All Chapters of Beginning of the end: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
134 Chapters
I didn't go after Anna. I let her weep in silence in her room. I left her alone.I did not tell Adriano either.Instead I went back to Sofia's room."Emilia, you missed out the fun part, about how Aria got her new diamond necklace." Sofia said. I gave a fake smile to pretend that I am intrested in their conversation.I sat with them.Suddenly my eyes fell on Bella's hand. It was wrapped with crepe bandage."Bella, what happened to your hand?" I questioned her.Aria and Sofia looked her hand and Bella instantly tried to hide her hand behind her."No..No it's nothing." Why is she trying to hide it?"What's that? Tell us. What happened to your hand?" Aria also insisted.Bella finally gave up and showed her hand, she was trying to hide. Her hand was swollen and wrapped with a crepe bandage."I fell down, from the stairs." Her face is showing that she is lying."Are you lying?" We all are suspicious about the explanation she gave so we didn't believe her."E.....Elias. He....He punished me
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I hate Bella for her behaviour. She told Elias everything I said.Everything that we talked about, word to word, because she said -'I don't hide anything from my husband, it lands me in trouble. My husband asked what we talked about so I had to tell him. You see I can't lie.'But right now I am the one who is in trouble.Elias, told everyone. Dominic, Enzo, even Uncle Cosimo and......Adriano.I was escorted to Adriano's office where everyone was already present. Now are they going to punish me for putting forward my thoughts. I am mad at this but I am scared too."Is Bella telling the truth? Did you say that the ladies of this family should go against their husbands." Adriano had a poker face. He didn't seemed angry."Not in that sense......I was just-" Adriano shook his head and it was enough for me to keep my mouth shut.So I simply nodded.There is no point in arguing."We already warned you about this girl Adriano." Before Adriano could say anything further Uncle Cosimo interrupte
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Things went smoothly for a few weeks.To my surprise Adriano took Anna's secret very lightly. He did not get angry or did anything to hurt anybody.Adriano had a meeting with his men in his office. For past few days he is working way too much.He seemed to be taking a lot of stress over his work. He didn't have his breakfast either.After about three hours of discussing the business, all the men left.I was getting bored so I went to Sofia's room.She was not there, so I went searching for her.I searched for her in the garden, but she wasn't there either.So I went looking for her in the vacant rooms of the mansion.I found her.But she was not alone. Enzo's driver, Liam was also with her.What is this man doing here, alone with her in an empty room?As soon as they both saw me, color drained out of their faces. What is going on-My world flipped upside down when my eyes traveled down.What I saw sent shivers down my spine.Sofia was holding a knife, not just a normal knife, but a kn
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I panicked and called Adriano and told him everything.I don't want to be called a bitch but I went to my room and thought about it, whatever I did was a logical decision because-A) If Dario tried to cover Sofia's mouth how did she scream?B) How did Liam entered the mansion as no staff member, except for the maids are allowed inside the mansion?C) Is this situation worth taking risk and going against my husband?Adriano arrived and so did the ambulance. The doctors informed that Dario is still alive but he has lost so much of blood that for the next 24 hours it is uncertain to say, whether he will live or not.Adriano was red with anger."Do your best Doctor. Dario is a tough man. He will live." Adriano told the doctor.The environment was so tense.Adriano's guards caught Sofia and Liam and presented them before Adriano.Adriano was furious already. I could see him shaking with anger but still trying his best not to show it."I swear Adriano. Dario tried to rape me. He......He for
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We hate our family, but at the same time we love them.When 'family' word is involved there is just no thing as hate or live. It's only family.Family is a six letter simple word yet a very complicated one.For the whole evening I was mad at Marcus for being a spectacular asshole.But then I really got worried about what Adriano will do it he repeats the same mistake again.I know my brother is stupid but I will never wish for his death.I was worried about Adriano too. I don't want any harm to come his way. Not specially from my brother of all the people.I was worried about Gianna, she is pregnant and she has been taking a lot of stress lately.My conversation with Gianna on the phone would definitely have been monitored so I don't see any point in hiding anything from Adriano.He already knows it.I decided to tell him about my brother after making love to him. It has become a custom, a daily routine to have sex. I love how he comes back late from work but still never disappoints m
