All Chapters of Love A Lie : The Billionaires Betrayal : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
103 Chapters
Chapter 41
Aiden Valerie stared at me with her cold eyes."Explain yourself," Val's voice sliced through the heavy silence like a knife, her demand hanging in the air between us like an accusation. It was the moment I had been dreading, the moment where I would have to lay bare the darkest corners of my soul and face the consequences of my actions. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders, preparing myself for the inevitable fallout. This was the hardest part, the moment where I would tear away any remnants of affection she still held for me by revealing the truth. "Laura chose Drew over me that day," I began, the words heavy with the weight of regret. "I knew that there wasn't any hope left for me and her. I wanted to drown in my pain and sorrow... that was when I saw you." I paused, the memory of that fateful night crashing over me like a tidal wave. Val, so much like Laura yet undeniably herself, had been a beacon of light in the darkness of my despair. But in my twisted, alcohol-fuele
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Chapter 42
ValerieAs I stumbled out of his office, each truth he uttered shattered more than just my composure; it shattered the fragile remnants of hope I had held onto. The weight of his words pressed down on me, leaving me in a daze as I navigated the world outside. All I wanted was to escape, to flee from the pain that gnawed at my insides like a relentless beast.I was no stranger to heartbreak. It had been a constant companion throughout my life, weaving its way into the fabric of my existence from a young age. I had felt its sting when my father betrayed my mother, tearing apart the very foundation of our family. I had tasted its bitterness when I discovered my mother's lifeless body, robbed of her warmth and love. And I had endured its cruelty when my father drowned his sorrows in alcohol, bringing a parade of strangers and chaos into our home.But there were other heartbreaks, too. Smaller ones, perhaps, but no less painful. Like the time Drew walked away, leaving me to pick up the piec
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Chapter 43
ÀidenThe tension in the room was palpable, suffocating, as I stood before her, the weight of her anger and hurt bearing down on me like a crushing weight. Her eyes blazed with fury, her voice trembling with emotion as she unleashed her pent-up anguish upon me. Each word she spoke felt like a dagger piercing through my chest, tearing at my soul with its raw intensity. And yet, I knew that I deserved every bit of her wrath, every ounce of her pain.Her tears fell freely, each one a painful reminder of the damage I had caused, of the betrayal that had shattered her trust in me. I watched as she crumbled before my eyes, her whole being wracked with anguish, and I felt my heart breaking with every sob that escaped her lips. I had known that this moment would come, had dreaded it with every fiber of my being, yet nothing could have prepared me for the sheer devastation that washed over me as I watched the woman I loved fall apart before me. I knew that I had to explain myself, to lay bare
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Chapter 44
Valerie As I lay in bed, the echoes of my father's anguished cries still echoed in my mind, replaying like a broken record. The weight of his words, filled with frustration and helplessness, pressed heavily upon my chest, suffocating me in a relentless grip of guilt and sorrow. Shay's attempts to soothe the storm raging within my father seemed nothing against the storm of his emotions, each word a sharp reminder of the fragile state I found myself in. "I think you should cool down, Mr. Caulfield. I know she is hurt, but-" Shay's voice, calm yet tinged with apprehension, attempted to diffuse the tension thickening the air. "I can't fucking calm down, Shay. Do you even have any idea of her condition when she came home?" My father's voice cracked with raw emotion, the strain evident in every syllable "She looked like she was dead inside. She didn't react to me yelling, and shouting her name. I had to fucking slap her to get her attention." His words pierced through the veil of my u
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Chapter 45
Valerie "What happened to me?" I managed to croak out, my voice barely above a whisper. The words hung heavy in the air. "Too much heartbreak took its toll on you," Shay replied, her voice soft and gentle against the backdrop of my fractured consciousness. "We told her that you had a messy breakup, and she told us that due to a lot of emotional stress, you broke down and fainted." I frowned, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. The memories of Aiden and the pain he had inflicted upon me flooded back with a vengeance, each recollection a fresh wound reopening in the back of my mind. I felt a surge of anger and betrayal welling up within me, threatening to overwhelm the fragile facade of composure I had painstakingly constructed. "Enough with that. Tell me what happened, Val?" Shay's voice was filled with determination, a silent promise of revenge against those who had wronged me. "I swear, I would kill someone if I
