All Chapters of Bound By the Billionaire: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
129 Chapters
I sucked in a breath at his words, stated so casually as though he was discussing something as mundane as the weather of what he wanted to have for dinner. My eyes roaming from the lights to the elegant decorations. I could begin to presume the kind of business the man was into, how long it’s been in his family or the amount of staffs in his employ. With the company going under they’ll be put out of their jobs. Most of them would have families to feed, the decision of one man to have such devastating effects and there’s Ian in the center of it ready to pull the pin, toss it in the ocean and watch the ship sink while everyone scrambles looking for ways to stay afloat. I bit my bottom lip, “That’s… brutal” “Like you said, it is the way of business” We don’t speak any more after that, I- I had nothing to say to someone who would make a decision like that. It’s times like this that I’m reminded of his reputation, what the media says about him, opportunist, ruthless, a cutthroat. Two
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Try as I may, I couldn’t forget the look in his eyes last night, that look. You know the one. I didn’t know what to do with it, what to think of it, words failed me. Was it intensity? Possession, with a hint of hunger? Does that even make sense?I only know that it confused me. But somewhere deep inside me, it made me heady, like I had bubbles in my belly. To be gazed upon by a man like that? Exhilarating.I saw it when I closed my eyes, felt it upon my skin when I showered as the warm water hit my skin, goosebumps sprouted all over me. It came to me again and again when I tried to concentrate on something else, anything else. Finally done with all my school work, I headed to the kitchen because it was movie time. The last episode ended in such an epic cliffhanger I don’t know how I was able to wait this long, but I promised myself, no watching until I was done with school work also, good things comes to all who wait and I have waited. I kept a bowl of icecream and a pa
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After the first episode I turned to him. “What do you think? Like it?”“What happens next?”“Let’s find out, I also would like to know” I shot him a grin. I’m just clicking on the next episode when my phone chirps. Then buzzed for a few moments and I know I’ve gotten a significant amount of notifications. After pushing play I leaned back and stretched for my phone on the bed. Hannah: I think these would look cute on you, what do you think? I clicked on the attached photos. “Any trouble?” Ian murmured beside me. “It’s just Hannah, she’s sending me make up ideas for the concert” due to our canceled shopping trip we had to settle for exchanging ideas via texts. Hannah thinks it’ll help us narrow down what to get. “Concert?” “Yes” I text a reply, She’s been wanting us to be creative with our looks, and I’m all for it but I’ve never been one to wear bold colors , and she just sent pictures with purple eyeshadow and silver glitter. Me: looks good, but with more neutr
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Holding my books under one arm I blinked sleepily. My eyes get hot and my lids dry. I wanted to curse myself for staying up late on a school night but what could I do, Dean Winchester has me in a chock hold. I dropped my heavy texts in the table the same time a voice called “good mornin I grunted a response. “Long night?”“Something like that” I dropped to my usual chair and poured a glass of orange juice, downing it in three gulps. I exhaled. “Did you sleep at all?” “For like two hours, and don’t say anything, I regret it enough as it is” I rubbed at my eyes with my thumb and forefinger reaching for more juice with my other hand. “Have this instead, I’ll wake you up” he pushes a mug into my hand and I look at him for the first time this morning. As usually he is dressed impeccably for work, in a dark dray suit with white dots and a matching tie, I look vastly underdressed next to him in my white shirt and one of my newer jean shorts but I was running late this morn
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Hannah was standing with a hand on her hips when I left my first class, I hadn’t made it in time to meet up with her this morning. “You look homeless” “Believe me, I know” and holding my books under my arm was likely adding to the image. She gave me a long lol, her gaze sweeping down my exposed legs, “you know if you had added a belt and some jewelry, and some leather boots this old have been a looker” “I looked down at my oversized shirt and black sandals “er.. okay, if you say so”“Here” She finally handed me my bag pack which I’d left at her place Friday evening. “Thanks” I tell her as we made our way to Bumper parked at space in front. I make quick work of changing out my books with the relevant ones, leaving the others on the passenger seat. “See you later girlfriend”I waved at her back as she was already walking away to her next class, I turned around and did the same. I quickly change out the books and hurry to my next class. At noon I eat lunch at the first
