "Are you sure?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Camden nodded, a blush rising in her cheeks. A surge of anticipation coursed through Clayton's veins, and with an enormous smile, he took her hand, hurriedly leading her outside. "Let's go, before you realize you're acting crazy and change your mind," he teased, his voice filled with excitement.They ventured out into the rain, the icy drizzle making contact with Camden's naked skin, eliciting a gasp from her. Clayton removed his sweatpants, hanging them on a nearby tree. Then he adjusted the water temperature for the outdoor shower, ensuring it was just right. With a mischievous grin, he pulled Camden under the spray with him. She shivered as the warm water cascaded over her, her body responding to both the chill of the rain and the heat of their intimate connection. Clayton couldn't resist the magnetic attraction between them, pullin
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Chapter 22: The Tattoo
Camden burrowed into Clayton's neck, relishing the warmth and comfort of their intertwined bodies. His scratchy beard tickled her nose as she nuzzled against him, finding solace in his presence. She curled into a ball of pure bliss and fulfilment, her injured arm draped over Clayton's chest. In the tranquil aftermath of their passionate union, a sense of serenity washed over them.Clayton's smile beamed with genuine happiness as he looked down at Camden, his heart overflowing with love. "I love you," he whispered, the words carrying the weight of his emotions. Camden, her eyes closed, basked in the tender moment, her expression radiating contentment. She felt the profound truth in Clayton's words, and her heart responded in kind. "I love you too," she murmured softly, her voice filled with sincerity.Shifting slightly, Clayton rolled over onto his side, his gaze fixed on the woman lying beside him. The sight of her flushed face, damp with perspiration and adorned with a rosy hue, capt
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Chapter 23: The Dog
"I'm not sure what to make of that," Camden admitted, a little confused and uncomfortable. "It scares me a little, if I'm being honest." "I'm also not sure what it's supposed to mean," Clayton said, his brows furrowed in contemplation. "Maybe it's nothing. Just a coincidence." Camden's eyes darted back to the tattoo, gently tracing the delicate script with her finger. "Maybe," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "but it feels like a pretty significant coincidence."After a few moments of silence, both of them lost in thought as to what this might mean, Camden asked, "What was his name?" Clayton's smile bloomed across his features as memories came flooding back to him. "Bingo," he said softly, the nostalgia evident in his voice. "Bingo?!" Camden exclaimed with a small laugh. "What kind of dog was he?" she asked, genuinely intrigued. "A rottweiler," Clayton replied. "He was the best. So strong and protective, but at the same time, so gentle and patient with me." "He sounds a
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Chapter 24: The Gamophobe
Clayton nestled back into Camden's chest, finding solace in her arms and the feel of her soft skin against his own. "What a fucking day," he mumbled, his voice muffled against her skin. Camden chuckled softly, her fingers tracing soothing circles on his back. "Tell me about it," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and relief. "Quite the emotional rollercoaster. I'm actually exhausted." Exhaling deeply, Camden released the tension from her body, savouring the weight of Clayton resting against her.Clayton, lying against her chest, listened to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. His fingertips gently stroked her ribs, his touch tender and loving. Breaking the comfortable silence, he turned to face her. "So, no tattoos for you?" he asked playfully. "I mean, I didn't see any on you, and I did a pretty thorough search." Camden smiled, her eyes filled with amusement. "No, no tattoos for me," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of contemplation. "It feels like a real
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Chapter 25: The Move
Camden awoke to the sound of rain gently drumming on the windows. She reached her arm out to Clayton's side of the bed, searching for him, but he wasn't there. Camden sat up, confused and a little cold. She pulled the covers around herself and rubbed her eyes, looking around groggily. She stretched and yawned, trying to wake herself up. Just then, Clayton opened the door and strode in. "Ah, you're up," he announced with a smile. "Mmmm..." She groaned, her eyes still sleepy. "We need to talk." Clayton said, his good mood evident in his chirpy demeanour. Camden looked up at him through bleary eyes, her confusion clear on her face as she tried to understand what he could possibly want to discuss so early in the morning. "Can I wake up first?" she asked, her voice thick with sleep still. "Oh, right, sure," Clayton replied with a small apologetic smile. "Can I get you anything?" he suggested, looking for a way to jolt her into wakefulness so that he could tell her what was on his mind. "So
