All Chapters of The Luna Queen's Offer. : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
33 Chapters
Bitch be crazy.
All I heard was 'tonight'. This man has disrespected me, belittled me and I am expected to open my legs for him again tonight? How does that make sense?"No, Bryce. I am not just going to take this disrespect from the queen mother. If she wants you to spend time with this gold digger every night, how am I going to spend time with you? How am I going to try and have a pup as well? Fucken fix this now!" Laura shouted which gained attention from the other pack members. I swear, I was not going to interfere in their business but she called me a golddigger. How dare she? I didn't even know I was chosen by the next Alpha King until afterwards. Even after that I was going to refuse but the contract binds me to them. "I am not a golddigger, and I do appreciate you calling me one. I didn't choose this." I said calmly. I did understand she was upset, which she had every right to be, but that didn't give her the right to disrespect me. "Are you talking to me?" She raised her voice again at
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No one's play doll.
I got under the blanket, towel still wrapped around me, and waited for his majesty, the next Alpha King. I didn't even have time to relax in my room when I was summoned to the fourth floor. For the umpteenth time that day, I had to prepare myself and change my clothes, therefore taking another quick shower. The second floor was extravagant, everything was mostly decorated gold even though the walls were black. which should be expected in this family, they oozed money. It seemed like the whole floor was reserved for Bryce, Laura and the Beta whose name I can't seem to remember, no matter how hard I tried.I heard footsteps and I knew Bryce was coming. I tried to act cool, act nonchalant but no matter how hard, I tried to use my brain, I couldn't figure out where to put my hands. How to pose or maybe I should sit. Should I cross my legs to not seem more inviting? Or should I just lie there like a corpse? This was too confusing. Who could tell what to do in this situation, and for fuc
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Our only hope.
When I woke up, it was already daylight. I thought I would have been gone by now, but by the time I finished packing again it was one in the morning and I wasn't going to risk my life walking away at that time of the morning. Rogues liked darkness. That's where they shined, and I wasn't going to be one of their trophies from the Royal Pack. I thought I was going to just rest my eyes but it turns out I was more tired than I thought. The time on the digital clock read 08:30. I quickly changed into my tracksuit, brushed my teeth and fixed the bed. I took my bag, and got ready to move but the knock on the door caught me off guard. "Who is it?" I hoped it was not Bryce, Laura or even Queen Luna. I was not in the mood to fight or explain my decision to anyone. "It's Grace. Breakfast is ready." I released a sigh of relief which also made my frozen mind start to work. I didn't have my phone on me but this Grace girl might have hers. I needed to call an Uber and I hoped she would help. T
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Threat received.
"I thought you left last night or do you intend on taking Ethan on his offer?" Laura taunted. I was in the television room trying to watch anything to get my mind off the conversation I had earlier in the coffee shop. I wasn't in the mood for Laura's shenanigans. I already had too many things to deal with. Firstly, why didn't I know about the Royal curse? Was what they told me the truth? Ugh, this was too much for one person to handle alone. I intended on leaving this palace, but how do I do so when all these women are looking up to me? While all these women are suffering like this? I couldn't, I wouldn't. I know I didn't believe them but I couldn't take the chance. What if what they said was true? Would I be able to live with myself knowing I am the cause of their pain, sorrow? No. That's not how I was raised. "I am talking to you. Answer me you slut!" The lunatic I forgot was standing next to me growled. Can't she rest? She was starting to give me another headache. "I don't wan
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Yes, ma'am.
"Did she tell you that she was almost due? Isn't that good news. Imagine you being here for the birth of your nephew. That would be splendid." She clapped her hands happily. The shiny gold manicure shining in a way that made my stomach turn. Bringing my sister here was already a threat. I understood that but this? It was more than evil. She knew what would happen if she gave birth here in this pack. How can a person meant to lead be so diabolic? My sister and nephew had nothing to do with this. "She can't!". I hissed, glaring at her. "Why not? This is a Royal pack after all. Every child born here is blessed. What wouldn't you want that for your nephew?" She pushed, and I could see my sister was confused and getting uncomfortable around us. "Because every child deserves to be born in their pack. Moreover this child is going to be the next Beta of the Dark pack. He needs to be born in his roots. That's the law and my sister knows that very well." I said with teeth clenched. "I can
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First argument.
