All Chapters of Yours On The Dotted Line: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
101 Chapters
Chapter 11
I stay away from my “bridesmaids” for the rest of the day as much as I possibly can. I’m pretty done with them and they seem to get that energy off of me. It also isn’t my most favorite day in the entire world. Instead, I stay off to the side with Emily for the rest of the day. Emilia, Dante’s mom, comes over and speaks several times, but she keeps getting pulled away for her own treatments and procedures with the aunts and other matriarchs of the family. Honestly, thank God. I just can’t pretend to be nice right now. I’m going to have to pretend to be nice and happy in front of several hundred people for the rest of the day. I can’t fake being nice right now. “Are you sure that there’s nothing that you can do to stop this?” Emily asks me after the second time Emilia comes over. I’m in the middle of getting my hair done and she was kind enough to bring a glass of champagne. She had no idea that Emily hasn’t let me see the bottom of my glass for the past hour. Good t
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Chapter 12
The ceremony is the longest hour of my entire life. I’m not a particularly religious person and it is hilarious to me that a mafia family that I know for a fact has killed, tortured, and extorted people insists on a mass in the ceremony. We have communion, light a unity candle, and are prayed over while kneeling in front of the priest. It’s the weirdest sensation to complete religious sacraments while having a murderer sitting beside you. As the ceremony starts to come to the end, Dante leans over to me. He actually looks kind of nervous about whatever it is he’s about to say. “So, how do you want to do this kiss thing?” I scoff under my breath. “What, do you need lessons? I thought that you were some kind of playboy. You so busy getting your knob polished that you never kissed a girl?” “You know what? You’re gonna get what you get and have to deal with it,” Dante mutters. I have the feeling that I have him cowed enough that he isn’t going to do anything too dramatic
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Chapter 13
Anyone who has ever been married or been in a wedding will tell you that the pictures take for freaking ever. Thank God in heaven that Emily had arranged with the caterer beforehand to make sure that some of the food from the cocktail hour to the picture session. I had only had some of the food from the spa today and I was starving. Of course, I made her promise that she would get enough food for everyone. I may hate that this is what’s happening to my life, but I’m not a complete bitch. People need to eat. And I don’t want to have to deal with a whole bunch of drunk assholes at the reception. We do all kinds of photos and combinations. Me plus bridesmaids. Me plus Emily and Grayson. Me plus the groomsmen. Me plus my family. Just me. Shit a lot of just me. And then it’s pictures of me with the Lucianos. His whole family. Just his parents. Only his siblings. That one was weird. I was literally just introduced to Dante’s brother Rocco and his sister Bianca is a bit
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Chapter 14
The ride to the Tavern on the Green is interesting, to say the least. I had tried to get Emily and Grayson, or my brother, or hell even my father to ride in the car with us, but Dante had insisted that we needed to be by ourselves. “We need to make people think that we’re deeply in love, wifey. A typical married couple would be fucking in the backseat on the way to the reception. We should at least show up without anyone else in the car,” Dante whispers into my ear. I can’t help but scoff. “Not everyone has as much trouble as you do keeping it in their pants.” Though I can’t stop the heat that starts to collect in my thong at the thought. He chuckles in my ear. “I’m not as much of a manwhore as you make me out to be. Though I wouldn’t mind helping you become a little less prudish.” HIs hand skates down my low back and over my ass, where he squeezes, bending down to kiss my neck. “Christ, are you even wearing panties?” I try hard to move out of his arms, but his hand qu
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Chapter 15
The ride to the reception is long and tense. Dante keeps looking over at me and opening his mouth as if he’s going to say something, but then he just shakes his head and closes it. This is helped by the fact that I insisted that Emily ride in the car with us. I could justify wanting her to be there to help me with make-up and hair without raising too many eyebrows. Once we pull up to the restaurant, Dante asks, “Emily could you give us a moment? I really need to talk to Quinn for a second.” Emily eyes me, trying to figure out what I want. She’ll do whatever, but she needs direction. Dante seems to sense this and adds, “I won’t try anything, but we need to talk.” I sigh, but give Emily a nod. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, kids,” she says, smirking as she climbs out of the car. “Doesn’t leave a whole lot,” I mumble and hear a soft snort of laughter from Dante beside me. When Emily closes the door, I turn to Dante in the back of the limo and cross my arms. “What? We h
