All Chapters of The Alpha's Deceit: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
156 Chapters
VENITA:My entire body felt like it was on the brink of bursting when he suddenly stopped. Yeah, the pain was there, intense and raw, but the pleasure was so much more overpowering. What got on my nerves was that he decided to start chit-chatting right at that very moment. Not just any chit-chat, either. It was a touchy subject, and I'd rather sweep that conversation under the rug.Landon was the closest I'd ever been to a guy. Besides those few moments of pleasure by myself, I'd never let any guy touch me. But with Landon, it was an incredible and comforting experience, one that I truly wouldn't regret. The connection we had was something special, even with the numerous complicated emotions it brought. It marked a new and exhilarating chapter in my life, and I was eager to see how it would unfold. That mix of emotions—excitement, fear, and curiosity—was a whirlpool inside me, ready to dive into the unknown.When he slammed into the headboard, I swear his eyes seemed to flash red. They
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LANDON:Leaving the room, I instructed one of my housekeepers to change the sheets to a fresh set. I didn't want Venita to confront the bloodstains upon returning from her shower. Why did I stop despite her pleas for me to continue? A justifiable reason could be that the blood was disturbing me. As an Alpha, I typically had control over my wolf and trained myself over the years not to be affected by blood. The sight and scent of it usually didn't faze me. However, tonight's events with Venita proved otherwise. Her blood had affected me in a way I hadn't anticipated, challenging the very control I prided myself on. In there, with her, I fought and questioned the boundaries of my own strength and self-discipline. This was a conflict that left me vulnerable, messing with my wolf's instincts, and creating an internal struggle I wasn't accustomed to. It would be bad if this could happen because it meant that I would lose control at the sight or scent of Venita's blood. Why? What was speci
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VENITA:The night dragged on, and I couldn't sleep. I wrestled with what I had witnessed, unable to find a clear explanation. Was my drunk mind playing harsh tricks on me? Hours slipped away, and before I knew it, it was five in the morning. Silently, I packed my essentials, got dressed, and sneaked out the front door, the need for answers pushing me into action. Once I was outside, the real challenge began. There were gates and guards at every turn, questioning me along the way. Who needed this many security precautions and for what reason? I was questioned at each checkpoint, adding to the delay. Thankfully, who I was running from didn't catch up with me. Finally, after what felt like forever, I arrived at the final checkpoint. I breathed out a sigh of relief and flagged down a cab. I aimed to reach Simeon's place, take Sasha, and ensure she got to school. Venita!" Simeon exclaimed, brimming with excitement as she spotted me. "I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday," she s
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LANDON: Fuming, I couldn't believe she had left without a word. In a fit of rage, I hurled the glass of vodka from my table against the wall. "That little human!" I seethed. No one has ever managed to get under my skin like this. No one!The day had been terrible, and I knew my bitterness had affected everyone around me. The frustration wouldn't go away. It clashed with my usually composed self, stirring up a need to hunt and kill. It was awakening the beast in me. Would this turmoil fade, or was it the beginning of a chaotic phase I couldn't escape? The uncertainty ate at me, and I struggled to relax before my darkness consumed me all because of her.The construction meeting for our upcoming resort had just concluded, and I was taking a moment to unwind in my office before calling it a day. As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, my phone suddenly chimed to life, breaking the silence that had settled in the room. It startled me, and I glanced over at the device, wondering who could be c
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LANDON: "Well," I started, pondering how to simplify the explanation for her. I sat down beside her, ready to answer her questions. "You sure are curious, young lady." "I like to know stuff," she said with pride. "Curiosity is fantastic! It means you'll become a clever businesswoman when you grow up." "Seriously?" She squirmed with enthusiasm. "For sure," I agreed, tapping my fingers on my knee. "Now, let's tackle those questions. I'm not married, and I don't have any family here. It's just me, along with my maid and guards. And as for why I have such a big house, well, I just like it this way." She listened intently, absorbing the information. I could see her little brain processing and cataloging the details, already forming new questions. "So, you live here all alone?" she inquired further, her eyes wide with inquisitiveness. "Yes, that's right. I find peace and comfort in having my own space," I explained, wondering how she would interpret that. She seemed to understand, nod
