All Chapters of His Favorite Mistress : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 Chapters
"You haven't given me anything useful Riverstone," Travis said placing a nail on Riverstone's hand. They brought the piece of shit out of the dungeon and tied him up to a chair, he narrated the story of how his wife brought two teenagers to his house and said she was taking them in as her own.Riverstone was against it but his wife was already known to be barren, he thought she would adopt a small child, not full-grown children. He explained how hard it was for him to adapt to the children but eventually he did but his story was bland to Travis, Travis wanted something tangible that could get him involved in Emily's life."I..I... have told you all I know...they...they are not my biological children," Riverstone cried out. His face was swollen from the random slaps he had gotten from Stone for answering a question wrongly or not giving vital details.Travis stared at him as he brought out a hammer, he placed it on the nail on his hand and hit it right on the head Riverstone stared at
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"It is nice Emily," Bella said winking her eyes secretly at Emily. So her brother was a romantic? She wasn't one to see Leonard kissing his love interest publicly not that he wouldn't do it as he was a shameless man but it was a rare sight or maybe it had just been a while since she last saw him in something serious but were they like official, she had forgotten to ask Emily probably after dinner she would."It reminds me of your mother's cooking," Cam said to Bella but Bella only nodded her head and smiled, she couldn't remember the last time her mother entered the kitchen and even if she did she couldn't quite remember how it tasted like to now compare it to Emily's."How was work today?" Bella asked Emily, she heard she resumed."It was alright, I am taking online classes as going to school and working doesn't sit well with Leonard," Emily confessed."Why? Is he worried some fine boy would sweep you off your feet," Cam teased. He was with Bella going back to school but because of h
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Emily got to work a bit late as she had wasted time making sure Leonard took his medication and was resting. She also informed Bella to keep an eye on him if she wasn't leaving so soon, and Bella was shocked to hear that Leonard ate crayfish. If she had been observant, she could have warned Emily against giving Leonard crayfish, but she had spent the whole time talking about Cam."I apologize for being late," Emily said as she stepped into Mark's office. They just finished a meeting, and she missed it."Emily, I understand that you have found favor in Leonard's eye, but you need to understand that this is an organization people are watching.""I am so sorry," Emily said. She knew very well that punctuality was key, and every time Mark let her off, rumors were flying.Mark didn't mean to scold her, but it was important that Emily knew what it meant to do her job."Ariel's plan was selected as I was unable to get yours during the meeting," Mark announced."I totally understand." If she
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"Mark said that the client will be here very soon," Emily said, taking her seat."Yeah, has he assigned you with what will you do?""You can tell me what to do," Emily suggested as Ariel twirled in her chair."Well, you don't need to do much, since you are not working under my project, you can follow me around and learn.""Of course." This was really going to be fun. Was she out of her mind to be placing orders here and there? Emily thought, shaking her head in disbelief.* * *In an orphanage, a lady walks in wearing a dark shade and a face cap, if one didn't look closely, they would have missed that it was Chloe Riverstone. She walked through the reception like she had been here more than once and was familiar with the environment as she entered an office without knocking. She stared at the two ladies, who seemed to be busy talking in a low voice about God knows what. One dressed as a nun, while the other a cleaner.She removed her glasses and face cap immediately and sat down in
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"Well, I was just thinking about some ideas in my head, but I have not decided on the angle. I would love it to play out," Ariel said, collecting the sketch from the client to briefly go through it, but even if she did, she wasn't sure she would be able to get anything out of it."I think what she means is that the light colors would be some form of illusion on the dress, if you can see here," Emily said, drawing the client to one of the mannequins in the studio with a white under-done gown on it. "This is all white, but let's imagine it was black, and then in the dark it glows white. Just picture dancing with your husband in the reception and the lights goes out for a moment and your gown begins to glow.""Wow!" The client was stunned by the idea. "Is that possible?""It is very possible, ma, we just need to work with people who are into illusions to find out how to go about it, so you see, ma, your cloth will be the first ever illusion wedding dress in this part of town," Emily smil
