All Chapters of The Billionaire’s fill-in housekeeper : Chapter 101 - Chapter 108
108 Chapters
I lay in the hotel bed totally famished and emotionally drained. I don't deserve this. My head is spinning from days of trying to phantom everything that has happened.We were supposed to be on our way to Greece today. I hope she's out when I get back. I need a break from her to be able to think things through. If I'm going to have to get over her which I doubt is possible, I would have to see less of her or her things till I've made a decision. I feel so betrayed!I had to put off my phone because she kept calling non-stop. Only Tony knows my whereabouts and what's going on. I can't bring myself to tell my parents.A knock on my door draws my attention back to my surroundings. That must be room service. I can't let them see me like this.“I'm very busy at the moment, kindly check back later,” I say from behind the door.“It's Tony man.”Arghhhhhh. How do I conceal the wounds on my knuckles?“I'm waiting or else I'll have them bring down this door.”I open the door and resume back to m
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The ticking clock echoes in my quiet room, each passing second emphasizing the void left by three days of strained silence. The memory of the argument with Jordan replays in my mind, the pain still fresh, and the weight of regret settling in my chest.My phone lies untouched on the table, its screen devoid of messages or missed calls. I can't bring myself to break the silence, understanding that the wounds from my actions need time to heal. I feel empty without him, unable to eat or sleep properly, spending my days confined in the room, looking like a mess.Regret gnaws at my conscience as I replay the argument in my mind. I had kept a secret, thinking it would be a protective shield for Jordan, only to realize that it has become a barrier between us. Communication truly is key in a relationship; the outcome might have been totally different if I had spoken to him about it as soon as it happened and we had discussed ways on how to go about it. Now I feel like I’ve lost his trust and I
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In the solitude of this past week, amidst the echo of my own thoughts, I've embarked on an odyssey within myself. In the wake of shattered trust, I find myself navigating a labyrinth of emotions, haunted by the echoes of betrayal. Yet, amidst the debris of fractured promises, there's a yearning to rebuild what was once a sanctuary of companionship. The road to reconciliation feels like walking on shards of glass, each step a cautious maneuver to bridge the chasm that divides us. But within this tempest of hurt lies a glimmer of hope, a desire to unearth the truth, to mend the rift, and perhaps forge a stronger bond, weathered yet resilient in the face of adversity.The air in my father's study hangs heavy with the weight of unspoken words and hidden truths. Stepping into this sanctum of memories, the familiar scent of aged books and polished wood offers solace amidst the impending revelation.Mother's absence is a blessing in this moment, sparing her the pain that lingers within the d
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It's a relief that Jordan and I were able to work through our issues and emerge with a renewed vow to never let secrets ruin our relationship. The lesson acquired from the difficult experience emphasised the critical value of honesty and transparency.What truly surprised me was Jordan's apology for his impulsive decision to ask me to leave without taking the time to process everything. Admittedly, my choice to withhold essential information felt like a significant breach of trust, casting a shadow over our relationship.However, Jordan's perspective on the dynamics of marriage startled me. Despite the hurt caused by my actions, he believed that a successful marriage necessitates navigating such challenges through open communication and forgiveness.At that moment, I felt conflicting emotions—my initial guilt for withholding information, Jordan's surprising apology, and his conviction in the essential aspects of trust and openness in a marriage. It forced me to rethink my concept of t
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Vanessa stands there, seemingly untouched by time, her slender figure and unchanged appearance hinting at a timeless beauty. There's a momentary question lingering as to whether she could truly be the mother of the boys following behind, given the absence of any visible resemblance."Vanessa," I call out from the car."Welcome to my home. Jordan and Patricia, thank you very much for this. I do not take it lightly," she acknowledges."Hi, Rachel. It's so lovely to see you. I'm Vanessa.""Hi, Mom," Ray greets warmly.Vanessa's face lights up, glowing with joy like a myriad of stars."Can I give you a hug?""Yes, please," Ray responds, embracing her eagerly."These are my sons, Gabriel and Nathaniel Parker. My husband and their father are late," she announces."Sorry for your loss," we chorus, following the boys' greetings."It's alright. It was a long time ago. Shortly after I got married to him, he took ill and passed. Let's not waste any further time out here. Let's all go in."As we
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The car hums softly as we embark on the journey back home after an emotional reunion with Ray's birth mother, Vanessa. The air in the car is thick with a mixture of lingering tension and unspoken questions. Ray, sitting in the back seat, stares out of the window, seemingly lost in thought. I wonder how she must be feeling after meeting her mother and if she has any question on her mind. Jordan, his hands steady on the wheel, steals a glance at Ray. Concern etched on his face, he speaks gently, "Ray, how are you feeling?"Ray sighs , her gaze still fixed on the passing scenery. "I don't know, Dad. It's a lot to process." I turn in my seat reaching out to touch Ray's hand. "We're here for you, sweetheart. Whatever you're feeling, it's valid."Ray nods , a small smile playing on her lips. "I appreciate that, Mom." I love it when she calls me mom and the thought of having a little child growing in me that will call me mom as well is so exciting. The car moves in a comfortable silence
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“Son, we are so happy for you.” father says super proud “Your father is right and we are glad you are very happy because we see how your face lights up all the time.”“Thanks. I love how both of you show up for me every time and support me. How you guys helped me raise Ray with unwavering love.”“You are our child and she's our granddaughter. It's our duty.” father says.“All the same, thanks again.” “I’ll leave you two to discuss while I check on what's cooking.” mother says excusing us.“So how's work?”“Going smoothly, dad. Thanks for asking.”“Don’t you think it's high time you take a break?”“I was thinking so too. Tony and I are organizing a group trip for our ladies.”“Now that's my boy. How's Ray and how’s she coping with this new chapter?”“Surprisingly good. Vanessa is good with children and I'm wondering what changed.”“People change. You did too.”I nod, father's words sinking in. "Yeah, people do change," I agree, pondering the evolution of myself and those around me."Y
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Epilogue6 months later I tap my fingers on the driving wheel, humming along to the pulse of the road, feeling the beat echo within. Each song becomes a personal concert, and my audience is the world outside my window. With each note, the journey transforms into an adventure full of songs and delight, making every mile unique.The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow as I drive , my pregnant belly gently cradled by the steering wheel as I embark on a journey to pick up Ray from her mother Vanessa's house. The anticipation of seeing Ray radiates through me blending with the rhythmic kicks of the little one in my belly.Arriving at Vanessa's house, I take a moment to steady myself before ringing the doorbell. Vanessa greets me with a warm smile. "Thanks for doing this, Patricia, for allowing Ray spend the weekend even though it wasn’t my week.” Vanessa says her expression soft with gratitude."It's my pleasure. Ray and I have a special bond, and it’s important that she has that type of
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