All Chapters of A fresh start with the Lycan king : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
105 Chapters
MAGNUS POVI paced around restless on the bed as I couldn't sleep. I thought of Sophie and longed for her closeness. I didn't see how she was still weak, especially after the energetic performance she had given earlier in the day at the council. My inner wolf too was craving her company, staying away from her these few days had been hard.I got up and made my way to her room to see her. When I got there, the room was empty. The bed didn't even appear to have been slept in. My first instinct was that she had been attacked or kidnapped but it didn't make sense. There was no way they could get to her seeing as the security measures around had been improved. I looked out of her window to see her training with someone. I got furious on seeing them. It appeared to be her guard, Eirik or so. She was indeed only training with Eirik, her personal guard, under the moonlight. But it was night and she had lied The relief came from knowing she was safe and under the watchful eye of a skilled war
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SOPHIE POVI woke up sore the next day to an empty bed. I found a note on the table by Magnus telling me to get ready for his grandfather who was coming to the kingdom to visit. His name was Alpha King Maximus . Apparently, he was Magnus mother's father and a powerful alliance. He was coming since he was shocked by the news that his daughter had teamed up with Kal fang.I hurried to change up for the day making sure I was spotless. One never knew how grandfathers could get once they were angry. My main fault as a werewolf already could trigger off his racist personality. From what I had seen, every Lycan royalty had one.I was fortunate to be down there with Magnus just as he arrived.I'm not sure of how I expected the queen's father, Alpha Maximus to look but it was certainly not this way. He was huge and looked very intimidating. I could see the resemblance between us, he had my raven hair and honey brown eyes. His beard covered a large part of his face though. He looked like he was
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MAGNUS POVDespite my initial irritation with Sophie and my actions, I found myself thinking of her and considering granting her request to be free. I realized that confining her within the castle wouldn't do her or our relationship any good. Sure enough, as if summoned by my thoughts, she appeared suddenly heading in my direction.As she approached me, I couldn't help but feel a wave of exhaustion wash over me. The day had been stressful as it was and I wasn't in the mood for more demands."What is it now, Sophie?" I sighed, my fingers massaging my temples in a futile attempt to ease the tension building up between us.She met my gaze with an unwavering determination. "Magnus, I understand your concern for my safety, but I can't remain confined within these walls like a prisoner. I need to explore the kingdom, understand its people, and embrace my role as Luna. I promise I'll exercise caution."Her words tugged at my conflicting emotions. On one hand, I wanted to protect her from any
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SOPHIE POVMagnus's stern tone did not deter me. I stood my ground, determined to make him hear me out even if it meant I had to nag."Magnus, I appreciate your concern, but I can't stay confined here like a prisoner. I need to learn about this kingdom, its people, and its customs. How can I be a fair and just Luna if I don't understand the world I'm ruling?"He sighed, clearly torn between his protective instincts and my desire for freedom. "Sophie, it's not just about your safety. There are political rivalries, old grudges, and secrets that could put you in danger.""I understand that, but I can't let fear control my life," I replied, my voice steady. "I promise to be careful, I already have a guard with me who communicates back with you in real time about my whereabouts."Magnus regarded me with a conflicted expression. "Alright, but I'll choose the guard who'll accompany you. I don't trust Erik of a person. And you'll report to me about your activities every day. I can't afford t
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The lion's den
MAGNUS POVI was seated in the office nursing a dry gin drink in my hand while immersed in my thoughts. In front of me was Luke who was giving his monthly report of the kingdom. I tried my best to look interested but I had zoned out few minutes into the conversation. Oblivious to this, he rambled on and I did my best to look engaged by occasionally nodding and muttering my assent to what he was saying.Something he said caught my attention and brought me back to the present."Come again, what did you say?" "Have you been listening to anything I've been saying,""Yes of course, I just missed what you said now. Repeat yourself,"He knew better than to push the matter, he just heaved a sigh out of exasperation and went on."I said that the council and the people in general are fearful as to the queen whereabouts. Somehow words have gotten out that she had gone to join up with Kal Fang forces. A statement from you now will soothe them.""I think it's that cursed Maximus and his big mout
