All Chapters of Shattered : Reagan & Riggin: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
CH. 11 Dreaming
It didn’t take me long to saddle him up, Cougar had become my absolute favorite horse to ride, he was so smooth it was like he glided across the ground. I still had about an hour before the sun would start setting so I started off at a pretty quick pace. The weather was cooling off and there was a slight breeze in the air. Once I reached the edge of the fence line I slowed down so I could make sure that everything was holding up, there was nothing worse than not knowing there was a break in the fence until your cows end up in the road. Mr. Sutherland always hassled me for being too thorough with my fence checks but I honestly just enjoyed the ride more than anything, plus I was able to save myself some major work by catching things early with my frequent checks. The sun started setting as I reached the back half of the pasture and I knew it was time to start heading for home. As much as I tried I couldn’t stop thinking about Reagan, she had seemed so scared and fragile today. I still
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CH. 12 Scars
Reagan The smell of bacon filled the house as I open my eyes it takes me a few seconds to realize I am on the couch. I must have fallen asleep watching the movie. As I go to move I can feel Riggins arm around me, he’s still asleep reclined on the couch and I’m laying at an odd angle with half my body on his chest. I’m oddly comfortable laying here and I can’t believe I have actually slept all night long, I can’t even remember the last time I’ve gotten a full nights rest. I feel a little guilty that I trapped him on the couch all night. He looks content though and I don’t think I can move without waking him. The sun is coming in through the slits in the blinds streaking across Riggin’s face. I finally get a chance to study his features without worrying about him catching me. I know I need to stop doing this to myself I’m just struggling to keep him at a distance. I can hear Aunt Linda humming as she’s going about the kitchen obviously trying to not wake us getting breakfast ready.
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CH. 13 "Traditional Couple"
A knock at my door startles me, “Come in” I say not looking up from my mac, I hear the door open as I finish up my last email. Closing my eyes and resting my head against the window for a moment. Sometimes its so confusing keeping up all the lies to everyone. I wish I could just tell them but I already know what their reaction would be. I need to just keep doing as much good with the money as I can. I frown thinking about the day they told me about the money and that it was now mine. The guilt that had hit me that day was more than I could handle. Riggin clears his throat startling me I had forgotten someone was at the door, assuming it would be Aunt Linda so he took me by surprise. “Sorry I was just finishing up some work.” stop apologizing to him, you never apologize to anyone so don’t do it to him. I chided myself for once again letting my guard down. “What can I do for you?” I say more seriously doing my best to remove any emotion from my voice. It has become a defense mechanis
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CH. 14 Retail Therapy
What is wrong with you! My subconscious is yelling at me, as my heart speeds up ten times faster than I think is humanly possible pounding in my chest and ringing in my ears. I head straight for the bathroom, and lock the door behind me going to the sink. I splash cold water on my face. “Get a grip Reagan” I say as I slap my face with both hands a couple times. I try to take deep breaths welcoming the pain the comes with them. I deserve the pain for being so stupid opening up to Riggin like that. Ugh!!!! Once I feel like I’ve regained my composure I exit the bathroom. Spencer is standing just outside the door and he gives me a concerned look. “Is everything okay ma’am?” he say’s even though I know he wants to say more he know’s better than to pry. “I’m fine just had a moment of weakness is all.” The girl behind the counter is staring at us since we are the only one’s in the store and the scene I made entering wasn’t very quiet. I just ignore her and start looking at the clothes on
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CH. 15 Hiding
“Spencer we’re going to go for a little walk if you want to wait in the car or outside its up to you.” I tell him and start to head off in the direction the teenagers were heading a second ago. I don’t wait for Riggin to follow if he doesn’t want to walk with me I’m not going to make him, but it only takes him a few seconds to catch up to me, I relax once he’s there. I didn’t want to admit I wanted him to walk with me so bad. We walk in awkward silence the first block, neither one of us saying what we want to say. “Say something will ya?” I shouted louder than I meant to but I just can’t handle it anymore. I would rather have him ask me questions I don’t want to answer than say nothing at all. “What would you like me to say?” there’s a hardness in his voice that makes me feel guilty for running out of the car. “I don’t know… anything!” I say exasperated and running my hands down my face. I want to scream or hit something I want to tell him how he is making me feel and I probably sho
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CH. 16 Maybe
Riggin I can’t stop thinking about everything Reagan said to me, but mostly I can’t stop thinking about why she would say she is heartless? The ride home had been awkward neither one of us spoke about what had happened. Originally I was going to stop her, make her explain what she had meant but when I saw the look of panic on her face I knew that it wasn’t the time. I saw the group coming towards us and luckily it registered that there was someone she didn’t want to see. I didn’t even think about what she might do when I pushed her up against the wall. My hands are still tingling from where I held her hips. I’d be lying to myself if I said I didn’t enjoy it, because it felt so right having her in my arms. I tossed and turned falling in and out of sleep when a blood curdling scream echoed down the hall. Grabbing my gun off the nightstand I run down the hall to Reagan’s room. Throwing the door open scanning around trying to figure out why she’s screaming.
