All Chapters of Dangerous Liaisons: Love in the Shadows: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
112 Chapters
Chapter 41
CLYDE POV:As I stood amidst the bustling airport, the air thick with the fragrance of hurried travelers and the resonating echoes of distant announcements, Diyo's words barely scratched the surface of my consciousness. My gaze remained fixed on the horizon beyond the glass walls, my mind shrouded in an impenetrable veil of detachment."Hmm?" My response was void of any inflection, a mere acknowledgment that I was being addressed, devoid of any genuine interest or concern."What do you mean?" Diyo's voice persisted, the hint of frustration tainting his tone.His persistence irked me, yet I maintained my facade of indifference. "We ain't come back here after two years for nothing," he prodded further, hoping for a flicker of interest, a sign that I was invested in whatever scheme had brought us back to this place.My lips curled into a subtle smirk, acknowledging the subtle change that happened in Diyo over the past two years. The passage of time had cast a veneer of maturity upon him.
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Chapter 42
I stood there, right in front of my grandmother's grave, the wind gently whispering through the branches of the trees around me. It was a serene moment, yet my heart felt heavy with a mix of emotions. I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the weight of the past, the memories we shared flooding my mind.Taking a deep breath, I found the courage to break the silence. My voice quivered slightly as I addressed my grandmother, unsure of where to start."Hey, Grandma. It's been a while, hasn't it? Standing here now, I can't help but feel a little strange. It's like we're having a conversation, but it's just me doing the talking."A bittersweet smile formed on my face as I allowed myself to drift back to the moments we spent together. The laughter, the stories, the love that filled our time. It was a treasure trove of memories that I held close to my heart."I remember all those times we shared, Grandma. The laughter that echoed through the house, the stories you told with such wisdom and gra
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Chapter 43
My heart felt heavy as I laid my head on my grandma’s gravestone in the quiet cemetery, surrounded by the graves of other’s loved ones. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to find solace.A voice could be heard from behind me, a voice filled with genuine worry. However, I was lost in my own thoughts and didn't hear what he said.He decided to reach out to me once more. But I was lost with the memories of me with the only person I had ever loved. Lost in my own world, I let out a hiccup and continued to cry, unaware of anyone’s presence. I couldn’t believe she was no more with me. The person sighed, realising I was not interested in his concern for me. He decided to leave. But soon I felt someone sitting next to the graves of my grandmother from the corner of my eyes, but lost in my thoughts I completely ignored his presence. I wanted to spend this moment alone with my grandmother after two years of not visiting her once.My mind consumed by my own thoughts. Through my tears, I whis
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Chapter 44
My finger tightened around the trigger, the weight of the gun in my hand almost a comfort against the brewing storm of emotions within me. There he stood, his eyes fixed on me with an intensity that mirrored my own, a defiance that further fueled my determination."You have no idea," I spat the words, each syllable heavy with the burden of years of torment, "how much I have waited for the day I'll finally put an end to everything." My voice, laced with bitterness, echoed in the tense silence between us.The gun held steady, its barrel pointed at him—the man who had been the architect of my anguish, the source of insufferable pain that had marred my existence for far too long. His mere presence was a reminder of the suffering I had endured, the scars etched deep within my soul, each one a testament to his cruelty."All the hatred, suffering, and pain you made me endure," I continued, my voice trembling with the reservoir of emotions that threatened to spill over, "today, I'll finally gi
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Chapter 45
His speed caught me off guard, leaving me defenseless against his sudden approach. Before I could even react, his swift maneuver resulted in me losing my grip on the gun—it clattered to the ground, a grim echo.In a blink, his hand closed around mine, wrenching it to the side with an iron grip that forced the weapon from my grasp. The unexpectedness of his actions rendered me momentarily stunned, leaving me with no chance to mount a defense.With a startling swiftness, he maneuvered behind me, pulling my arm back and pressing it against my back. His forceful control left me reeling, my back pressed tightly against his front, an uncomfortable proximity that reeked of his overpowering dominance.The suddenness of his movements and the overwhelming strength he exerted left me in a whirlwind of confusion and alarm. I found myself entangled within his grasp, my attempts to resist futile against the overpowering force he wielded.His actions, executed with a cold and calculated precision, le
