All Chapters of Love's Inferno: When Fire Meets Ice: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
73 Chapters
BRAD WAS not okay. And the dark circles under his eyes told the story of his sleepless night. He'd pretended to be busy with work, but he'd really just been waiting for Doris to return home with her date. And they'd arrived a little too late. As if his anticipation wasn't bad enough, he had to witness the couple's goodnight kiss right in front of the house. And she didn't even try to stop it. Brad felt like his heart was being ripped out. It was a pain he'd never felt before. But he refused to show the pain, refused to give her the satisfaction of affecting him. Instead, he just clenched his jaw and turned away, closing the window he had been watching them through. He could hear them in the driveway, their muffled laughter taunting him. And even as he locked himself in the bedroom, he could still hear the echo of their voices, laughing and whispering sweet nothings to each other. Now, he needed no more proof that they were now together. Well, if that was the case. . . He
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BRAD COULDN'T contain his joy when he read the headline splashed across the front page of the local newspaper. "Well-known Director of Pixel Studios Arrested for Fraud," the headline proclaimed, and beneath it, a photo of Daniel Vincent being escorted into a police station. He'd never forget the look of shock and horror on Daniel's face when he'd been led away in handcuffs. It was glorious. Brad had paid a small fortune to have this story run in every major newspaper and news website, and it was worth every penny. However, he hadn't seen Daniel around Doris for a while even before his arrest. He couldn't help but wonder if something had happened between them. Had they fought? Or had Doris figured out he was a sleazebag even before his crimes were exposed? He didn't know the answer, but he was glad that he wouldn't have to see Daniel's face again, regardless of the reason. It was a small victory, but it felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. However
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BRAD WAS RIGHT! That was the last time he saw her. Doris had not disappeared from his life like the last time. She was still around, but she was avoiding him like the plague. It was as if she was determined to never lay eyes on him again. It seemed he'd underestimated her feelings for him, and now he was paying the price. The house was uncomfortably quiet without Doris' presence. It was as if the life and soul had been sucked out of the place. And It wasn't just him who noticed the difference, either. The whole family seemed to be affected by her absence. They all seemed to move through the days like zombies, going through the motions but with no real joy or enthusiasm. It was like a dark cloud had descended over the entire household. Mrs. Hopkins, who had once loved to watch her soaps with Doris by her side, now found them dull and uninteresting. Without Doris to gossip and speculate with, the shows just weren't the same. And the kids? They were hardly ever excited. They
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HE KISSED her again, deeply, urgently, his arms holding her tight. As his tongue perforated past her parted lips, probing demanding, one hand slipped inside her nightdress to touch her bare flesh. Her head fell back in a gesture of abandonment, and she yielded herself up to him completely, without reservation. Warmth began to spread through her, a slow burn that made her fingers tingle and toes curl. She could feel the heat travel down her spine, to the tips of her fingers and toes. And without another thought, Doris leaned forward, her fingers eager to touch, to explore the expanse of skin stretched out before her. It was like a spark had been lit within her, and she couldn't help but let it burn. The heat intensified, becoming almost unbearable, a weightless feeling that left her floating somewhere between reality and a dream. As her hands wandered, her senses heightened. Every inch of skin felt like it was on fire, every breath drawn in was suffused with a heady scent that
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Afterward, Doris slept soundly, a smile curving her lips as she dreamed of nothing but the most contented thoughts. The morning light gradually crept into the room, coaxing her from her slumber, and she blinked sleepily, her eyes slowly opening. The world seemed fresh and new, and for a moment, she simply lay still, enjoying the feeling of complete relaxation that washed over her. Brad, on the other hand, was still sleeping, his dark lashes fanning his cheeks, his breathing deep and even. The sheet had twisted around his waist, but he didn't seem to notice or mind. His face was turned towards her, his features relaxed in sleep, a hint of a smile lingering on his lips. He looked younger in repose, more carefree, and Doris couldn't help but fall over and over again for him. They were not quite touching, and as she watched the steady rise and fall of his shoulders she changed her position slightly, closing the distance between them, until the barest whisper of her skin met his. T