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VENITA:I swam in and out of consciousness, my thoughts and vision cloudy. Where am I? My hands gripped cool, soft sheets, the scent of lavender, lingered on the pillows. I remembered a strong chest carrying me. Not carrying, it seemed like we were flying of some sort. That would be crazy with the law of gravity. I also remembered someone pressed against me, soft lips, and that familiar scent that sent me wild. Placing my fingers against my nose, the sweet masculine scent teased me. A heat wave pulled together in between my legs. My eyes flew open and slowly, they adjusted to the low light. I spied a lamp next to the bed and flipped it on. Blinded temporarily by the light, I closed my eyes and collapsed back on the bed. There was a weakness in my body. A faint pain on my side too. The last thing I remembered as I sorted for a way back to the city was being approached by a group of four masked men. I thought they wanted to rape or rob me. But they went on and on asking about something
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LANDON:"Ever tried tracing someone? I've got the means, Venita. I employed resources to locate you quickly," I fabricated. She regarded me skeptically but eventually nodded in agreement. I think she bought my story. Good. Time to press on. "I don't know what's going on with you, but I think you need to see a doctor with all these hallucinations. You keep saying things that don't add up, and it's getting worrisome."I got really mad hearing she got attacked. It made me want to rush out and punish those who hurt her, making them suffer slowly. She was hurt, and that bothered me even though I had hurt her too. Besides that, I was trying to make sense of what was going on with her. It was all so confusing and seemed to be like what happens during a shift: sleepwalking, seeing things that might look like hallucinations since she hadn't understood them yet, and the hunger. I didn't hear her complain about an unending hunger, which made me question my theory. "Are you trying to tell me I'm
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VENITA:A month flew by in a blur. I spent it endlessly searching for jobs and researching my bewildering condition. Sadly, all I found was a connection to some form of shifting, a knowledge that made me chuckle. Shifting into an animal? That seemed impossible. The internet obviously told a lot of meaningless stories. Times were tough, and the bills were piling up. I was running out of options for both Sasha and myself. No job prospects in sight. Landon and I hadn't crossed paths in this past month, not since the night we left his place. There was no reason for us to. He had found a way to have all my medication with their instructions delivered to me. During certain nights, an inexplicable longing for anything related to him would engulf me. Even catching a whiff of his scent would have been enough. However, I sternly reminded myself that he was now part of my past. "This job interview is a huge opportunity. Just gather your confidence and give it your best shot," Simeon cheered me
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LANDON:Even before she entered, I knew she was there. As her scent reached my nostrils and her footsteps and heartbeat became audible to my wolf's hearing, a smile crept across my face. I resisted the urge to immediately call her name and number, wanting to avoid rumors that she got the job unfairly. Over the last month, I deliberately stayed out of her affairs, observing from a distance. I saw how she tirelessly searched for a job. I had a plan in place, a plan to make her end up in my company. I arranged for all the jobs she interviewed for to reject her, even the ones she had a significant chance with. Then, I ensured someone informed her best friend about an opening in my company, knowing her friend would convey the news to her. It played out just as expected. Here she was, dressed appropriately in a navy blue shirt and black pants with loafers. A welcome change from the countless poorly dressed candidates I had to turn away because they were filthy and annoying. A smirk played
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VENITA:"Why did the teacher have to call you? And, why do they keep referring to you as her father? I don't appreciate that! I don't. She doesn't have a father and I want her to understand and accept that. It would be unfair to have someone come into our lives and stir up something we have been longing for only to disappear shortly," I fumed, snorting in between as tears blurred my vision. Landon drove like a man possessed, weaving through traffic with urgency like an ambulance on a life-saving mission. The worry written on his face was noticeable, and it struck me how much this situation mattered to him. It was like he was on the verge of losing something immensely precious. This level of concern was unusual, especially for someone who usually enjoyed every chance to showcase his commanding presence. I found myself releasing five minutes' worth of fear and frustration, ranting at the thin air and a little bit at Landon. But Landon remained uncharacteristically silent, focused on ge
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