All Chapters of Fated Mate From Hell: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
132 Chapters
Just Say Yes
Liam sighs heavily and sits up to just stare down at me while I sob naked on a hotel bed defeated and pissed off. Everything is absolute shit, everything is wrong. Extremely wrong. Right now I don't even want to look at my phone and deal with reality. I already know my parents are going to go crazy on me, especially my dad. And I can't even lie to him when I get home because he knows exactly who I'm with and he's seen me holding his hand, there's no way I can tell him Liam is a stranger or someone unimportant. God, he must be so angry with me, I don't know how I'm going to deal with that. He's never been mad at me before.And what about my real boyfriend? He must be really angry too. What if I messed everything up? "Marna... can you stop crying?" Liam asks, but I can't, so I ignore him, "Please. I'd rather you just keep hitting me. Trust me, I can take a lot more than that. And I expected a lot more than that from you, actually.""Just leave me alone," I cry out and roll onto my b
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Shake It Off
I take a deep breath hoping this doesn't end up being the worst idea ever before I answer Theo's call. Liam is still on top of me, by the way, and he spreads my legs wide enough to get in between them and nestle his growing dick right in my warmest spot as his eyes try to melt my face with their intensity. "Hey, babe," I greet, trying to sound cheerful and soft as usual while ignoring Liam's eyes and the way his scent fills with jealousy at just those two words. This man still doesn't quite understand that I don't want and will never want Theo."Isa... what's wrong?" Theo asks, sounding confused but not angry, thankfully, "I feel like I haven't talked to you in a while."Six fucking days, not that it's a big deal to him, apparently. I reach up to grab Liam's hair and tug on it as punishment when he lets out a mocking little laugh. As if he's not stinking up the whole room with his jealousy. "Yeah, sorry I haven’t reached out this week, but guess what? Remember my friend Lily?" I as
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Honesty is Key
"I'll send Kit over to Layla's with some money," Liam says easily, picking up his own phone to set that in motion, "Is fifty thousand enough or too little?""For two weeks in Cancun? That's too much," I frown and cross my arms, "I don't like you coddling other girls, don't give them that much. It's not necessary.""Are you kidding? That's pocket change. And I should give them more considering I'm buying their silence and their ability to keep their mouths shut about your affair now that you've so stupidly told them," he mutters, shaking his head like I'm so stupid, "I'll send them seventy thousand just in case. And don't be jealous, you’ll own everything I have one day."I don't think anyone has ever said something so hot to me before. I have to clench my legs and bite my lower lip to control how those words made me feel. "Girls are just as good as men at hiding affairs, if not better. They definitely won't tell," I assure him, looking at him from afar and thinking how crazy I must b
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Giving Up
"The omega thing is not a surprise, but it is fucking gross to think about. From you and him both," I complain, Liam just shrugs, "I don't like the drug thing. My mom sure as hell doesn't know that.”"I told you. Now you can grab him by the balls," he says with a wicked grin. I grimace, "Metaphorically, of course."I nod, but I'm still a little shocked by all the information I've just received, so I remain silent while Liam eats and does his best to pretend nothing is wrong. As if he didn't just tell me he had the most traumatic childhood ever. "Mmm, man. I love these," he exclaims and bites into a blueberry muffin. Then he holds a piece to my lips, "Come on, open up. You're not eating.""I've lost my appetite," I mutter, but he takes advantage of me opening my mouth a little to shove the bread in until I have no choice but to eat it."I told you it was ugly," he reminds me with raised eyebrows. I just nod, "That's why I wanted to wait a little longer before blurting out the details
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The Calm Before
Being in this vacation with Liam is much better than I expected. He's not being as obnoxious as usual, so that's allowing me to enjoy every minute of his company. In fact, he's showing me a whole new side of him that I'm starting to really like and that I wasn't expecting one bit. He's being calm, funny and romantic, he hasn't felt the need to offend me even once and we've both been open with our wolves and their feelings because, why not? At this point I'm already like 80% in love with him anyway and it doesn't look like my crush is going to stop anytime soon no matter how hard I try, so fuck it. I’ll just keep enjoying this for as long as I possibly can. Theo is always busy anyway and he will be even busier once he's the Alpha. If he doesn't pay attention to me now he totally won't be pay attention to me later, which is perfect because it means I'll be able to continue this affair throughout our marriage.Liam and I are haven’t talked about nothing serious again because he gets te
