All Chapters of Only You: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Chapter 40
Author Ashton killed the engine of his car before turning to face Grace. “Did it have to end so soon? It only felt like a few minutes,” he sulked before her. “Stop acting like a baby being deprived of his favorite candy,” Grace giggled. The night was magical for her and not once in her life she would have imagined being ending up as Ashton Knight’s girlfriend. But what could she say? Life was full of surprises for her. Expect the unexpected. They had slowly danced under the moonlight, gazed at the stars and obviously had one of the most scrumptious meals prepared especially for her with all her favorites. “Well, it’s not like you aren’t my most favorite candy,” he smirked before pulling her in for a goodnight kiss. “How cheesy,” Grace remarked, pulling away when they were done. “And you complain as if we are not going to see each other tomorrow at work.” “Exactly! Tomorrow is so long to wait for. Not to forget I would still be spending the night alone.” “Don’t worry, I know
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Chapter 41
Grace's Pov The last week has been nothing but a bliss for me. Ashton did not miss a single moment to prove his love for me and to shower kisses whenever he saw the moment. The days I worked from his office were extremely delightful as everytime after working hours, we would go out to eat and then hit my favorite spot near a secluded lake. We would spend our time star gazing and then suddenly the air would get hot and make us end up in crazy sensual, most bombastic makeout sessions that I have fallen in love with. His kisses are something else. The feel of his lips, the way he takes control, almost makes me want to lose myself in him completely. We have kissed in places that I never imagined I would have in the first place. Having full blown make out sessions in the car and his office was nothing compared to the ones where he would sneak into the ladies bathroom and surprise me to have some fun. Not only this but once we got so lost in making out in the coffee machine room that he for
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Chapter 42
Grace Pov"What do you think about this one?" I pointed at yet another bridal dress hoping Macy would take a liking to it. "I'm not sure. Those flower patterns are not my type," this girl is never going to find her wedding dress like this. We've been out for three hours now and she has rejected every dress that was shown to her. "I was thinking about something with a slit maybe?" "Oh God Macy! You could have said that a lot earlier and by now we would have been done," I know I hate shopping but it's her big day and everything has to be perfect so I'm trying my best to keep my calm. I love her of course and my brother. And for them I could put up with this whole situation. "Ok, let me try this one," she took a beautiful white dress from the rack with a slit running on one side before going into the changing room. I decided to sit before my phone rang. Obviously it had to be Ashton. "How's my life doing? I hope your sister in law isn't making you regret your decision?" He cheered up
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Chapter 43
Ashton's povMy heart leapt out of my chest when I heard the words on the call. Grace is in the hospital, we were mugged. They hit her with their gun. Macy had called me immediately after telling me that Adrian was already on his way. I literally raced against time, breaking all speeding rules to get to her as soon as I could, all the while praying nothing happened to her. My pulse quickened, sending a frantic rhythm through my veins as I clutched the steering wheel with white-knuckled determination. The tires of my car squealed in protest as I accelerated, the engine's roar mirroring the turmoil inside me. My knitted brows were a testament to the fear and urgency that gripped me.The world outside my car window became a whirlwind of blurred neon lights and indistinct shapes, each passing streetlamp casting fleeting, eerie shadows across my face. This was not how the night was supposed to end. They were supposed to enjoy it cozed up in their pillow fort ending it with a movie. She
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Chapter 44
Author's PovIt had been two weeks now and and Grace had recovered from her head injury. It wasn't very severe to begin with. Things would have been a lot different if the person had actually shot her instead of hitting her with the gun. Although she did suffer with a mild concussion for a few days. But everything was well now. And things had gotten back on track. Preparations for the wedding were now complete. "Damn, I can't believe all the days just flew and my big day is tomorrow!" Macy exasperated, dropping on the couch. "I know right?" Grace added. "I am so nervous. Gosh I don't know what will happen tomorrow. What if I fall walking down the aisle. What if…." "Calm down woman. Noting is going to happen. And I know you are going to slay your model walk down the aisle." Grace cut her off to calm her nerves. "Are you mocking? I am not supposed to model walk tomorrow!" "Hahah, given the enthusiastic freak you are, I can already imagine you doing that.""Shut up," Macy threw a