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CH. 17 Sorry
Josh didn’t seem one bit nervous as we rode the elevator to the fifth floor. A nurse had informed us that Mr. Sutherland was awake when we arrived and that he had moved to a private room. “It’s kinda odd that he has a private room isn’t it?” Josh asked me as two people exited at the third floor leaving us alone. “I don’t know maybe they have the room?” I just shrugged my shoulders at him. I have a feeling Reagan has something to do with the private room but I don’t want to say anything to Josh about it. Finally we arrived on the fifth floor and Josh walked up to the nurses desk to get directions. This wing of the hospital was set up in a block with hallways that branched off to dead ends and rooms on each side. I didn’t have to ask Josh the number, I could see Spencer sitting outside one of the doors reading a book. My stomach was in knots, if Spencer is sitting there that means Reagan is here. I’m not sure why I’m nervous, my palms are s
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CH. 18 Errands
It took us an hour and half to run all the errands we needed to get, including picking up non perishables for the house. Not wanting to eat while I drove, we decided to stop at the Arby’s to grab a bite. When we walked in a high school softball team was taking up an entire section of the place so we ordered our food and sat across from them. It was too hard to talk over the noise so we just sat in silence looking at our phones while we waited. I recieved a text from Sheri Hey handsome what are you doing with a bunch of high school girls? Aren’t they a little young for you. LOL :) I looked up searching the place. “Who are you looking for?” Josh yelled at me. “Sheri, she just texted me she has to be here.” I yelled back just as I felt a hand on my shoulder and our number was called over the intercom. “I’ll go get that!” Josh jumped up before I could move. “Hey why didn’t you tell me you were in the area.” Sheri asked pretending to be hurt. “Oh hey…. We just made a quick
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Ch. 19 Save Her
When we got home I dropped Reagan off letting her know I’d be back after I helped Josh unload the goods from our trip at the house. None of us had spoken for the rest of the ride home. “What was that all about?” I finally asked as we started to unload the truck not caring to put the items away but just worrying about getting them into the house. Josh was on edge ever since he had woken up and every time I glanced at him he had his eyes on Reagan watching her every move. “What was what about?” He tried to act coy. “Really… She bit her lip so hard it started to bleed! And didn’t stop! Josh! I’m getting really tired of being the only one who doesn’t know.” I don’t want to play games, I’m tired and my nerves are shot. He doesn’t answer me right away, just keeps hauling in the bags from the truck. Once everything has been brought in he went into the kitchen and grabbed a drink from the fridge. “Want anything?” he asks me “No I’m okay,
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CH. 20 Be Patient
The more I started thinking about going on a “Date” with Reagan the more I felt like I was going to throw up. “Hey Josh who’s all going?” I tried to sound casual but it’s not the way it came out. If he noticed he didn’t let on though. “Just the usual group, everyone is home for once.” “So is Bryce going?” Josh came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist brushing his perfectly straight teeth. “Ya, Bryce decided to come home to help his dad out I think he’s bringing someone.” “Anyone I know?” Josh went back into the bathroom to spit. “I don’t think so, she’s local but he didn’t say who it is.” It’s been a long time since everyone was together. I was actually kinda looking forward to it. The “usual” consisted of Josh’s high school friends who graciously accepted me into their little group. “Does Reagan know anyone?” the thought just occured to me that they all went to school together. Josh didn’t answer
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