All Chapters of Mommy, Please Give Daddy a Second Chance: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
142 Chapters
“I think he’s finally asleep.” Ivy walked into the living room. “Though what you said about him knowing things from conversations with my friend, then I can’t be sure he’s not listening.” “Is he often like that?” Heath asked Ivy. “I mean ready to gather and use any information he can to get his own way.” They sat face each other across the living room with coffee. “If you’re asking if he’s driven like you? I’m afraid I see more of you in him with every passing day. His ankle was from not watching where he was walking, and he went over on a transition between solid pavement and rubber chips. Sound familiar to anyone you know?” “It distracted me and didn’t realize I was so far out on the patio at the ski resort.” “Yes, I know. You were on your phone talking to Monica.” Ivy could see Heath hadn’t remembered that part or that she knew why he’d walked away from her so quickly. “Ivy, I told you it was work. How did you know i
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“They sent him by ambulance because I couldn’t get to the school fast enough.” Ivy countered and Heath read into her words she blamed him for delaying her from leaving the museum.“I’m not blaming you for that. The school should have enough people in the yard watching all the students.” Heath wasn’t interested in letting the school off the hook. He’d be looking into other reported incidents like this at the school. Heath suspected this wasn’t the first or the last.“Heath, there are twenty thousand students in that school. It’s the best in the area and they are doing the best with what they have.” Ivy saw what she wanted to see in the school system, but he’d heard horror stories and knew any positions in Geoff’s chosen profession would select candidates from better schools than any in this area. He dealt in facts, not privilege.“Good God. How is Geoff supposed to learn in a crowd like that? They’re herded like cattle. A number in the system that gives us them money to misspend.” That
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“Love, I understand. I won’t say it’s not tempting as hell not to pick up the challenge and see if you’ve changed or developed any new interests. But I’m not ready to put you or Geoff in a position where Monica can claim she deserves something because I cheated on her with you. That’s the last thing I want. However, I pose we see how this goes and when Monica is finally gone and can do nothing, we revisit this idea of a second chance.” Heath had no intention of holding back. After this conversation and his divorce was final, he’d consider there was no holds barred between them. But there’s nothing that said he couldn’t flirt and tease her. Warm her up to the idea before then. “Heath, it’s late and I hate it when you and Geoff have your mind set on something and expect everyone, including me, to go along with your plan with no questions asked or objections made.” Heath smiled at that; there she went, calling him out before he said anything about what he thought of this, or
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Ivy worked in her room on her bed rather than in her office space. Memories of doing hours of homework like this flooded her memory. After about twenty minutes like this, she remembered why she put the desk out there in the small dining room. Her muscles and joints weren’t pleased with this position for working. But she had to get the budget finished. She could see the end of it. Right now, she’d finished plugging in the numbers and started cross referencing the numbers for accuracy. Then the mathematical review. Several hours into this, her eyes were going cross-eyed, and she could feel her body stiffening up. But trying to keep her mind off what Heath said and knowing he slept right now, near to her. He’d said a lot and done things she wasn’t sure she should have let slide as she had. Now she couldn’t forget his kiss. She cursed herself out for falling back into old habits that ended up in failure. Ivy prided herself on not repeating the same t
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“Remember what you promised.” It surprised ivy when Geoff gathered his crutches. His words stopped her from protesting that Heath took liberties with how he ordered her son around. She didn’t expect Geoff to… Ivy wasn’t sure if he warned or threatened his father. Now she didn’t know who to scold first. “Don’t worry, I remember. I’m just frustrated. Remember what I said about how grownups sometimes say angry words and argue? Well, this is one of those times. Your mom’s scared other people will say mean things about her. She’s pointing out it’s not fair because even though I’m involved. They won’t do this to me because I’m their boss and a man. They’ll be too scared to say this about me because I can take their job away for this.” Heath patiently spoke to Geoff, explaining everything is such a calm voice Ivy didn’t recognize him at first. “Why is there a difference?” Of course, her son would go into full interview mode to learn everything and more