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Prime Stone Hotel"I feel you should pick up his call, Emily," Chloe said, dressing Nathan up while Emily busied herself typing on her laptop on the bed.Leonard had been calling her phone as well as Cam. At this rate, Chloe was sure Leonard would appear here soon, plus Emily was a mess, even though she was claiming to be fine. It has been five days now, and none of them have stepped out of the hotel. For Nathan, he seemed pleased to sleep and wake up next to Emily every day, but for Chloe, she felt she would die very soon if she didn't go outside to at least feel the sun on her face.She had been trying to convince Emily since last night to go see Leonard. She didn't know how far gone their relationship was, but she knew that Leonard cared about Emily and he would definitely accommodate all of them, but Emily was Thana, and Thana and ego went hand in hand. She hoped Leonard would be the one to break it."I will.""Same thing you said yesterday," Chloe replied. "Tell Mama to pick up
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"A child," Leonard repeated, staring at her. He knew she also lodged in with someone else apart from Chloe, but he couldn't tell as the receptionist said she claimed the person was sick, and that was why the person had to be on shades and a nose mask, but it was definitely a dwarf, but now it wasn't a dwarf but a child."I was scared, I know it's too much for me to be Thana and you not fully being able to process all that to me now having a child, and only God knows what more I am not telling you," Emily blurted out, looking at his intertwined hands. She couldn't dare look him in the eyes. She felt his hands leave hers slowly as he opened them for her to hug him.Was he not mad at her? Emily thought, raising her head to look at him as she slowly entered his warm embrace."This is a child, Emily, if anyone should be scared, it is whoever you plan to make the father of this child," Leonard said, touching her hair. "There is nothing about you that can scare me except losing you."Emily l
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An hour later"Fucking hell!" Chloe screamed as the doctor slowly removed the bullet from the side of her belly. She drank the gin Jack gave her hurriedly to suppress the pain."You are very lucky," the doctor told her, placing the bullet on the table as he examined the injury carefully, he wondered why she wanted to be awake throughout the surgery.Leonard was also fond of staying awake during surgery and he didn't understand why one would prefer to feel every single stitch made."Are you sure about this?" He asked again, hoping she would change her mind this time around, but instead she signaled Jack to come closer."Ma'am," Jack said."Your tie," Chloe replied.Jack loosened the tie and handed it to her, not understanding what she was up to but anything to make the young miss happy as she seemed to be in a lot of pain. He watched her place it in her mouth as she held his hand tightly, then nodded her head to the doctor to begin.* * * Emily stared at Nathan lying peacefully on the
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When Chloe woke up from her sleep, she found out from the maid that she had been bedridden for two days now.She wondered if it was because she was awake during the surgery or that the doctor had injected her with something to make sure she was well relaxed.She rolled out of bed, slowly holding on to the side of her stomach, as she entered the bathroom to look at herself properly.When she stepped in, she stared at the mirror and nearly screamed at the sight of Stone behind her."What the fuck?" She eventually yelled."Keep it down," he whispered."What the fuck are you doing here?""Language, Chloe," he whispered back, staring at her. He had heard what happened to her and took a bloody risk to come see her himself.At the sight of her, he knew he was definitely out of his mind, breaking into Klar's mansion and waiting in the toilet, where he knew there would be no camera or microphones."You are not my father," Chloe snapped as she groaned, holding her side. It seemed like shouting
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Next morning.Leonard was about to take a sip of his coffee when he saw Emily and Nathan heading towards the dining table. He rose to his feet and removed one of the chairs for Emily to sit down, which she appreciated as she motioned for Nathan to sit next to her.Emily whispered into Nathan's ear as Leonard took his seat, going back to take his coffee. He barely slept last night as he was up all night working on some office files."Good morning, sir," Nathan said to Leonard, then stared back at his food. He hadn't been around a man before, so he felt intimidated by Leonard's presence, and the fierce look on Leonard's eyes was scaring him so much that he had to hold Emily's hand under the table.Emily, realizing what was wrong with him, looked at Leonard and placed her other hand on his on the table."You are scaring him," Emily burst out."Why are you scared?" Leonard asked Nathan, staring at him this time.Nathan raised his head slowly and looked at Leonard, who suddenly had a smile
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