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Chapter 46
A tear slipped from the corner of my eye, tracing a silent path down my cheek as my gaze shifted to the adjacent grave—my grandmother lying beside Clyde's parents."I don't understand how someone can be so selfish," I murmured, my voice trembling with a rawness that betrayed the stoic exterior I had carefully crafted. For so long, I had hidden behind a mask of indifference and icy detachment, shielding myself from vulnerability, but in this moment, that façade began to crack and crumble.The weight of conflicting emotions washed over me, dismantling the walls I had erected around my heart. The bitterness and animosity I harbored toward Clyde collided with the sorrow and longing for my beloved grandmother, creating an emotional storm that threatened to consume me."Why don't you see the grave next to your parents," I uttered, my voice tinged with a mixture of anguish and accusation. “It’s the person who you killed.”The grasp on my chin intensified as Clyde forcibly raised my face to me
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Chapter 47
Just when I thought things couldn’t go any worse than this, everything shattered with the intrusion of that insufferable voice—the very sound that grated against my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. Jasmine. Of all the unfortunate timings, she chose this precise moment to make her entry."So, this is why you told me to stay at home?" Her words dripped with an air of accusation, each syllable a sharp jab aimed at Carmine."And this is where you were going to drink your coffee and relax?" Her tone, mocking and piercing, intensified the relentless assault on Carmine’s patience.Carmine’s response, laced with annoyance, only fueled the growing tension. "Will you shut up, Jasmine, if not for just a minute? Can't you see we are not playing here?" He yelled, aimed at Jasmine, adding to the chaos of the moment. Carmine had never directed such rude words at his sister before. His sudden outburst even startled me. Their bickering, like an unpleasant melody, echoed. It seemed a cruel trick of f
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Chapter 48
My senses slowly reeled back to consciousness, my groans echoing in the stifling darkness. A surge of agony shot through every fiber of my being as I attempted to shift, only to be met with a searing pain coursing through my body, a painful reminder of my restricted movement.In the midst of my disorientation, a jarring sound cut through the hazy fog of my senses – the unmistakable clang of chains. The metallic resonance reverberated in the suffocating silence, echoing with an ominous weight that sent a shiver down my spine.With a sudden jolt, my eyes snapped open, adjusting to the dark, oppressive surroundings. The stark reality of my predicament flooded back, a chilling realization that this was no unfamiliar territory. It was a haunting recurrence, a nightmarish cycle that had become an unwelcome part of my life.The chilling familiarity of chains and the constricting pain binding me served as cruel reminders of a past I wished to forget. Each clang of metal echoed the relentless c
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Chapter 49
Engulfed in frustration, I realized the futility of trying to reason with Clyde. Our past dictated that he wouldn't heed my words; his pride and arrogance stood as impenetrable barriers to any rational discourse. The hopelessness of the situation weighed heavily on me, igniting a flame of anger that seared through my thoughts.Suddenly, a surge of self-directed reproach coursed through me. How could I have been so foolish? I had the chance to end this cycle of hatred and cruelty once and for all. Yet, instead of heeding the rational voice within, I allowed my emotions to cloud my judgment, leaving me ensnared in the very trap I sought to escape.The bitter realization of my own folly intensified my frustration. The opportunity to sever this toxic tie with Clyde had slipped through my fingers, a chance squandered in the chaos of my conflicting emotions. Regret gnawed at my conscience, a painful reminder of the choice I failed to make when it mattered most.“What are you thinking of in y
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Chapter 50
As the words lingered in the atmosphere, I mentally prepared myself for the storm that I anticipated would follow. I was fully expecting an eruption of anger or perhaps even some form of retaliation for my poorly chosen remark. However, much to my astonishment, his response took an unexpected turn, deviating from the anticipated script of vengeance.Instead of the explosive reaction I had braced myself for, his demeanor unveiled a vulnerability that caught me off guard. Despite his valiant attempts to conceal his true feelings, his eyes betrayed the storm of emotions brewing within him. The mask of composure he desperately clung to crumbled, revealing a glimpse of the turmoil that lay hidden beneath the surface.In that fleeting moment, I saw a crack in his armor, a vulnerability that he had carefully guarded until now. His eyes, usually guarded and impenetrable, now shimmered with unspoken pain and conflict. It was as if the weight of the world had suddenly descended upon his shoulder
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