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Chapter 46
Valerie Four days later, On Sunday..... Sitting near the window, it was early, and I sipped my cup of coffee. Looking outside at the city, I saw everyone running and having fun. Dad had gone out for a run. It keeps him healthy, and a gives him some extra days to live on. I was glad about the new lifestyle he had chosen. It was free of alcohol and filled with healthy fruits and vegetables. And, maybe, treats himself to a donut. I was enjoying life in the simplest form, and I was content and happy. The constant ringing of the doorbell, however, brought a break to my enjoyment. Dad had his own key, so it wasn't him. Before my mind could think more about it, the ringing increased. I felt like killing whoever was at the door. One ring was enough to let anyone inside the house know someone was outside. Ringing the bell for an excessive period of time doesn't just give me the power of super speed. Why didn't people understood that? It was out of my m
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Chapter 47
Valerie As I stepped out of the car, I immediately felt the weight of the plan resting heavily on my shoulders. My heart pounded in my chest as I approached the entrance to the mansion, my mind racing with possibilities. I had to make this work; failure was not an option. "Ms. Laura, what are you doing here?" The guard's voice pierced the tense silence, and I knew this was the moment of truth. The part one of the plan of convincing him I was Laura, was complete. Now came the hard part—using my acting skills to persuade him further. The success of the entire operation depended on it. "My car kind of got wrecked a bit, not too far away," I began, trying to sound as much like Laura as possible. "I had to walk in these heels for the past hour, and on top of that, my phone died too," I paused. "Oh god, today has been a complete disaster. I'm sure Drew really won't be happy about this." I held my breath, waiting for his response, hoping beyond hope that he would just buy my story. But
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Chapter 48
Valerie "Get moving, fat ass," Shay yelled, as she got to work. As she got to work, I walked towards the closet. I wanted to scream like hell, from what all I saw. He had a fucking closet that could be big enough for a wealthy woman. Shay dove headfirst into her work, barking orders with her characteristic assertiveness, I wandered towards the closet. It was a fortress of opulence, a shrine to excess that made my head spin. The sheer extravagance of it all threatened to overwhelm me. Suits of the finest fabrics lined one side of the closet, meticulously organized by color and style. White shirts and pants adorned the opposite wall, a testament to the owner's impeccable taste and attention to detail. But it was the accessories that truly caught my eye. Shoes, countless pairs of them, lined the shelves with military precision. Each one more luxurious than the last, they spoke volumes about the man who owned them. As I ventured deeper into the closet, the scenery shifted from formal
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Chapter 49
ValerieThe abrupt intrusion into my peaceful slumber left me groaning, desperately seeking refuge under my pillow. Who in the world sets an alarm for such an ungodly hour when the sun hasn't even considered gracing us with its presence yet? As the unwelcome sound finally ceased, I heaved a sigh of relief, only to have my peace shattered once again as it resumed, assaulting my ears with renewed vigor. My eyes, heavy with sleep, squinted through the darkness in search of the accursed clock, only to discover that the source of my torment was none other than my own phone, vibrating and lighting up at an unholy hour.Dragging myself into a semi-upright position, I squinted at the glaring numbers on the screen, revealing the ungodly hour of two in the bloody morning. An unidentified number mocked me from the display, taunting my weariness. My irritation was palpable as I mumbled a sleepy, "Hello.""You fucking bitch!!!" A man's voice erupted from the phone, causing my eardrums to protest a
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Chapter 50
Valerie"Did you really say that?" Shay's question had me smiling like crazy.As Shay's astonishment lingered in the air, I found myself grappling with the weight of my own revelation. "Yeah," I confirmed, my voice carrying a mixture of resignation and determination."Well, I'm proud of my girl!" Shay's exclamation pierced through the phone, causing me to instinctively pull it away from my ear."Hey, don't make me go deaf," I drawled, half-jokingly, but with a genuine concern for my eardrums."Yeah, yeah. Well, I can't tell you how happy that makes me.""So, did you go through the packet you told me about?" Shay's voice took on a more serious tone, shifting the conversation to the ominous contents of the packet I had recently encountered.I sighed heavily, the weight of the information still fresh in my mind. IIt made me want to puke my guts out. The things in it didn't made me feel any comfortable. "They were some business contracts, made to please Drew and his sick obsession with wo
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