All Chapters of The Alpha's Wolfless Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
64 Chapters
Chapter twenty-one
"I sensed it....I sensed it, Mom! I was on the verge of finding my wolf!" Jessica was recounting the events that took place in the school to her mother with wide eyes animatedly. Her mother who had come late that day from work moved here and there barefooted trying to prepare what Sebastian would eat after work. "I told you, Jessica." Vivian was smiling proudly at her daughter. "I told you it was a matter of time, Jessica, you will most definitely find your wolf." Vivian still assured her. "It was real... I've never really felt that before Mother. A moment there and I swear I was about to turn." Jessica still raved on rapidly. "I want to thank the Alpha mother, the whole training was his idea. I'm so glad he brought up the idea. I should go and thank him.""Now? I don't think you should bother the Alpha now Jessica, he had a busy day, I think he should be resting now."Jessica paused for a moment, her mind processing what her mother had just said. She was sure that the Draven would
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Chapter twenty-two
Isabelle smiled upon hearing this statement from Jessica. "Good." Isabelle said. "I will keep your secret, Jessica. I swear this to the moon goddess. I won't tell a soul.""Okay.. So tell me now. I'm all ears." Jessica prompted. Isabelle smiled and leaned forward to whisper into Jessica's ears. ****Many miles away in another territory, stood Alpha Landon dressed in a blood red coat with matching trousers. His hair was combed neatly and styled too. His whole outfit and posture indicated that tonight was a very special night for him. Before him stood Zoe Madison dressed in a sleek black gown which extended down to the point of covering her shoes. Zoe's dress seemed to shimmer in the moonlight and her face gave off a dull glow as the moonlight caught her face. Her hair too was packed behind stylishly and adored with flowers, she also wore long golden earrings that dangled down to her shoulders. Behind Zoe Madison stood Leo Madison, her father dressed in a corporate black suit. Leo M
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Chapter Twenty three
It was the first time that such had ever happened. The tension in the room rose quickly as everyone watched on in anticipation. Mrs Lopez was afraid. Afraid of what the Alpha would do. Beta Asher was beyond shock and surprise, at the moment he didn't know what to do. Jessica herself was surprised that it had come to this. Draven had locked his powerful hands around her throat in a sleeper choke. Jessica who some moments ago would be classified as weak and pitiful had hauled the mighty Draven to the floor with relative ease. Jessica's heart began to rise as she began to understand the gravity of the situation. What had she landed herself into? What would she do? Jessica thought frantically as she stood there looking down on the Alpha as if paralyzed. Draven himself remained Draven. His face showed no sign of shock, anger, or annoyance. This terrified Jessica and she believed that what was about to come would be severe. Draven smiled suddenly. It was not a warm and cheerful smile bu
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Chapter Twenty four
Draven sat in his quarters alone and in deep thinking as he rapped the table unconsciously with his fingers. The events of that afternoon were still fresh in his mind as he sat there quietly, just thinking.The door opened slightly and a small figure stepped in. Draven did not even bother to look, he knew who it was already. He had perceived her long before she even opened the door. It was Keisha, his servant. "Alpha, Isabelle is outside demanding entry." Keisha informed. "Tell her am busy." Draven replied. "She insists Alpha."Draven remained quiet. "Alpha, she....""Tell her I'm busy..." Draven snapped angrily causing Keisha to jump in surprise at his sharp voice. Keisha turned immediately and hurried outside. Draven remained quiet, brooding calmly, his mind running quickly with thought after thought as he sat there. His sharp ears caught movement outside the door. It was as if a struggle was going on out there. The door bust open abruptly and he could hear Keisha gasp. "I'm s
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Chapter twenty five
The blood moon was several nights away but still he felt himself slipping into that familiar state. That state were everything seemed to irritate him. Alpha Draven was brooding alone in his chambers, what exactly had led him to this state of mind? Someone would wonder. Draven was in his rage mood and to top it off, Isabelle was being a nuisance. Isabelle had known him for a very long time since when they were little but Draven really felt nothing towards her. "Alpha?" The voice came outside his door softly interrupting his thinking but the Alpha heard it no doubt. Someone wanted an audience and he needed to grant them one. "Come in." Draven said gruffly and the door opened with a soft click. Beta Asher stepped into the room. "I'm sorry to intrude on your evening Alpha." Asher apologized. Asher paused but there was no response from The Alpha. "We have a visitor Alpha." Asher added. But still no response from the Alpha who sat in his chair staring outside through a window with a fa
