All Chapters of BREAKING MR CEO'S RULES: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
87 Chapters
"What?" Thea peered around to look at the message on my phone."Uhm.. Kol wants to uhm..." I cleared my throat, my brows furrowing at the message. His message was curt and simple, leaving no room for argument. "Kol wants to meet at his place." Thea's brows creased in confusion."What do you mean meet at his place? Why his place?"I had always wondered why he wanted to meet at his place but apparently his place was set up as an elaborate tech space, making it much easier for us to work without distractions from our work place, plus there was probably a lot of security too.I always thought with the way he was closed off to everyone except Josh, getting to know his house would be as easy as finding a needle in a stack of needles.My stomach churned at the thought of being at his place. Knowing where he lived, how he lived, what that looked like. Like a small view into his soul. I felt my face grow hot at the thought."Are you blushing right now?" I touched my face with the back of my
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I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, looking at him with an annoyed look on my face."Where's your rag?" He went inside one of those mysterious doors and brought one.I wiped the floor clean of every spilled drop of water but Kol had something else on his mind. He was relentless. When he wanted something, he wouldn't rest until he got it and that was the answer to the question he had asked earlier."You didn't answer my question." He stood, arms akimbo like I owed him an answer. I didn't and I let him know that." I don't owe you an explanation." I scowled at him."Yes. Yes, you do." The b*stard. He'd been testing my patience all day and I had had it up to here."No, I f*cking don't. You're such an egotistical, rude, big-headed-a*s jerk. Not everything is about you." I was infuriated with him and tired of his antics. One minute he "No but everything is about you. You're suffocating, weird, annoying, uptight and most of all the most confusi..."We were chest to chest now, breat
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"Where are you going?" He pulled me flush against his body.I struggled with his hold."I know what you're going to say""Really?" He asked, one brow raised high in question. His swollen lip, a testament of what had happened earlier, distracted me for a short moment.As if reading my thoughts, he bent his head and kissed me, snapping my thoughts close. I pulled away from him, hating that I loved it."You're going to tease me about my lack of experience." I said, a scowl forming on my face.He pulled me closer and wrapped his hands around me, shocking me to stupor. We had skipped so many stages that it baffled me to realise we had actually never hugged before. "I don't care. I was just shocked." He pulled back a fraction to look at myself."Shocked that I don't look inexperienced? Meaning you thought that I..." His index finger fell to my lips, shutting me up. "Nope. You're not going to do that."His eyes questioning me, if I was going to say anything. I wasn’t, so he removed his fin
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"Yeah... you can shut your jaw now." Thea had been awe struck from the start of my story till the end. Not even a sound emanated from her mouth as she hung on to my every word."D*mn!" She sighed as she slumped against the bed."I know!" I said, unable to keep the grin off my face.We both looked at the ceiling for the longest of times, me ruminating on what had happened and her thinking of what to say. I thought of seeing him at work on Monday and my nerves jittered in anticipation. Of course, I had to be professional but it would be very hard to do just that."You owe me you know..." She smacked my hands "...and I was right.""What do you mean?" I peeked a glance at her. "Well, I led you to him and..." I cut her off"Nope. I was still going to meet him at the office." I rebuffed, my elbows propped up on the bed as I looked at her fully. "Just shut up and let me talk." She rolled her eyes, smacking me again. "At the bar, you definitely made an impression and probably got stuck on
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"All right guys, let's huddle up."I called for my team members to share a news I knew would get them excited."I know we have been working our asses off, trying to make sure that the MOD app can move softly in the market with Beta testing and launching new updates, so..." I rubbed my hands together to build anticipation. Everyone was so eager to hear what I had to say."We'll be having a work retreat in Florida. " I said with a raised pitch. There was a collective groan from everyone around me. I gasped."What? I thought you'd be happy? Everything will be taken care of. Food, shelter and transportation."There was a murmur among them and someone finally voiced out. Someone who I'd not been expecting to even say a word."Will Mr Drey be there?" Dara spoke shyly but she seemed to be speaking the minds of everyone else. They all seemed to nod in unison. Were they scared of him?"Is that the reason you all don't seem to be happy about it? Well, no. He won't be joining us." No one notice