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The Storm
Unfortunately, Isabella is right. I can't go running and let my true form out in this place so full of people and cameras everywhere. But still, I need to let my aggression out and I can only do that if I'm not in that room with her. When I finally find a mostly empty spot after walking for a long time, some idiot crashes into me."Ouch, look where you're walking asshole," he complains, raising a hand to pat the shoulder that collided with mine. He picked a bad moment to bump into me. I push him backwards with one hand without moderating my strength and the poor human goes flying until he lands on his ass in the street, then on his head and then he goes completely stiff. God, it was like throwing a bag filled with glass, completely fragile and weak. It's not even worth fighting one of the humans, so instead of going at him, I decide to take my frustration out on the wall until my fist almost makes a hole in there. It's not enough, but it's all I can do while being in this damn city
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Business As Usual
{ Isabella }The first thing I do when I get back to the pack is to go straight to a hotel and lock myself in there so I can cry, curse everything and then keep crying some more. Going from such a high high to such a fucking low low in such a short time is not an easy thing to do. Of course I didn't really want to break up with Liam after having so much fun together and realizing I love him, but what was the alternative? Stay with him and raise our child together? Absolutely not. No way.I was so happy these last few weeks with him that I almost forgot about my goals and what I really want, but life has a very efficient way of reminding you that nothing good lasts long. My relationship with Liam was good, so it was destined to be short-lived. I have to accept that and move on as easily I have done with the ten other boyfriends I have broken up with before. I have to forget about my feelings and get ready to live through nine months of pure misery and then possibly a big explosion w
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Don’t Lose It
Well, I guess my sobriety is over, but at this point I can't remember why I even wanted to be sober when something so great exists in this world. I should live like this all the time, it would be so much better. Just fun and weird shapes around me. I've been crawling around on the floor like a caterpillar for a while now and I’m still having more fun than ever before. This is way better than anything I've ever done. I'm somehow listening to my favorite songs on repeat without the need for a device and I have a lot of new friends. The bugs that are crawling around on the floor just like me. They would never let me down and they would never fuck my girl like Theo does constantly. Ha. Although it would do Isabella good to get fucked by a giant caterpillar, that ugly fucking witch. I seriously hate her like I've never hated anyone before. That's why I shouldn't have let my guard down, only bad things happen when you let your guard down with a woman. They're all a bunch of living garba
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Fatherly Advice
"Okay, now it's time to go home," my dad says after I’ve been silent for a while, just thinking. He gets up first and grabs my arm to help me up, but I don't let him, "You're butt ass naked in the fucking wilderness, kid, come on. God knows what kind of things have found their way inside you.""Shut the fuck up. I want to stay here longer, I don't want to go back to the pack just to hear Theo bragging about his stupid baby and his stupid girlfriend," I grumble like a literal kid, but my dad doesn't care, he just pulls me harder until he gets me up for real, "Dad! I need more time to stop feeling so fucking jealous and humiliated.”"It’s good to feel jealous, it will do you good to have some healthy competition. You needed a little humbling down, too. You get what you deserve," he mutters, tugging me back to the cabin. My wolf is still half asleep, so I don't have the strength to stop him. "Having better self-control is another thing you desperately need, so you're going to keep living
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Rolling With It
{ Isabella }This has been so fucking difficult. It's been almost two months since I've been back from Vegas and I still haven't convinced Theo to fuck me without a condom. I mean, not without being too obvious about it, but I definitely need to stop worrying about being too obvious because time is my enemy and it's running out. I won't be blessed with a flat belly forever. For almost two months, I've been pregnant and fucking miserable, mostly because I've been forcing myself to fuck Theo every fucking chance I get, doing my best not to throw up in the process, but now it's been harder than before because my wolf needs Liam more than ever. And I can’t even blame her or be angry because I know it’s biological. She really needs her mate, the father of her pup, so she can be healthy and happy during this pregnancy.She's been very angry at me for breaking up with him in the first place, but she's also been very angry at Liam for not trying to contact me in any way. He hasn't even sen
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