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The bomb scare
MAGNUS POVWe drove through the open gate and into Kal Fang's territory. The place was even more desolate than I had imagined which was really saying something considering what we had witnessed on our way here. It gradually got better as we approached the castle though. If the scenery outside had been to intimidate, then these right here was to appeal to the sense of visitors and a showoff of wealth. Not that they had much of it compared to my kingdom judging from the decor.We finally reached the castle, which was a dark and imposing structure that looked like it had been built out of black stone. It was surrounded by a high wall and a moat filled with murky water at the right. It was a ghastly sight to behold the more I saw it. I could see guards patrolling the walls and the grounds, and they all looked like they were ready to kill at a moment's notice.We stopped the car in front of the castle entrance, and I got out. Luke and Bryce followed closely behind me. We walked up to the e
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Test results
SOPHIE POVErik continually kept guard outside my room, where he made sure I was safe and sound before leaving but I couldn't still shake the feeling that I was being watched. Even though I knew that Erik was nearby, I was still fidgety and made sure I locked the door twice before I went to bed. In bed sleep wouldn't come fast enough and I was always rolling for long without falling asleep.I kept thinking about the shadowy figure I had seen in the forest. Who was that and what did they want? I considered telling Magnus, but I didn't want to worry him. He already had enough on his plate. It would just make him further restrict me from going anywhere and I didn't want that. He was even more focused on work and he dwelt on whatever kept him occupied for long. It made him keep late nights which had made me move out of his room till whenever he summoned me there.I decided to keep my own counsel and be more vigilant. I would start carrying a concealed silver weapon with me at all times an
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SOPHIE POVMagnus's eyes widened in surprise when I told him that I was pregnant. He stood up and walked over to me, taking my hands in his."Are you sure about this?" he asked."Yes," I said. "I went to see the pack doctor today.""You did what? Remember what happened then, why didn't you tell me? Anyway come here," He finally said, his face breaking into a smile as he pulled me into a hug."I can't believe it," he said, patting me on the back. "We're going to have a baby."I hugged him back, feeling relieved that he was happy about the news. I had been worried about how he would react, but he was clearly excited."I'm so happy for you, Sophie," he said. "This is the best news I've heard in a long time."I smiled. "I'm happy too."Magnus released me from the hug and looked at me seriously."We will protect him with all of our might," he said. "I will love and protect our child with all my heart."I smiled at him. "I know you will but how do you know it's a boy," I said, looking slyly
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A dream
SOPHIE POVTears welled up in my eyes as I looked at the wolf with the star-shaped streak on its forehead. I knew for a certainty that it was my mother. It seemed that she had reached out to me from the depths of my subconscious. It felt like a profound and spiritual connection and I wondered if she truly was the one."My child, how have you been?," She asked further confirming my suspicions. It was truly my mum."I'm tired of everything mum, my life here hasn't been very easy. I miss you and father. I have no relative here to care for me," I said, nuzzling her fur as I relaxed on her body."You've been strong for too long, take it easy dear. Besides you now have a mate that cherishes you, your life could be worse.""I know you won't like it but try and get along with your sister. There's a reason she doesn't like you,""Don't you think you should give her this same advice. I can't force her to like me. She never has so why now.""That's for you both to figure out. Find out who you are
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An old flame
SOPHIE POVI took a step back, my eyes scanning the room quickly for any weapon or sharp object available to protect myself. Unfortunately, my search proved futile."Stay back. My bodyguard is around here, I'll scream for help if you come any closer," I said edging towards the door which was now shut behind me."You knew about this and led me here? Tell me you're not working for him, shame on you for using Bella as a lure to get me here" I said turning to Zelda who was silently watching us in the corner."No, I'm not. Sorry about that, Bella is at my sister's place today. Magnus is an old friend of mine, we go way back. I made him swear that he wouldn't hurt you, just hear him out.""Like that means anything," I said with a sneer. Jax had hurt me enough in the past so I knew better than to trust him now. I wondered how he knew Zelda, perhaps they had met in the annual gala or she had schooled with us when we were little. Not that I remembered her face. They could be lovers, not that I
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