All Chapters of Second chance at happiness: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
166 Chapters
You are mine to cherish and protect for the rest of my life.
Aldrin and Thomas entered the room to see Mira stomping her feet childishly muttering “Not fair!” “My beloved is the most fairest in all of King’s land.” Thomas chuckled as he kissed Almera’s forehead. Mira bit her tongue with a sheepish smile as she snatched her work basket and ran. She had no where to hide. Running was the best! “What was that about?” Aldrin was curious. The Mira he saw was a serious, miserly but beautiful woman. The one he just saw was a childish cute version. Almera ignored him and wrapped her arms around Thomas’s neck “Dearest, if luck is on your side, then his majesty will be truly pleased with you and your crusade will be a success.” “My luck is by my side… what fear do I have?” Thomas chuckled as he tapped her nose suggestively. “Bbllawwwhhhh” Aldrin made a nauseous expression “Can you respect a single man’s feelings?” “Just letting the two of you know” Almera hugged her casserole “This is mine. I am just sharing. No snatching and running.” Aldrin’s eye
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My husband only likes me!
Martin and Oden told their parents and everyone else that Jack’s barn needed fixing, and they were lending a hand. No one thought much about it. It was common in the countryside to help each other. Everyone knew that Jack had been sharing food with the family. They worked hard from morning till dinner. For dinner, Mira made fish pie and a light soup. The men had been working hard. She made a fish each. They were a few more from Jack’s catch. “Cousin, let me know if you want a free laborer. All I charge is food.” Martin laughed as he ate. Jack rolled his eyes when Mira asked “How’s Anne-Marie? Why didn’t you bring her along?” “She’s too small to know the danger.” Oden shook his head while Martin chuckled “Mom must be having a hard time with her.” “We ran away before she woke up.” By late afternoon, the sides of the hutch were successfully finished. All that was left was the top. Mira had weaved continuously for four days. She got after Jack slept and slid into space and kept weavi
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Did you three brothers do this all by yourself?
Mira entered space with the bright cloth and started to work on her embroidery after Jack fell asleep. She decided to do a floral pattern with the hot pink as the vine and flowers with pink border and pearls inside. She embroidered such that the hot pink vine was closely followed by the dark green vine which was only slightly darker than the cloth and looked like a shadow of the hot pink vine. Just like the growth and breeding time of the animals in space were enhanced, Mira’s efficiency was also three times more. She worked for 4 hours and finished the whole cloth which would have taken her two full days. She stretched and slipped back into bed after taking a quick dip in the hot spring. Jack subconsciously snuggled closer as he smelt his wife’s beautiful smell and buried his head in her neck. Both of them woke up early and started the day with a lot of energy. Jack milked and cleaned the barn after skinning 8 rabbits for Mira. They were going to have a full house of people today.
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Oh ye, of little faith!
Mira came out of space feeling fresh and full of life. She baked some bread experimenting with cheese and tomato on it. Some she baked with mushrooms and cheese…. She kept her fingers crossed hoping there came out all right. She made a thick creamy mushroom soup. Cream, butter and cheese were abundant with Daisy’s steady supply of milk and space to keep everything fresh. She also picked a fish from space, cleaned and kept the head and parts they didn’t eat for the dogs in space and left space. She smeared the fish with butter and spices and roasted till closer to 2 so that it would be hot and just right for Jack. Once Jack came back, they ate dinner together. Mira told him about the chicks and asked whether she should keep them in the outer shed or send them back to the coop while they were relaxing in each other’s company. Jack told her that he thought it was best they went back to the coop. Mira chattered about nonsensical things as they relaxed and then went back to work diligentl
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Money, we earned plenty, my dearest husband!
Thomas was still waiting for Mira to return. Mira forgot about her previous grudge by the time she returned. “Mira” Thomas called out as she entered Almera’s room “I meant no offence before.” “Um” Mira pouted. “In my defense, I wasn’t even aware of your conversation.” Thomas continued “Ferran said the meat was fresh, tender and top quality. He was the one who told me I would be lucky to get one with this quality for 4 gold coins.” “Oh” Mira nodded but narrowed her eyes as she looked skeptically at the black hearted couple who had tricked her previously. “You don’t believe me?” Thomas asked as he noted her skepticism. “You two have tricked me before.” Mira pouted. “Me??” Thomas asked in shock. He had never tricked anyone especially not one he considered friend. “She is talking about the watches.” Almera giggled; She knew Thomas had long forgotten about it. “Oh!” Thomas scratched the back of his head “That was an elder sister’s affection. How can I interfere?” “Um” Mira pursed
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My silly sister has gotten wiser.