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I find Adriano soothing and calm and his gentle aura is so attractive. Unlike other men he doesn’t yell or slam things when he's upset and that's what I like the most about him.He does get angry and he is strict in a manner but he isn't outrageous.But sometimes it irritates me that because of his calm nature I am unable to read what's on his mind.Yesterday Enzo sent Sofia at Dario's place and I was so mad at Adriano that he let that all happen in his presence and he didn't even say a word to stop his brother.He sent some of his men to find and catch Liam.Adriano was so mad at his men on how careless they were regarding Liam.We came back to room and I refused to sleep with Adriano. I never expected him to not rescue Sofia and now I regret not helping her."Why are we not having sex?" He was already annoyed for some reason and now I know I am pissing him off even more."You did wrong with Sofia." I told him clearly."And?" "And I don't sleep with assholes like you-" I said it
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Before leaving I saw Mrs. Romano. She was questioning me with her stare, that where am I going, but then she saw Adriano is with me and she turned around and walked away.Of course can't dare to question him. But can say whatever comes to her mouth to me.Mrs. Romano looked so weak. Yes, she has lost her daughter and it might be hard for her. When Anna was alive she used to hit her and treat her bad but now look at Mrs. Romano, she must be repenting.I noticed while walking she was limping. She must have been hurt or something because of which she isn't able to walk properly.Now that I am part of the family it's my duty to ask for her health.I asked Adriano what happened to her and he told that she slipped down the stairs and Enzo saw and rushed her to hospital. Her ankle got sprained.Adriano was silent the whole time in the car, he didn't say a word. He actually looked sad. The loss of a family member is one of the biggest loss, what so ever.After we reached our hotel suite he
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So I was right. Aurora is Adriano's ex.She is not only rude but so much self-obsessed.As soon as she entered, she kept looking at herself in the mirror."I sometimes think he is blind." She said looking at me."Excuse me." I don't get what is she trying to say."Adriano. I think, Adriano is blind. I mean look at myself. I look so good and then there's you." Disgust was all over her face. "There isn't any comparison between us. Comparing yourself to me seems like an insult."Of all the women I have ever met she sounded the craziest.Who says they look very good for themselves? Is she mad or what? Or she is so self obsessed that the whole world revolves around her.Loving yourself is fine but being self obsessed is not."It was all fine, when you were not in his life. We were happy, sex was the best, life was good, money was immense and then one wretched day you entered into our lives and ruined it. For me as well as for him." Aurora shouted at me. I don't even know how to respond to
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Before Liam could let me know about something, he laid dead in front of me.I heard a gunshot and saw blood running down Liam's forehead as he took his last breath.Adriano entered the room with his men and without even giving any warning and shot Liam right on the spot.I tried to scream but the scream got stuck in my throat. My eyes widened with shock.I turned my head to the lifeless body laying on the floor and looked at Adriano. The look he is giving me terrifies me, I have never seen him so angry.He stood there silently, giving me a cold stare, while his men took care of the dead body.I couldn't move, out of shock as well as from under his cold gaze.If looks could kill, I would have been dead by now.As his men left Adriano locked the door from inside.He will kill me.Here comes the scolding.But it didn't come.He turned towards me and hugged me for the first time. He hugged me really tight."You are one hell of a crazy woman." He looked so mad but so concerned at the same
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I picked up Adriano's phone while he was in the shower, to call Gianna. I am missing her.His phone was locked, as expected.I tried several passwords, like my name, our wedding date but nothing worked.Maybe I should just wait for him to come out of the shower then unlock the phone.Before I could put down his phone a notification popped on his phone screen.Dante:Me and my men are trying our best to find her. I will let you know as soon as I find her. She will be dead then.Who is Dante?Who is her?I heard Adriano turning off the shower, which means he will be out anytime now.Should I ask him about this 'her'.But I don't want him to know that I tried to unlock his phone and read the notification.But are they talking about killing a 'her'. Does Adriano kill women too. Has he ever killed any woman before?My mind started wondering about what I read in the notification.Maybe I should not be getting myself involved into this. I reasoned....Adriano laid peacefully beside me af
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