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Kol? No one I knew called Kol by that name except they were close to him and I'd never seen her before. So, who on earth was she? My eyes narrowed at her, willing her to explain further. When she didn't, I asked myself."In case you aren't aware, this is a work retreat for designers, not a vacation." "I'm aware." She rolled her eyes at me and my hands itched to grace her face."Kol said we could join.""We? Who's we?" I asked her but Dara cut in before she could reply."Ma'am, what's going on?" Dara asked, confusion also evident on her face.I looked backwards when I realised commotion had risen behind me.I squinted my eyes and saw that the crowd had doubled. "I also have no idea but I... wait!"I stopped talking when I saw Kol. I would've been happy to see him if I hadn't been so pissed at the situation. I marched straight to him."What the h*ll is going on?" I said low enough for only him to hear even though the crowd was almost deafening. People were clamouring, asking for clar
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"Miss Victoria, are you okay?" Dara who was beside me spoke to my still body, snapping me out of shock.I looked to her and nodded.I looked up at Michael and Amelia, hand-in-hand. They looked genuinely happy together. I wasn't going to ruin it by being bitter. The past was the past."Hi... What are you guys doing here?"I spoke to no one in particular. Asides both of them, I recognised other faces from my previous work place and few others I couldn't. Were they also here for a retreat."Oh... I thought Michael already told you we were getting married. Well, we booked a hall here." Amelia said, as chirpy as ever. My eyes narrowed unintentionally. She was okay with Michael telling me they were getting married? Did I dream up the events of our trio or I was actually going crazy?I forced a smile on my face."Oh, really? That's lovely. You made a really good choice." I hoped they wouldn't catch the double entendre.She hugged Michael's hand closer to her chest and smiled that lovey-dovey
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His eyes hardened at my statement. I looked away from his peering eyes."What do you mean?""This isn't appropriate for a work environment. People will talk." I said, all of a sudden finding the brown carpet in the room interesting. Completely sidelining my earlier thoughts."You think I give a rat's ass about what other people think?" He grabbed my jaw to look directly into my eyes. There was a softness in them that I wasn't expecting and I found it hard to believe most times that someone practically hewn from granite had the ability to look soft sometimes. "Is this about them?" My eyes closed in pain as I moved back from his body and sat on my bed, bath-robed and all. I pondered for a long time if I should tell him.I felt all kinds of things when I was with him, I also trusted him so, why did it feel like I was standing in naked in front of him, instead of dressed in a robe?I was laying bare my insecurities before this man that I harboured insanely deep feelings for, of course I
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By the time I woke around 5am, the space beside me was empty.I took a quick shower so I could start the day as early as possible. When I got out of the room fully prepared, I noticed Zach sneaking back to his room.I acted like I didn't see him, Kol had done the same in the earlier hours of the morning. 'We will have to talk about this later.' I said to myself.By 8, I had woken everybody up including Kol and his team. I had told one of his cyber colleagues to wake him, very carefully avoiding Geneva.The design guys were wondering why we were more than we were on the beach. The resort was built quite close to a beach so, it looked very close to an island with surrounding trees and cool morning breeze. There were also mountains a little far back of the resort making the area suitable for mountaineering.""Since the cyber team has decided to join us, I spent the early hours of this morning trying to fix our itinerary up to accommodate them." Everyone groaned in response, sizing up
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My hands played with eachother as I tried to make it seem like I was desperate to have him with me."I don't want to be alone." I blurted out. I cringed inwardly at not finding a better lie. "Are you sure?" Was I sure that I wanted to be alone with him, in a room, naked?I nodded my head nervously. My teeth had found my lip and I chewed on, hoping he'd stop staring at me like I'd grown 3 heads.He took of his shirt without warning and I squeaked, quickly turning around."A warning would be fine, next time." My eyes had shut close even though he was behind me. I heard a shuffle of feet and knew he'd taken of his shorts.What had I gotten my self into? My heart had gotten to new heights of palpitation. It would be a shock if it didn't burst out running. My hands turned clammy from the new heat I was experiencing. I knew I shouldn't but I was very tempted to peek a look. For a very short while, I turned my face only to meet his directly on me. Like he'd been waiting for me to look at h
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