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Chapter 26: The Sun
Camden was standing in the kitchen, washing the dishes in the sink as her mind buzzed with underlying uncertainty as she thought about the possibility of moving to the Blood Moon Pack. She had heard about them before. Her father was an Alpha after all, and had connections with packs around the globe, though she had never had any dealings with them personally, nor had she ever set foot in their territory. She didn’t want to leave, but at the same time, she wanted to support Clayton and she agreed that a fresh start would probably be good for them. Somewhere they could call home. But right now, this was home, and she had never been happier, so why did he want to go and change things?She had to stop herself from tumbling any further down the rabbit hole. She mustn’t get ahead of herself. Clayton said he would still need to think about it, so there was no point in mulling it over endlessly when nothing was set in stone yet. Clayton, sensing her restlessness, approached her from behind, h
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Chapter 27: The Red River
The sun was out and now Camden had to think of something to do with this gift from nature. She took a moment to weigh her options, contemplating what activity they could do on this beautiful day. She considered a swim at the waterfall, but while the sun was out, the air was still cool and she didn't feel like freezing in an icy lake today. "How about a hike or a wolf run?" Clayton suggested, a spark of enthusiasm in his eyes. She pondered for a moment, recalling the bear trap, then replied, "Hmm... Maybe a hike?" Clayton grinned, pleased with her choice. "That's a good call," he agreed, nodding. "I’m going to take you up the mountain. I think you'll appreciate the view." With a plan in motion, Camden slipped into a pair of comfortable shorts and laced up her new hiking boots. Clayton, on the other hand, decided to go barefoot, preferring the feeling of a connection to the earth beneath his feet. They packed a few snacks and filled their water bottles before setting off. Camden noted
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Chapter 28: The Hard No
The sun had begun to set when Camden returned from her shower, and she felt a surge of gratitude upon seeing clean pyjamas laid out for her on the bed. A steaming cup of hot chocolate sat on the side table beside them and Clayton was busy finishing up the dishes in the sink. "I wasn't sure if you would want to eat. I know you were nauseous earlier, so I didn't know if I should make you something. Are you hungry?" he asked with genuine concern. Overwhelmed by his attentiveness along with a surge of hormones, Camden's eyes welled up with tears. "You're so thoughtful," she murmured, her lower lip trembling, "Thank you." Clayton gave her a sympathetic look and wrapped an arm around her wet shoulders as he kissed the top of her head, offering her comfort. "Come on, why don't you get dressed. I just need to check something outside," he lied, thinking she may want some privacy in the small cabin. She knew he was lying, but she appreciated the considerate gesture, and nodded tearfully. "Think
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Chapter 29: The Encounter
Camden had endured a restless and miserable night, her cramps persistently waking her up, causing her to toss and turn in discomfort. An intense cramp jolted her awake before the sun even came up, prompting her to get up in search of some kind of relief. She decided to take some more painkillers and do a bit of yoga, hoping that might help. Doing her best not to disturb Clayton, she pulled on a pair of comfortable leggings, a t-shirt, and an oversized sweater to combat the chilly morning air. As she readied herself she glanced out the window, observing the world in grayscale, waiting for the sun to paint it with colors. A smile tugged at her lips. She relished the feeling of being up so early, as if she was in on some secret no one else knew. But at the same time, she knew there was no way she would be making a habit out of this. She enjoyed her sleep far too much.Eager to make the most of her early start, Camden ventured outside for her yoga session. The air was crisp, but at least
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