Jack and Mira got up at the break of dawn. It was still dark outside when Jack went out to milk. Mira went to the hutch with the cages and under the cover of the dark, she entered space and called out to the rabbits. She picked 30 of the plumpest ones in each cage and walked out. She placed one cage on the ground and dragged the other to the place where Jack usually skinned them. Jack placed the milk on the kitchen table and came out wearing the apron that Mira had stitched for him earlier. The bell chimed just as Jack was about to sit to skin. Mira had placed the milk on the fire to boil. She walked over with Jack to open the door. Both Oden and Martin had arrived. Although Oden didn’t know how to skin, he could dislocate their necks. He wanted to help with whatever he could do. Soon they brothers started to work in synchrony. Oden dislocated the necks and handed the rabbits to Jack and Martin while they concentrated on skinning the rabbit neatly. Once the rabbits were skinned, Mir
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Didn't you want to find a younger man?
“Love, how did you know they were married? How did you get that parchment?” Jack asked curiously after walking far away from vicious couple. “Almera gave it to me.” Mira gave him a sly look “It was more of a hunch once I knew Jason got his entry into the selection at court through Alina’s mom.” “Her mom is …” Mira paused “Let’s just say very shrewd.” When they came across a shop that had carpentry stuff, Jack got a box of nails for 1 gold coin. Mira got 2 leather gloves that were up to their elbows for 2 gold coin each. They strolled around for a while longer and decided to go back to the shop and wait for Almera. Mira saw a shop that had similar items to the supply shop and decided to take a look. Both of them realized that the prize for some things were much cheaper here than Joe’s shop. For instance, the lavender soaps were much bigger in size and for 50 silver pieces, they could get 5; alum cost only 5 silver pieces. They decided to get their regular stuff from this shop on th
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She won't be able to escape the net we drew out for her.
Back in the shop, they sat and gossiped while Jack and Thomas discussed business and economic issues. Jack was well-read. His job at the Sleghs gave him access to update and maintain his world view. Thomas soon realized that Jack was not like your average educated free man. He had a sharp brain and clarity of thought that was perhaps even superior to his… He enjoyed the conversation and even discussed issues of his estate that he was hesitating on. Jack was open and frank with his opinion as he too liked Thomas’s straight forward personality and he didn’t want his wife to be angry. Mira told Almera about their encounter with Alina and Jason. “Shameless bitch!” Almera so angry, she really wanted to hit someone. “Do you think they will give up?” Mira looked at Almera with knitted brows. “Don’t worry about the bitch” Almera smiled “She won’t be able to escape the net we drew out for her.” “Um” “That fellow is a puzzle.” Almera pursed her lips. Jack and Thomas’s attention was drawn t
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Of course I am so adorable; how can she not miss me?
Mira got up after Jack fell into a deep sleep and entered space taking the oil she had bought for conditioning the furs. She worked the oil meticulously on each fur before leaving them to dry in the shade. She left space and snuggled in her husband’s warmth and fell asleep; a blissful smile hung on both their faces. Mira and Jack spent the early part of the morning cleaning the barn. They swept under the hutch and piled the rabbit droppings in one place and the manure of cow, sheep and pig in separate piles. The radishes, turnips and spinach were ready to harvest. Jack got the spade and Mira carried the empty baskets. Jack and Mira were pulling out the radishes and turnips when the bell chimed at the end. “I will go.” Jack headed to the side door. Mira continued collecting the turnips. Martin, Oden and Anne-Marie were waiting near the side door. They somehow knew the couple would be outside. “Come … come…” Jack smiled at Anne-Marie “Mira has been asking after you.” “Really?” Anne
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Yes, you are a demoness… bewitching me…body, mind and soul…
In Alina’s cottage- “What did you find out?” Jason asked anxiously. “Jack leaves the house around 5 in the morning and only comes back after 2 in the afternoon. Mira stays in the house all day.” Alina spoke in a bored tone. “Um” Jason nodded as he calculated in his head. Alina thought of Mira’s last words and wondered if they should let go of these stupid schemes and live their lives happily. She was no more in between them. Was there a need for these schemes? “Jas, why don’t we let go and live our lives? She will no longer come between us.” Alina asked hesitantly. Hope filling her heart. ‘Maybe they could …’ “What do you mean?” Jason narrowed his eyes in anger “You don’t understand, do you?” “Do you want to live like this?” Jason snarled “Waiting for handouts from your mom and that …. That… man?” “Is this even a life??” Jason sneered, his eyes rolling with disgust. “Jas, don’t be angry…. I ….I…” Alina bit her lower lip “Forget I said anything.” “Alina, dearest…” Jason sat ne
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