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BEFORE DORIS knew it, November was over. She felt as if all she'd done was blink and the month had disappeared. Looking back, she believed that despite her occasional qualms about her relationship with Brad and where it would ultimately end, November was probably the happiest month she'd ever had. Doris sent up a silent prayer, hoping that the warmth and joy of November would continue into December and beyond. She knew that life was filled with ups and downs, and she couldn't expect everything to be perfect, but she held onto a small spark of hope. Perhaps, she thought, if she could keep her focus on the good things, the bad things wouldn't seem so overwhelming. With that in mind, Doris picked up the heavy platter of whole-grain pancakes shaped in perfect triangles, balancing it carefully in her hands as she followed Mrs. Hopkins into the dining room. The elderly housekeeper carried a platter of eggs and fresh fruit, her face beaming with pride. Doris set the pancakes d
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"WHOA!" Jason's eyes widened. "I knew you'd succeed at getting your head out of your ass," he said, slapping Brad on the back with a hearty laugh. He was perhaps a little too enthusiastic with the gesture, as Brad began to choke on his wine. "Easy there, killer!" Brad said, coughing and sputtering. "I'm not trying to die before my time." Brad had taken Jason to enjoy a drink at the wet bar when Doris had pulled Evelyn away to give her a tour of her own apartment and the kids had run off to the playground. "Oh! Sorry, sorry," Jason laughed, giving Brad a not-so-sorry look. "I just can't help but be happy for you, my friend. You're finally getting your head out of the clouds and seeing things clearly. And I'm here to help you celebrate. Come on, let's toast to your newfound clarity," he said, raising his glass. "To Brad, the man who finally woke up and loved someone!" "Thanks, I guess," Brad said, clinking his glass against Jason's with a grin. "But all I said was my re
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DORIS COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! The holidays had crept up on her before she knew it and now it was Christmas Eve. She was sitting in the car with her son, on their way to the Evans mansion to dine with her father and his new girlfriend. Her father had called her a couple of days before, being all dramatic, telling her that she had "forgotten" about her "poor old man" now that she was in love. She had brushed him off immediately. But he'd been persistent, insisting that she had a meal with him and his girlfriend, saying they had something important to tell her. Doris wasn't sure what it could be, but she had a feeling that was going either a marriage announcement or something else that would be pure drama. She could only hope that whatever it was, it wouldn't cause too much of a scene on Christmas Eve. As they pulled up to the large, stone mansion, Doris noticed that it was decorated for the holidays, with twinkling lights and wreaths adorning the windows. The driveway was
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"HELLO!" LYDIA waved at Doris who did not respond but stared at her with her mouth still hanging loose in shock. "Here, take a seat, we've been waiting for you," Charles said, pulling out a chair for Lydia. "Thank you," Lydia said as she sat down. "I'm sorry I'm late. The traffic was tragic." Then, she glanced at Sam. "Hello, Mom. How have you been?" Sam beamed. "So far, so good. You?" "Same old," Lydia replied, and then slowly, she turned her attention back to Doris who was still flummoxed. She smiled at her. "You know, I get exactly how you feel at the moment. I had the exact expression on my face when the news was broke to me a few days ago." Doris blinked, struggling to comport herself. "How?" She managed to drag the word out of her throat as she turned to her father for an explanation. "And did she just call her, Mom?" Charles cleared his throat. "Doris, let me explain. . ."~~ It had all started back in college when Charles and Sam had first met. Th
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IT WAS FINALLY CHRISTMAS! And Jason Lyndon's "Legendary" Christmas Party was already in full swing. The ballroom of the Avalon Grand Hotel glittered and sparkled, a vision of opulence and extravagance. Chandeliers dripped with crystals, reflecting the light from hundreds of flickering candles. The floor was polished marble, and the walls were draped in rich fabrics. But it was the people who really made the room sparkle. Hollywood stars, tech billionaires, politicians, and fashion icons, all dressed to the nines, chatted and mingled, their laughter filling the air. The band played a jazzy holiday tune, and champagne flutes clinked in celebration. The room was alive with the magic of the season, but underneath it all was a feeling of desperation, a sense of needing to be seen and to be a part of the spectacle. The buffet table was a wonder to behold. An ice sculpture of a Christmas tree sparkled in the center, and around it were a multitude of delectable dishes.
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