"You can't ignore me forever, little forest." He kept on talking to me. What he didn't know was that I could. I'm good at silent games. He can ask my sister about it, and I fucken hate that endearment even though I didn't know what it means. I dropped the towel on the floor and got in bed, never forgetting to roll my eyes at him. "Are we going to do this it not?" I spat ready to get it over with. "So, this is it. Silent sex, then we both separate like we don't know each other?" He growled like it was my fault. He caused this. "Yes!" I gave a one word answer, looking at the ceiling and opening my thighs trying to prove my point. "I can't do that. It seems forced and I can't do forced sex." He growled again putting his shirt back on. I was disappointed when I saw him covering up again but my anger took over letting the disappointment pass very quickly. "Forced? Is that where you draw the line?" I laughed bitterly. "Our marriage was forced, that didn't stop you. Don't become a sai
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Laura. "I can't stand this, Ethan. You need to do something about this. This girl can't get close to Bryce. She can't. I should have killed her six years ago." I paced in my room. I was stupid for not getting pregnant soon. I dug this hole for myself. I thought I was being spiteful to the Luna Queen but this old hag played me. She didn't even tell me she was planning on replacing me, but now I don't have a choice but to get pregnant, and fast, before the cursed girl does. "Calm down. This is our chance to finally be together. Now that you and Bryce are officially divorced we can tell him the truth and finally be happy together. I have been waiting for this day for six years, baby!" The idiot said happily, coming closer to me, actually trying to touch me. "Are you insane? Do you think Bryce will let me go just like that? Don't be stupid Ethan. He took me from you six years ago, and you think he would now care that you love me?" I reminded him. I knew ways to make him angry. I knew
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How can the person that makes you so angry you want to murder them, also be the one who knows your body very well. The person who knows all your pleasure points and can give the utmost pleasure in the world. I knew I was going to go back to hating him in the morning but tonight I couldn't stop moaning his name. I didn't want him to stop pleasing me, and the thought of him leaving in the morning was already hurting me. I'm supposed to hate him, but every time we are alone together, he makes me feel liked, wanted but I know that's just my wishful thinking. He loved Laura too much to feel anything for anyone else. The sun shining in the morning, will always be a reminder that I mean nothing to him. Only the sight of a moon gives me solace. I always thought I was a morning person, but even that changed overnight. Yesterday, I wanted to leave but today, this moment watching him lick the inside of me like candy, draws me closer to him. Maybe it's just lust talking but to me, I'm growin
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She's bleeding.
Ugh, can't I get a little rest?What time is it? I checked, before getting out of bed. I left the room early this morning. Bryce was sleeping so peacefully but after I came out of the bathroom, I just couldn't go back. The illusion was gone, so before he left me there, and I had the walk of shame in the morning, I decided to leave him first. Waking up alone in that bed after last night, would have hurt me more. "Who is it?" I opened the door before they could answer. I was surprised to see a woman I had never seen before standing at my door. It was too early for this. "Good morning, Sophia. My name is Loretta. I know it's early but I had to see you before I started my chores. I heard so much about you!" She smiled but I still didn't know who she was, and what she wanted. For some reason it irked me that she didn't show me respect like the others did. She just assumed I would like to be called by my first name. I know I would have corrected her if she didn't but I hate the fact tha
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"I shouldn't have tried to leave. It's my fault. I put my sister's life in danger. Selfish, selfish Sophia. Only thinking about herself." I paced in my room, reprimanding myself while I waited for the phone to ring. It has been two hours since my sister left the Royal pack. It wasn't easy, Queen Luna thought I was overreacting when I said no to their doctor treating and delivering the baby here, but I had my reasons. I didn't trust this curse would not affect the baby. It wasn't a mere coincidence that this happened here at this pack, and she was fine hours ago at the Dark pack. Even a fool can see the difference. So, I fought for her to leave this pack immediately. If the Royal doctor was that great, he would treat her in the air and save them both. I never thought I would be that commanding in my lifetime. I didn't even listen to the woman who haunts my dreams. I knew I was going to pay for the disrespect I showed her today but for now, all I needed to worry about was my sister
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