All Chapters of My Mafia Master: the alpha's dark desires: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
121 Chapters
Chapter 11
Eliana POV “Oh! I’m so sorry! That was all my fault, I wasn’t looking where I was going and…” My eyes met his and I felt panic rise inside my throat. Darn, I had just walked into another werewolf a few short minutes after Luca had told me to get out of the area because it wasn’t safe - I had crossed into a territory I had no business being in according to werewolf law. “If you wanted my number you could have just asked,” the guy laughed, pulling the wet fabric of his once white shirt away from his muscular chest. “I probably would have given it to you.” I laughed in response as relief flooded me. At least I knew he wasn’t going to challenge me or call his pack for backup, or something along those lines. “Pshhht, the temptation of coffee was just too strong. It was a pity you were in the way,” I shot back with a smirk. “I do owe you a round at the laundromat though.” I looked at his coffee stained shirt and grimaced, it was probably completely ruined now. He pulled his shirt o
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Chapter 12
Eliana POV "Good morning all, Professor Harris is running a bit late due to a personal emergency, so he asked me to fill in for this introduction lecture," he looked so calm and collected as he stood addressing us all, as if he'd done this a thousand times. "Welcome to Economics and Management 302, where you will learn about… well, economics and management." He paused as there was some chuckling at his awful attempt at a joke. "My name is Nathan Campbell, and I'm Professor Harris' personal slave until my PHD is completed. So you may see me around now and then." I'm not entirely sure why, but I felt myself sink lower in my chair as he spoke. Maybe it was because I had secretly admired the washboard abs I knew were situated under that button down shirt, or maybe it was because I actually enjoyed my time with him as we waited for coffee and didn't want that image of him to be ruined. I can't be sure. I can honestly say that for the entire lecture, my brain was nonfunctional. While
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Chapter 13
Luca POV The sun filtered through the voile curtains, its warm rays falling onto my king sized bed where feminine legs lay entwined in my pristine white sheets. I, on the other hand, sat on the other side of the room on one of the overly stuffed high back chairs that my mother had insisted would look good in the room. The only reason the lumpy monstrosities remained was because I loved my mother, and throwing them off my balcony would probably hurt her feelings. "Did you sleep at all?" Nina asked as she freed herself from the linen and slipped into my dressing gown, a soft yawn escaping her lips. I leant on the armrest, watching as she moved elegantly to the other chair and sat down, turning to face me. I'd called her over late last night, hoping to blow some steam and rid myself of the frustrations I seemed to be collecting. Try as I might, I couldn't find release, my mind constantly returning to Eliana and the night I had kissed her. At the end of the day, Nina was not Eliana.
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Chapter 14
Eliana POV My fingers tapped furiously on the keyboard, slipping through holes in Interpol's system before they tried to shut them. They were good, but I was better. I'd set enough diversions that I should be able to get in and save the file I needed to get before they figured out what my aim was, and then randomly take the others so that they wouldn't guess who sent their hacker. My headphones blared Blink182 into my ears and completely drowned out the outside world - not that the campus library needed much drowning out. I swear, even breathing seemed like a noise offence in that place. "Almost there, almost there…" I whispered to myself, code flying across the laptop screen. "And in!" I saved the numerous files onto my flash drive and exited the server, wiping away as much evidence of my presence as possible. Removing the flash drive and putting it securely on a lanyard around my neck, I closed my laptop with a triumphant grin - I'd told Enzo I'd get what he needed before the
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Chapter 15
Eliana POVMy eyes flew open yet I only saw darkness, pain pulsing throughout my body. I took a shaky breath, only to wince as it felt as if my lungs were on fire. Something was wrong. I could feel that something was definitely wrong. My eyes grew accustomed to the darkness and I could somewhat make out the bars of the cage in which I had been held, a thin blanket covering the floor. The place reeked of blood, sweat, urine and fear - but somehow I knew that it wasn’t just my own. The clothing on me felt tattered, strips of fabric hanging off my lean form. I groaned and lifted my hand, running it through the matted tufts of my hair. Someone had cut my hair? My hand moved on its own accord as it crossed my face, feeling the tender bump on my forehead where I had been hurt, and the scabbed cut across my eye.A noise to my left pulled me from my musing, and the sound of groaning echoed through the room as a flashlight illuminated the room. The light illuminated the many cages and their o
