All Chapters of My Father's Best Friend: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
164 Chapters
The Sound of Her Voice
Andrew Taking my phone down the hallway, I went into the little library across from my room that I never used and closed the door behind me. “Bob,” I answered. “How are you doing?”“Swell. How are you? Haven’t heard your voice in a while.”“Yeah, things have been crazy.” I went to the window and looked down at the backyard, where the covered outside swimming pool and the dilapidated tree house I’d had built for Raven when she was five sat ignored. Maybe it was time to tear that old tree house down and build something in its place. A little studio for Raven, maybe?“Crazy never stops,” Bob answered. On his end, a phone rang. It could only be assumed he was at the office. Like me, Bob lived and breathed work. We’d known each other for years, having met at a work-related—of course—event years before. Though we often went weeks without talking, he was my closest friend. The way we could connect after days of not talking was a testament to the strength of the friendship. Though he was a
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He's Practically Old Enough to Be Your Father
Lanie Mom opened the back door of her car and frowned at the pumpkins covering it. “You don’t think this is too early, do you?”“It’s September.” The wind must have been listening, because at my words, it picked up, cutting through my sweater and making me wrap my arms around myself. “None of the neighbors have pumpkins out yet.” She pressed her fingers against her lips in concern. “You’re a maverick. Let’s get them out. It’s so cold.”Not waiting for her next protest, I pushed my way forward and hauled out the closest pumpkin. Once we’d gotten all of them out and set on the front porch, we used the kitchen to escape the chill.“One week before Halloween is a good time to carve,” Mom mused as she frothed milk using the fancy coffee machine Dad had given her on their last anniversary. The contraption was huge and bulky with two group heads for pulling shots of espresso. It could have replaced the espresso machine at the coffee shop near my apartment. Still, it only took up a minuscul
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Mom Might Be Right
Lanie On the drive to Erica’s, my teeth wouldn’t unclench. My mom had been right about my dad’s reaction to me dating an older guy. My parents were so by-the-book, their heads would probably explode if they knew the man I was going out with was the father of one of my students. Parking at Erica’s, I found myself checking my phone, hoping there would be a text from Andrew. The screen was blank, though. We hadn’t been in touch since our conversation on the phone the day before. I found myself aching to hear his voice. I’d only seen this man twice in person, and yet I already missed him. Was that a bad sign? What if my mom was right after all? Maybe I’d gotten in over my head. Andrew probably had girls fawning over him all the time. If I continued to fall for him but didn’t meet his expectations, nothing would stop him from moving on to the next person. And there I’d be, alone. Right where I’d started. Realizing I was going down the rabbit hole of worry again, I collected my purse and
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Dirty Thoughts
Andrew On Friday, I got what I wanted. In a sense. Waiting in the car outside of the high school for Raven, the woman who’d been on my mind nonstop exited through the front doors and walked toward the small parking lot on the side of the building. Without any thought, in the blink of an eye, I was out of my car and halfway to her. “Lanie!”She turned, brows furrowed. Recognizing me, though, the hardened expression melted. “Andrew,” she breathed. The hairs all over my body stood on end. I wanted to hear her say my name again and again. “What are you doing here?” she asked, looking all around. “Did you have a parent-teacher meeting?”“No, I came to pick Raven up from school. We’re going to a talk at the library.”“That’s nice.”Come with us sat on the tip of my tongue, but I knew that wasn’t right. The afternoon was supposed to be about Raven and me. And I still hadn’t told my daughter I had a date planned with her school counselor. Dropping the news like a bomb wouldn’t do any goo
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All Apologies
Andrew “I’m sorry.” She lethargically turned from the window. “’Kay.” “Really. I am. But ...” Raven slightly turned her face in my direction, still avoiding my eyes but showing she listened. “I like that we’re spending more time together,” I said. “I’m sorry I haven’t been doing that enough. I made a mistake there.” Raven’s stiff shoulders loosened. Noting some promise, I went on. “And as we’ve been spending more time together, I’ve noticed some things that I looked over before.” “Like what?” she warily asked. “Where are your friends, Raven? You used to have so many.” She shook her head, looking away again and getting busy twisting a lock of hair. “That school sucks.” “It’s a big school.” “Yeah, well, there isn’t anyone there like me. Okay?” I kept back a huff. “Not okay. It’s not healthy for you to not have friends. If there isn’t anyone at school that you get along with, let’s get you somewhere you can meet more people your age. Join a club or meetup.” The suggestion sh