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Chapter 45
Ashton's Pov My face contorted with fury as I remembered watching the security footage, my fists clenched in white-knuckled rage. The screen displayed the horrifying moment when the muggers attacked Grace. Determination had burned in my eyes as I made my men trace the motorbike's number plate, my mind calculating the best way to make them pay for their act. And right after two days, I was successful in finding those bastards alive. "They are in there Boss," I gave a single nod to my secretary, Luke, someone who I always ring up for these grave matters. With swift, purposeful steps, I made my way to the hidden torture room I had prepared for my special guests. The air was thick with tension as I entered, the dim light casting eerie shadows on the walls. My footsteps echoed in the cold, metallic space, amplifying the gravity of my intent. The two bastards were bound to chairs, their eyes wide with fear as they realized the tables had turned. My voice was low and dangerous as I appr
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Chapter 46
Author's pov The day was here. Grace couldn't help but feel her stomach churn in excitement and nervousness at the same time. If a year before someone would have told her she would be getting married to Ashton Knight then she would have blatantly laughed at the person for even having such a ridiculous and foolish thought. Her brain played a movie of all the flashbacks and memories she had spent with Ashton from the first day she met his obnoxious being to the day she started loving him. Yes, she hadn't told him that yet, but Grace Miller had fallen in love with Ashton Knight. If not, then she wouldn't have said yes to getting married to him in the first place. She giggled lightly remembering the times where he actually made her hate his guts. Just how fast the night changes. "I'm pretty sure whatever you are imagining is very pleasant but I need you to stop giggling Grace or I'll mess up your lipstick," the make-up artist scolded her like a child. "Sorry," she fought the urge to
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Chapter 47
Author’s Pov In the soft morning light, Ashton Knight stood before the mirror, his fingers fumbling with the silk tie that would soon rest beneath his crisp collar. The room was filled with a quiet buzz, the scent of cologne lingering in the air as he prepared himself for the most significant day of his life. His reflection stared back, eyes reflecting a mixture of nervous anticipation and boundless excitement.The weight of the moment settled on his shoulders, a beautiful blend of anxiety and joy. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach, their delicate wings a testament to the magnitude of the occasion. Each precise movement as he buttoned his white suit jacket and adjusted his cufflinks, a silent vow to be the best version of himself for Grace.As he ran a hand through his hair, Ashton couldn't help but smile, the corners of his lips curving upward in sheer happiness. Today, he would make a promise that would echo through a lifetime, a commitment to love, cherish, and protect. The tho
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Chapter 48
Author's Pov "You look breathtaking," Ashton mumbled against Grace's lips as he continued to push her through the main gates of their home, locked in an intense liplock. Grace was lost in the searing heat of the kiss, her mind hazy with the sensual touches of Ashton on her body. "Too bad, the look's going to be ruined in a few minutes." He led her through the living room pulling her veil off, not having patience to finally make her his. He had given all the staff off for the day to not have any interruptions on their wedding night. The man was so impatient, as soon as the car halted outside the gate, he rushed out from his door to Grace's side, instantly pulling her out and smashing his lips on hers, not even waiting to get in. "Fuck," he let out a groan, cupping her breast giving it a squeeze earning a sinful moan from her lips. "Jump," he ordered and she immediately obliged to his command. His hands went to cup her hips as she wrapped her legs around his waist, instantly feeling t
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Five years had flown by, and their once-tiny bundle of joy, Noah, was now a spirited four-year-old with a heart as big as his imagination. It was a sunny morning, and the aroma of excitement filled the air in the spacious kitchen of their luxurious mansion. Today was a special day—it was Grace's birthday, and both Ashton and Noah were determined to make it unforgettable.Ashton, donned an apron with as much determination as he approached his business deals. Beside him, Noah stood on a chair, his eyes wide with anticipation, wearing a miniature apron that read "Little Chef.""Alright, buddy, today we're baking the most amazing cake for Mama," Ashton declared, surveying the array of ingredients spread across the kitchen counter. Flour dusted the air as he attempted to pour it into a mixing bowl, but a gust of wind, courtesy of Noah's enthusiastic clapping, sent the flour swirling in all directions."Yesh Dad! We got this!" Noah grinned, his laughter filling the room.With Ashton's guidan
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