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Chapte 16
Walking into the reception, we are announced by the singer of the live band and brought over to a sweetheart’s table at a central point on the floor. We’re greeted with loud applause and cheers and ushered to our table by wait staff. They pass out the food soon after we are seated. The menu that we picked was flawless. A plated four course feast. We started with a grilled baby octopus served with orzo, sundried tomatoes, feta cheese, kalamata olives, and a lemon vinaigrette. That was followed by my personal favorite, a honey-roasted fig salad. The main course was a braised beef with a wild mushroom sauce. My mouth waters just thinking about it. Too bad that I barely tasted anything. Because my new husband couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of me. He pulled my chair so that I was snuggled up against him, his arm slung possessively over my shoulder. Whispering into my hair, Dante says, “Do you have any idea how hard I am right now, cara mia (my dear)?” His hands rub up a
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Chapter 17
I can admit that I am rarely at a loss for words. I have to be able to hold my own in a boardroom, a catty socialite circle, and with the media. It’s a skill that I have cultivated over a long time. But at the scene in front of me, I can’t find any words, not even to make my presence known. I see Dante say something to the woman on the floor, but all I hear is a dull ringing in my ears. When she leans forward, I find the ability to move and back out of the room. I walk down the hallway, not really seeing where I am going. It isn’t until arms wrap around me and a hand tilts my chin up to a familiar face that my surroundings come back into focus. “Q! Talk to me, love. Are you ok?” It’s Grayson. “No,” I say simply. There’s nothing else that I can say. Grayson looks around, finding one of the employees. “Take us some place where she can sit down.” I hear a murmured “Of course, sir.” We’re led down some back hallways and eventually make our way to the manager’s office. It’s
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Chapter 18
After walking away from Dante and Pablo, I quickly find Emily and Grayson. If looks could kill, the look that Emily is shooting Dante would have him pinned to the floor, bleeding out slowly from a thousand shallow cuts. “I can’t believe he did that. I was rooting for him. Especially with the way he was all over you during dinner!” she snarls. “Down girl,” I tell her, touching her arm and gratefully taking the water from Grayson with a smile. “It’s my own damn fault that let it happen. We all know Dante’s reputation. We all know what kind of a man he is. I should have expected it. I just honestly thought that the man would have more class at his own wedding. Guess I was wrong.” “I still say that we cut off his balls and use them as hacky sacks. My grandmother can do wonders with a sewing machine,” Grayson says, tipping a champagne flute towards Dante with a fake smile. “He’s not worth it, guys,” I wave it off. “Seriously. No harm, no foul. It just reminds me that I c
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Chapter 19
I’m waiting on the couch, my suitcases packed and a coffee in my hand, when Dante walks out of his bedroom. The housekeeper, Mrs. Hughes, is fluttering around me. “Ma’am, I can make whatever you want, I promise. A breakfast sandwich. Crepes. Waffles. You need food to fortify you for the day,” she says. “I promise, Mrs. Hughes, I’m perfectly fine. I never heat breakfast,” I smile at the woman, who truly is just trying to do her job. “But Mrs. Luciano,” she begins and I can’t help but cringe at the name. Dante, who I hadn’t notice come into the room while I was talking about Ms. Hughes, interrupts her from behind me. “It’s fine Mrs. Hughes. We’ll be on our private plane, so if Quinn wants anything later, she can get anything she wants.” Mrs. Hughes sighs. “Of course, sir. What can I get for you today? “ “A coffee and half a grapefruit. My stomach isn’t quite awake,” Dante says, causing the older woman to chuckle. “I’ll make sure to pack some of the sausage and eg
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Chapter 20
We fly on a private plane belonging to the Luciano family to Bora Bora. We’re spending our honeymoon at a luxury resort called Bora Bora One. The Luciano family have rented out an entire five suite villa just for the two of us. I had tried to convince the Don that it was too much for just Dante and me and if he was going to rent out so much space, then the whole family should come. At least then, I wouldn’t have to worry about having to deal with Dante all by myself. The Don told me that they rented out the whole villa for safety. Two of the suites would be taken up by our security teams and Dante and I would have the rest of the villa to ourselves. He didn’t want to get between Dante and my “bonding” time, as he called it. As much as the Don has treated this as a business transaction, I think that he and Emilia are secretly hoping that something might happen between Dante and me. How wrong they are. The entire flight to Bora Bora, all 18 and a half hours, are spent in si
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