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Chapter twenty Six
Silence reigned in the room again as Draven surveyed Nathan's face carefully. The latter's eyes remained fixed and locked unto his host's eyes as they stared on as if having a telepathic conversation. Draven finally sighed and lay back in his chair, a sign for his Beta to take over. "And for what reason should we rally with you Alpha Nathan?" Asher asked. "Mutual benefits Beta." Alpha Nathan replied. "We both know that my pack supplies the finest coal and wolfsbane which is the thing you require most here at blood moon pack but seem to be in short supply of." As Nathan said this, he flashed a look at Draven. "What I'm saying is that I have a lot of both at the midnight pack and I promise unlimited supply to blood moon pack in exchange for a partnership.""You make a fine proposal Alpha Nathan." Asher replied. "But blood moon pack bows to no one and we're certainly not a week pack. Whatever army breeds in the North, blood moon pack is more than capable of handling such... ALONE." A
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
Her mind wandered away from the lecture easily. Jessica was thinking about a lot of things as she sat there in class that particular day. She thought about the possibility of a way to find her wolf immediately, Isabelle had told her this. She thought about the curse that lingered around Alpha Draven and whether it was possible for such a curse to be lifted. Jessica also thought about her new unlocked strength and she felt comfortable thinking about this because this clearly marked that she was not without a wolf after all. "Miss Lyon are you with us?" Her teacher, Mrs Derrick asked abruptly, bringing Jessica's train of thoughts to an immediate halt. "Y...yes Mrs Derrick." Jessica replied hastily and after a moment's stare, Mrs Derrick went on with her teaching. Jessica sat up and tried to pay close attention but then something caught her attention. Isabelle's two best friends were in the class but the former was absent. Isabelle was not one to miss a class or school, yet she was n
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Chapter Twenty eight
Jessica pressed the doorbell and stood back, hearing it echo its ding-dong from within. She stood in front of a semi-detached house she believed to be where Isabelle Lana lived. The house was surrounded by a well-trimmed hedge and a lawn well-trimmed as well. The house exuded wealth as Jessica observed it admiringly. Jessica heard no sound from within to indicate that her call was answered so she hit the doorbell again and waited calmly. Jessica was intending to hit the bell again when the door opened abruptly and without warning. A woman stood in the doorway dressed in a yellow top and a pair of jeans trousers. Jessica gathered immediately that this must be Isabelle's mother judging by their same color of eyes and hair. "Hello, can I help?" The woman asked. "Umm Miss Lana, hi. Is Isabelle within?" Jessica asked quickly. The woman turned immediately and called from behind. "Isabelle... There's someone here to see you."Jessica stood at the door uncomfortably waiting. She didn't w
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Chapter twenty nine
"You seem surprised." Mr Lana laughed when he noticed Jessica's unease. "Don't be surprised. Knowing things is what I do." He winked. Jessica however remained skeptical and all of a sudden, she felt insecure sitting there with Mr Lana. "I should probably go now." Jessica said as she stood up abruptly. "Of course Jessica." Mr Lana nodded casually. "Of course. You need to return to your family. I imagine they'll be really worried now."Without another word, Jessica left the room, walking back home as quickly as her little legs would carry her. And as she left, her mind continued reeling about the the events that had occured that day. She could not shake off the feeling of being watched and even though she had stopped twice to scan her environments, Jessica could not see anyone in sight. She turned and sped on quickly, eager to reach the safe confirms of the pack residential building. ***"How is this possible? Who authorized this?!" Alpha Landon thundered at the men who had disturbed
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Chapter thirty
"Alfredo was my most trusted servant! He was the very best! Who is this little boy you've replaced him with?" Landon thundered. "This is Tom. He's my nephew." Zoe replied. "Tom? Your nephew? That's why you saw it fit to fire an experienced servant isn't it? We talked about this, did we not?" Landon asked angrily. "Wait outside Tom." Zoe said to the new personal servant. The boy turned to walk about. "Don't you dare move an inch." Landon growled at the boy and the boy stopped in his tracks. "You take this boy away from this place and you'll bring back Alfredo as fast as possible or else.....""You'll what?" Zoe snapped. "You'll cast me away the way you did to Jessica Lyon? I'm your Luna Landon, and I don't have to cower and hang on your every word. I'm not your servant."Landon was taken aback by Zoe's words. He had never ever imagined that Zoe would fire back at him this way but here he was, receiving it from his newly wedded wife. "I'm your Luna Landon. It means I have a level
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