All Chapters of Loving You After Death: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
110 Chapters
Chapter 101: That Same One
“Oh, no! Oh no!” exclaimed the eunuch. He was running to the Emperor’s study room. BOOM! The thunder from above was crackling and rumbling. “Bad news! Bad news!” shouted the eunuch. “What is the Emperor’s eunuch shouting about?” talked the maids and servants. “Your majesty!” shouted the eunuch as he was running up the stairs. “What is it?” asked the Emperor. “The eunuch ran inside and bowed down, panting he said, “your majesty, I got some bad news to tell you.” The Emperor put down his brush and said, “What is it?” “The Crown Prince…” The Emperor looked up at him and asked, “What?” “The Crown Prince is heavily injured.” “What!” exclaimed the Emperor. He put down his brush as he frowned angrily at his eunuch. “He’s coming through the capital right now.” “What about the war?” The crown prince have won, but he is also paying it with his life.” “What!” shouted the Emperor. BOOM! FLASH! The sky was roaring loudly. “Your majesty all of the bodyguard died. They were eaten by
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Chapter 102: The News
Bella was sitting by the waterfall listening to the sound of the water. For some reason that day her heart was feeling heavy. It was as if something was wrong. But what? She couldn’t figure out what was bothering her. FLASHBACK On the day that she was supposed to ascend to the heavenly realm, she hesitated as she couldn’t forget about her husband, the crown prince. Her love that she had for him was undying. The memories of him couldn’t be wiped away. For she still loves him. Her aching affection for him couldn’t be undone with any magic. No spells will be able to keep her sorrow at bay. Kick. Kick. Kick. Bella could feel her baby moving inside of her. She was nearly seven months. How could she bear to kill her own child that was growing inside of her. Her child that kept her company out of the days of her loneliness. “Bella, in order to step into the heavenly world, you must first get rid of that child in your belly,” said her father. Kick. Kick. Bella rubbed her belly as she t
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Chapter 103: One Last Time
Crown Prince slowly opened up his eyes. He was trying to focus his visions as he stared up into the ceiling. Everything looked familiar. It was as if he was back in his room. He looked around and saw that he was indeed inside his room. Then a tear fell from the side of his eyes. “I’m back in the palace. Inside my room. Inside our bedchamber. On the bed where we first made love. But where are you? You’re nowhere to be found. What’s the whole point of being back if you’re not here,” he thought. “Crown prince?” asked the eunuch, as he saw the crown prince’s eyes opened. Crown Prince kept staring at the ceiling. The eunuch saw the tear that rolled down the side of his face. He gasped as the crown prince was indeed awake. He dropped the medicine in his hands and ran out the door. He was excited that the crown prince was alive and well. “Your majesty!” shouted the eunuch. The maids and servants once again looked at the emperor’s eunuch running through the palace halls again. Screaming
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Chapter 104: The Dream
“Bella!” shouted Master Joseph. “Yes?” asked Bella. She put down her pail of water. “Crown Prince-Crown Prince…” “What? What’s wrong with him?” Master Joseph didn’t even know where to start. He wasn’t sure how to tell Bella. The news will be devasting to her as she stayed behind in the mortal realm for him, but now that he’s gone the only other person, she will be living for is her child. Bella frowned. “Master Joseph?” “Bella, I’m sorry,” said Master Joseph, clenching his fists together. “What-What is it?” “The Crown Prince is dead.” Bella gasped in shock. She nearly fainted at his words. “Bella!” shouted Master Joseph. He caught her before she hit the ground. “Oh, my goodness. I’m sorry. I didn’t think that it would cause you to nearly pass out.” Bella was breathing hard as she was trying to comprehend what was going on. “I-I just thought that you would want to know. That you want to hear about his death. I wouldn’t want you to be caught by surprise.” Bella looked at
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Chapter 105: The News of Everything
Bella came right in time as they carried Crown Prince’s dead body down the street. Everyone was crying and mourning the great loss of a good prince.Bella couldn’t believe with her own eyes that he was really dead. She gasped and started crying. Kick. Kick. Kick.Bella’s hand went to rub her belly. “Oh, my goodness. Heaven is playing a cruel trick on me. I left him to give him peace with the woman his parents choose. But he refuses. He chose to leave, leaving me behind. Leaving me and his child behind.” she thought. “How she would never be able to share the news that she was still carrying his child.” The thought of never seeing him again ached painfully in her sore heart. Tears were dripping uncontrollably down her face. “How could you be so cruel to me,” she cried. “How could you make me so miserable even after you die,” she thought.Bella watched as his casket passed her. She gasped as she saw him. She could clearly still see his handsome face. How she ached to touch him. To hol
