All Chapters of The Billionaire's Submissive: Chapter 231 - Chapter 239
239 Chapters
Evil ploy
  Tom's POV "That bastard!" I spat as I scaled down the wall with Eve, gritting my teeth in disgust.   I had watched him stroll with her. As if she were his. As if he had the right to.  Now it all seemed to be clear. To be so fucking clear.  "Take her to the spot," Barlow ordered, jumping in right after me. "I'll signal the men."   After a whole damned argument session with Barlow, he finally agreed to help. But what could possibly be much more valuable to Adam Stone? If we could get him to take back the charges and then say he had come up with the fake proof and lied that we were trafficking then everything would be solved.  There was nothing the word of a billionaire could not accomplish. But the problem however had been discovering how to make Adam Stone give in. I had snuck into his mother's hou
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Michael to the rescue
  Adam's POV "Your mother says, your little miss Eve is hanging around somewhere,"  Those were the first words Micheal said when I met him at the gate. He had the damned cocky grin on his face as if something permanently amused him.   "Perhaps I do," I chuckled, slipping my hands in my pocket. "With that grin on your face, I'm not so sure I want you to meet her." "Oh please, I have to. I need to know the woman who makes you do the craziest of shit," Micheal crackled, walking ahead of me into my mother's house.   "Try not to say shit when you meet her,"  "Shit like what?" he asked innocently and I just knew he was going to try something crazy when he saw Eve.   We stopped by Mom's study to say. "Hello, boys," Mom greeted us with a warm smile. She looked
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 Author's POV Well duty called.  Micheal Hamilton sped down the road that led outside New York city, a happy grin on his face. One would think he was on his way to attend a freaking birthday party with how excited he looked.  "Will you stop grinning like that?" Adam who sat in the passenger seat said with a concerned look. "It's fucking creepy man."  Micheal chuckled and took a sharp turn at the same time, earning a glare from his best friend. It had been a while since they left Isabella Stone mansion and frankly he had expected Adam to rain down his questions.   Instead, his best friend behaved as typical as anyone would expect Adam Stone to. He sat in the passenger seat quietly, occasionally glancing at him. If Micheal had to guess , he would say Adam was trying to connect the dots and figure out who or what he was exactly.   
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 Adam's POV Four days. They passed by in a blur. I couldn't remember much about what happened, but I could remember how I felt every single second.   Afraid. Terrified. Devastated. Nothing had prepared me for what I had seen. Nothing had prepared me to lose Eve.   When Tom had shot her, I was pretty sure I went mad. It had taken Micheal and the police to pry me off a bloodied Tom by the time I was done. The ambulance took its damned sweet time to arrive so while I called the pilot to the private jet, Micheal had checked her wound and helped do first aid. And I had held her in my arms on the flight home.   Pale. She grew pale rapidly. Her pretty skin had lost its color until she looked so drained it terrified the shit out of me.  I could feel the weight of her in my arms, her breath shallow and weak against my chest. Panic surged thr
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His mansion
 Eve's POV Adam drove us down to his house. Nuren had cried her eyes out when he had announced to everyone else that he was taking me with him. With the way she had cried, you would think Adam was carting me off all the way to the moon. But I was sure she was only too happy for me.   The drive was quiet. And yet it felt so... Peaceful. The days after the incident at the warehouse had felt like that. Slow and peaceful and it was good.   In the meantime.   His house... Scratch that, his mansion was huge! The gate creaked open as we approached, revealing a long driveway lined with blooming cherry blossom trees. The mansion loomed ahead, its grandeur taking my breath away. Adam guided the car to a stop in front of the massive oak doors, and I stepped out, feeling small against the backdrop of opulence. “I thought y
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Family reunion 
  Eve's POV "Wake up Eve,"  A pair of lips teased and tickled my ears. I moaned, melting deeper against his touch. His very familiar touch.  "Mhmm," I purred, moaning softly as his hands stroked my arm.   "Are you up, my pet?"  Oh I was . I was now. I had spent the past few days in Adam's arms. But as much as I enjoyed his presence,I feared that it would all end. I tried to push away those thoughts, telling myself that I was just being paranoid.  As I opened my eyes, I saw his face looming over me, a smile playing on his lips. It sent a shiver down my spine and a soft sigh slipped from my lips. Adam leaned in closer, his eyes darkening with desire. The air between us crackled with tension. “Hey,” I whispered.   “He
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So, this is love
  Adam's POV I watched Eve walk side by side with her mother on the patio. It had taken a great deal of work and patience to convince her mother to come. I had to send the video of Tom molesting Eve to her and that seemed to change everything.   That seemed to reveal the truth.   They seemed fine now, happy.   They had hugged and held each other for hours, weeping buckets while I stood there watching. It tore me to bits, seeing her cry. But she needed it. I knew that.   "You did good," Mother said, joining me on the balcony where I stood. "I'm sure you've made her very happy."  "Thank you mother," I murmured while taking a sip from my brandy. "That was the goal."  "Oh," my mother arched her brow in a manner that told me she had something else to say. "And the goal
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 Eve's POV Golden.   He was all I could see. All I could feel. His scent drove me heady and aching with desire. I gripped the counter, hanging on, waiting, anticipating.  Cold air whipped against my exposed skin as he yanked down the dress and tossed it aside. His breathing was ragged as he trailed kisses down my arched back, to my ass.   He let out a hiss, smacking the cheeks, sending painful thrills up my spine and down to my pussy.   "Adam," I moaned, pushing against him. "Oh please, please."  ‘Ah fuck, I love it when you beg," he mumured huskily, giving me another smack. Heat pooled between my thighs and my juices spilled down my thighs. Another smack and soon he had me writhing and mewling begging him to give me what I wanted. What we both wanted.   "So fucking eage
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A beautiful happy-ever-after
 Eve's POV    "Madam?!"     Ah crap. I snuggled deeper into my husband's arm, wishing Nuren would disappear. Why on earth was she at our door?!    "Madam?! Madam you have to wake up!"     No I do not!   "No she does not!" Adam yelled groggily, hugging me tighter. He must be mad at her for running our sleep as well.   "But she has to!" Nuren said stubbornly.    "Ignore her," I mumbled to him, running my hands over his skin.    He hummed in response. "It's a fucking Saturday. We ought to be allowed to sleep in,"   "Not like
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