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The First Date
Lanie “Okay, here are the options.” Putting the phone on speaker, I set it on the bed next to the different sets of lingerie I’d laid out. “Black lace with pink ribbons. Red. Just, like, plain red. White cotton. Pink lace, though the bra and panties are different shades of pink. Do you think that’s okay?” “Uh, why is white cotton an option?” Erica asked. “I’m sorry. Are you going on a date tonight, or is your grandma?” “I don’t want to look desperate.” She laughed. “There’s nothing desperate about hoping the chemistry is there.” Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I tossed the white bra and panties in the general direction of my wardrobe. “I’ve never slept with a guy on a first date.” “Yeah, I know. You used to be all like, Miss Three-Dates-No-Less. What happened?” I cringed. “I think maybe that was my mother talking through me.” “There’s nothing wrong with sleeping with a guy on a first date. You’re a grown-up. Do whatever the fuck you want.” “Yeah,” I nodded. “I know.” Loo
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Sparks Fly
Lanie With his hand pressed lightly against my lower back, Andrew led me into the low-lit restaurant to a square table for two. As we settled in, my foot brushed his. I opened my mouth to apologize, but the smoldering expression on his face stopped me. “Footsie, already?” he asked. I laughed as the waiter handed me the menu. “Yeah, why waste time getting to know each other?” Though I was the one who’d said it, the ballsy statement still made me blush. Burying my face in the menu, I got busy reading. With our entrees ordered and a bottle of red wine on the table, Andrew raised his glass in cheers. “To tonight.” “To tonight,” I whispered, clinking my glass against his. I took a long sip, hoping the wine wouldn’t stain my teeth, and cleared my throat. “How is Raven?” “She’s good.” Andrew’s dark eyes sparkled in the complimentary lighting. “Thank you.” I nodded, and an unspoken agreement seemed to surface between us. There would be no more talk about work or his daughter that nigh
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Kiss Me
Lanie Andrew blinked in shock but then moved so swiftly he was a blur. His hand pressed into the back of my neck, and his lips covered mine. I gasped in surprise, but his kiss ate up the noise. Strong but gentle lips, ones so like his hand, moved against my mouth. I relaxed into it, my lips rising and falling against his, the kiss as natural as waves against a beach. Andrew’s tongue flicked against mine, and pleasure filled me up, hit after hit of it assaulting my senses. I could barely breathe, couldn’t think. Who in the world was this guy, and what had he done to me?Breaking off the kiss, Andrew gazed down at me. “That.”I hazily blinked, our dinner’s wine having nothing to do with the drunk feeling pulling me down. “Hm?”“You asked me what else I wanted to do, and there’s your answer. I wanted to do that.”“Oh.”I wanted him to kiss me again, but there were other people in the gallery. A few more seconds of the heart-pounding, breath-stealing kisses Andrew had just given me, and
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What I've Been Missing
Andrew I saw her before I even opened my eyes. Deep brown irises. Curved, pink lips. Long, butterfly lashes. Her delicate frame pushed against mine. Heat rolled through me, and, eyes still closed, I stretched my arm across the bed, reaching for Lanie and finding nothing but cold sheets under my palm. Cracking an eye, I took in the room. A shaft of light entered through the part in the curtains, hitting the end of my too-big bed. With a groan, I rubbed my eyes and stretched out further. What had I been thinking leaving her on the porch the night before? The way my hands ached for her was nothing compared to the way they did now. Pulsing need throbbed in my palms, finding its way down to my torso before going lower and entering the most painful place it could.My cock twitched, coming to life and pressing against the thin fabric of my boxers. Sighing, I flung an arm over my eyes. Getting up was pointless. What day was it? What was I supposed to do?Who knew? I couldn’t find a single
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Is It Serious?
Andrew Dead silence filled the kitchen. “Well,” Karen briskly said. “It’s a good thing I dusted your office here last night. It’s all ready for you.”I shook my head. “I don’t think I’m working from home today, either.”Raven’s and Karen’s gazes slowly met before they both turned to me. “Okay,” Karen said.“Hm,” Raven offered.“The country club?” I repeated. “What do you say? I’ll make a reservation for lunch. And if they can’t make it, we’ll play some golf. You’ve never used those clubs I got you last year.”“Do it,” Karen encouraged, knocking her shoulder against Raven’s.Raven still acted like she didn’t want to go, but I could see her breaking. “Okay, fine. But I’m not staying if this Zach guy is lame.”“Oh, I forgot to tell you. This is an arranged marriage. The wedding is next week.”“Dad.” Raven rolled her eyes. “That’s disgusting.”“Karen is laughing,” I pointed out, nodding at the woman hiding giggles behind a palm. An hour later, we were ready to go with not only our club
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