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Chapter 106: The Swap
On the third night, everything was quiet. The dead of night soon left everyone tired. Soon everyone went to bed and took a good rest. Crown Prince great-uncle Joseph sneaked in and swapped out Crown Prince’s body with another dummy that looked like him. “Crown Prince, I know how much you love her, so one last attempt I will try to recreate what my master did,” whispered his uncle Joseph. “Resurrection of the dead.” Crown Prince’s spirit was watching with horror as his great-uncle carried his body away from his casket. His great-uncle was committing a crime by taking his body away. His great-uncle Joseph jumped the wall and hopped through the sleepy guards. “Great-uncle what are you doing? Why are you not letting me be buried?” he thought. His spirit being with his body, floated along side him. Soon they were getting close to his great-uncle’s home.“Oh, why is my great-uncle taking my body here,” thought Crown Prince. His spirit drifted above his great-uncle, observing where he w
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Chapter 107: Follow the Tornado
POOF went a small white smoke. His great-uncle was coughing. “Are you okay?” asked Crown Prince, his spirit floated towards his great-uncle. Joseph coughed and cleared his throat. “Yes. I’m fine, but how are you?” “Pardon?” “How do you feel now?” “I feel warmth in my soul, and something funny in my feet and legs.” “Oh.” “His great-uncle sprinkled some yellow dust on his hands.” “Is that what’s causing my hands to be all tingly.” His great-uncle nodded. “So, are we close?” “Are we almost there.” “Yes, a bit more and you will be back. However, know this, you will be back but in a dead body.” Crown Prince gasped. “I’m sorry, this is how the resurrection works.” “So, I will be dead, but alive?” His great-uncle looked at him and asked, “Yes. Are you okay with that?” Crown Prince nodded. “Yes. Yes, I am.” “Good. At least you accept that concept.” “And it must be my own body, correct?” “Correct. It must be your own body for it the resurrection to work.” “Alright. I prefe
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Chapter 108: Oh. I See.
THREE DAYS PASS“What should I do when I see her?” asked Wallace.“Whatever your heart desires,” answered his great-uncle, Joseph.“Desire?”“Yes.”Wallace moved a tree branch as he saw Bella walking out of the small house. He gasped it was indeed her. She didn’t leave with her parents. She didn’t go back to her phoenix clan.Joseph looked at Wallace and said, “Tell her the truth. The whole truth. Let there be no more misunderstanding between the both of you two.”“Alright,” nodded Wallace.“And…”“And what?”“Tell her or show her, either way your love for her.”“Yes. That for sure I will do.”“Good.”“All I ever wanted was her. That’s the reason why I went through all of this. Is to be with her.”“Then you should spend your time wisely with her.”“Yes, time is valuable.”“It is indeed.”“Remember that you two are meant to be. There was a reason why both of you have become what you are now.”Wallace nodded.His great-uncle walked away and left him to approach his wife.Wallace stood i
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Chapter 110: Milky Way
Bella and Wallace carried their six month son up the stairs of the mountain passage towards Joseph’s house.“Great-uncle Joseph,” said Wallace.“Master Joseph,” called out Bella.“Odd, where did he go?” asked Wallace.Bella shook her head, “I don’t know.”“Are you sure he’s home?” asked Wallace.“Well, I’m sure he is. Maybe he went somewhere. Hopefully he will be back soon.”Kevin started to cry.“Oh, maybe he’s hungry. Why don’t you feed him while I go look for my great-uncle.”Bella nodded.“I’m over here,” said Joseph’s voice.They both gasped as they heard his voice, echoing around them. They walked around the house to the end of the patio. There they saw him floating with a glow around him.“Master Joseph,” gasped Bella.“Great-uncle, have you cross over?” asked Wallace.Joseph nodded at them. “Yes. I am finally at peace and is able to go rest now.”“When? When did you ascended?”“Shortly after I brought you back from the dead.”Wallace gasped. “So, that’s why there was the thund
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Chapter 109: Human
“Ouch,” grunted Wallace. “What?” asked Bella. “That hurt.” He sucked on his thumb as the blood came forth from his skin. Bella chuckled softly. “Well that’s good, I guess.” Wallace looked at her in confusion. “What do you mean?” “It means you’re feeling pain. Which is a good sign.” “Of?” “Of you becoming human again.” Wallace’s eyes lit up. “Really?” Bella nodded her head. “Yes. I did promise you, didn’t I?” He tilted his head at her. “I said I will make you normal again.” “How? By poking me every day?” “It’s called acupuncture. It’s to test your blood flow.” He frowned at her words. She lifted his hand to her and said, “See, your veins are looking normal again. Instead of being black and blue, it’s becoming a normal color.” He pulled his hand to his face as he looked at the veins. He didn’t even notice that his blood vessels were becoming normal again. Bella pulled his hand into her breasts and said, “Feel me.” He frowned at her, but he didn’t hesitate as he wanted
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