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Ivy snorted as she raised her cup of tea to her lips before she finally responded. “Monica thinks she’s smart, but she’s slow sometimes. She acts impulsively, often as well. I’m not sure what it is with her, but it’s like she is reading off a script or something sometimes. I swear there are times when she sounds like she hasn’t got the emotions to relate to the situation or the people with. Life is like a game and she’s out to take everything she can get.” “That’s pretty much a very good summation of Monica. Did you know she speaks Hungarian and Russian fluently? When I asked her about when she learned it, she tried to tell me she learned it from a phone app. Ivy, we were eating with a client who spoke both languages and he told me she spoke with a local dialect. I forget which region it was, but he could identify it.” Ivy took did a double take when Heath didn’t argue. Again, she wondered about whether she’d been wrong, and he’d changed while she was gone. Gone? What mad
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They were ready on time and Heath almost had them out the door when Ivy disappeared quickly to the bathroom and the doorbell rang. “I’ll get the door, Geoff. You can sit and relax.” Heath instructed his son as he strode to the apartment’s front door. “That’s Kathy. I bet mom didn’t call to tell her she doesn’t need to take me to school,” Geoff said from his seat on the sofa. “Well, it’s time we met. After all, she’s your mom’s friend. Thanks for the warning.” He said before he opened the door. A woman who looked like a cross of punk rock princess and a nineteen fifties housewife stood there about to knock on the door. Her eyes went wide when she took in Heath’s sturdy form before her. She said nothing as her mouth made the same of an ‘O’. “You must be Kathy. Come in.” “Uh, who are you, and where are Ivy and Geoff?” She stood there in a green overall dress with a flower print shirt beneath it, which Heath thought with her pink curly hair she looke
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Kathy left them after she ogled the car and driver as they got Geoff settled in the back of the car. Once they settled into their seats and were on their way to Geoff’s school, Heath looked at his calendar for the day. “Parker, my assistant has made an appointment for me to test drive several vehicles that will suit us better as a family. How about we book a meeting to discuss your department’s budget for two this afternoon?” The change in the conversation took Ivy aback. “You don’t need to waste money on a large family car. I’m sure we can make do with what’s available. Wait, I haven’t submitted the budget yet. I’m not ready. I only finished the budget last night, and you haven’t looked it over yet.” “Ivy, if you’re still the sensible and down-to-earth woman I’ve known for many years, I can hazard a guess that you’ve been frugal and reasonable with your budget. I doubt I’ll find anything to complain about.” She stared at him for a mom
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Ivy felt swept away as Heath just took over. He didn’t have any rights here right now. Heath wasn’t legally seen as his son and now he’s telling Geoff’s teacher they were trying to reconcile, and if that wasn’t bad enough, Geoff heard every word. “Heath, please. We have discussed that briefly, and we aren’t sure if it’s even possible. Let’s not jump the gun on this. Geoff, please don’t think this is a final decision. It’s got a long way to go before it’s set in stone. If it’s ever set in stone.” Ms. Jackson eyed Ivy now speculatively, and then Heath. Ivy knew she was trying to calculate the chances of them getting back together. “Ms. Smythe, are you saying that Mr. Allan is not telling the truth?” She gave Ivy a concerned frown that Ivy felt wasn’t genuine. “What I’m saying, Ms. Jackson, is that Mr. Allan likes to have things his way, and like Geoffrey, he will state his wishes as facts before there’s any real facts to point in the direction of t
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Ivy leaned back once he’d made his point. Everything she’d convinced herself of about Heath and his wants and dreams went out the door right then in that moment. He was interested in her still. After seven years, he hadn’t complained about how her body changed even once. Heath mentioned the changes but only in reference that he acknowledged them and liked them. At the time Ivy hadn’t believed him, but right now he sat there watching her with a satisfied smile on his face and his damp fingers stroking her inner thighs. “That isn’t fair, Heath. That’s not how you win an argument.” “No, I’m demonstrating the facts that support my side of the argument. Love, you’re as invested in this as I am. Or do I need to whip out my dick and give you another child right now to prove that our unfinished business will never end? Damn, I’m really tempted to do that right now.” Ivy looked down at his lap and she could see the evidence that she’d been the o
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