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Chapter 16
Eliana POV“Ah, you’re awake,” Nathan smiled at me from the doorway. “Sorry, I had to bring you to my place because I have no idea where you are staying.”Okay, that was fair enough. And at least I didn't imagine him too."I guess I must thank you for being my knight in shining armour," I smiled, only for the action to incite a knife-like pain in my temple, the smile quickly turning to a grimace of pain. Nathan frowned, then walked over to the nightstand and passed me the glass of water which sat there as well as the two tablets which lay in a shot glass."For the headache I know must be kicking your arse right now," he said softly, almost like he was trying not to make the headache worse. I could have kissed him, that's how grateful I was for the pills. I swallowed them and leant back against the headboard, peering up at Nathan. "So, what were you doing at my apartment building’s party?" I asked, breaking the silence which stretched out between us. He looked rather sheepish as h
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Chapter 17
Eliana POV"Alpha?" I asked, my eyes staring at Nathan as he set his phone back down onto the table. A blush crept across his cheeks and he smiled sheepishly. "Ummm… did I forget to mention that my dad is the alpha of this area?"I shook my head, not really knowing how to respond. As a lone wolf, alphas were feared. They usually either wanted us dead or they wanted us gone from their territory - both weren't exactly good options right now. "Yeah, I know. Rather risky having territory so close to the university, especially with wolves from other packs attending. There's even a werewolf lecturer - Professor Bianchi. There's not many who cross the territory though," he teased. "You were probably the first in a long time." I looked around the garden again, slightly uneasy. "And I take it that I'm in the territory again…" “Yeah, you are,” he winked and took my hand in his, his thumb rubbing small circles on my palm. “But at least you have permission this time.”I was about to defend my
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Chapter 18
Eliana POV"What!" The word erupted from my mouth as I leapt from the bed, pacing up and down across our apartment. "How is that even possible?"The last thing I wanted was to have Luca nearby, staking his claim on me even though he had no right to. "So, you know I told you about my father and the guy I'm meant to marry?" Cassie asked slowly, twirling her hair around her finger nervously."Yeah, you mentioned them.""My father is Georgio Papadopoulos, an enforcer for Vasilios Kythira of the Hellenes family." At my blank look she added, "the Greek Mafia."I had a bad feeling about this, but I needed to know what had happened so I urged her to continue. "My dad owed Mr. Castello a favour, so when Enzo Castello approached my father about you becoming my roommate, he jumped at it. I just needed to keep an eye on you - according to Mr. Castello, you attract trouble," she smiled slightly at me. "I guess he was onto something there." She sighed and grabbed her pillow, hugging it to her
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Chapter 19
Luca POVWhen my old friend, Vasilios Kythira, had called me to tell me that his human mate had lost Eliana I was furious. It's not as if she was a fucking house key! She was a woman, for fucks sakes. I had slammed my cellphone down on my desk so hard that I'd smashed the screen, inciting even more swearing. "Fai attenzione alla lingua," my mother chastised my bad language from the doorway before she headed off with her assistant in tow. I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes, knowing my mother was probably listening for more swearing. Breathe in, and breathe out. "Enzo! I need a flight," I shouted. When there was no response, I mindlinked him. "Really? Can't I see to my personal business without you hunting me down?" Enzo grumbled back in my head before I felt him shut the mindlinked, basically blocking my calls. Arsehole. I felt my wolf pacing up and down in my mind, anxious to be in England to look for the woman we had rejected. Bruno had never really forgiven me, I could t
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Chapter 20
Eliana POV "Where the hell have you been, and why do you smell like another wolf?" I shouldn’t have been surprised to hear Luca’s voice - after all, I knew that he was coming to Cambridge. It still shocked me to see him lounging on our couch as if he belonged there. He looked good. I had forgotten just how good looking he was, and his black v-neck shirt and jeans made Ayla yip excitedly. "I've been out," I said coldly, looking about the room. "Where is Cassie?" He stood up, towering over me, his breathing ragged as his muscular chest rose and fell. "Never mind where your hellion of a roommate is. Where have you been, and who have you been with?" I pushed past him, ignoring him and going into the bedroom, sitting on my bed so that I could remove my shoes. I wasn't used to such high heels. “Have you found my brother yet?” I asked seriously, the vision I had experienced nagging me at the back of my mind. “I have men searching high and low for your brother. If he is still alive, h
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