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I was the first to arrive at the library the next day, I immediately got my books out, I had a test tomorrow and felt it would be better to start studying early. Before long the others arrive and I’m distracted as I knew I would be. And we get talking about Friday. The others are trying to decide if we should hit the clubs afterwards and make the most of the night. And here I was thinking the concert would be party enough. I tried tuning them out focusing on my texts but I kept looking up every few seconds seeing as I was going to be part of the plans they were making by default. The concert would run past midnight I would crash at Hannah, maybe take the couch because I’m sure her and kyle would want some alone time. “I can drive” I announced. “You would?” “Yeah, I won’t be drinking much” “But I want us to have fun, we can Uber” “And your cab is a two seater” Sam noted. “We can take your car right? Especially if yall want to be moving around late” “I guess…” “Then I’ll drive”
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Beep Beep.. Beep… What the… I smack my fingers around blindly following the offending sound until the it stops and stuck my hand back under the covers going back to sleep. I’ve barely closed my eyes before I hear it again. Fudge. Please it couldn’t have been five already. I couldn’t have been thirty minutes since I fell into this bed. I roll to the side, ignoring the beeping sound. Borrowing deeper into my pillow when it stops by itself. Five more minutes… Okay maybe ten more minutes…- The door opens and light floods my room causing me to snap awake to a sitting position wincing at the bright lights “I’m up! I swear” “Rise and shine kitten” his voice drones from the entrance. I tossed my hair behind me and rubbed at my eyes. It was really morning? Man I needed more sleep. My brain felt like I had cobwebs in them, my eyes dry as a desert along with my tongue. I yawned tiredly then threw my hands up in a stretch, popping the bones in my elbows, shoulder and spine. Goodness I
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Ian Quinn: How was your test kitten?Ah… I turned my nose up at Kitten. I debated not answering after he was pissy with me this morning. Not long after I moved out of his line of sight, the sun came up and I heard his chair scrape against the floor, he packed his things quietly, while I held my breath and did everything I could to not look up, an untouched mug and his iPad in each hand, he moved around the chair left without a word. I hadn’t stayed much longer after that, it was already morning and I felt much more confident than I did last night, so with my tongue between my teeth, unsure why I was suddenly pissy, I packed my books, making a stop at the kitchen to return the plate and empty mug before heading to my room. I did another run-through of my notes, got changed, and combed my hair into a low ponytail before leaving the house. I made it in time for my test with ten minutes to spare. Now I sit in my second class for the day, taking notes before my phone lights up with
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IAN Sir, Mrs Quinn just made her way into a clinic. I reread the text from Tony her security detail, he was under orders to send in reports at hourly intervals. Or immediately should something occur. Was she feeling ill? She didn’t mention it. I haven’t as much as seen her shadow as much after Wednesday morning. My kitten didn’t realize this but she held a mean grudge. I thought I'd leave her to it, for now. Another text comes in. Miss Carmen is with her this afternoon. My brows pulled together as I contemplated, I knew they had plans to go shopping or something about a girly sap day, but visiting a clinic hardly counted for that. Hmm. Me: Keep me posted. Yes sir. I hated being curt with my kitten, she had been so alluring and soft the night before, like a sleepy kitten, I wanted to pet her until she purred. An image of her dozing over her books made my lips twitch. She had been exhausted it took a little coaxing to get her to give up and in bed. She was still tir
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I’ve just stepped into the house, Friday afternoon I could barely sit still and get through my classes, today is Friday. The actual dee-day. I’m here to freshen up and leave Bumper behind for the rest of the day as I won't be needing her this evening. It's still early in the day so I hadn’t seen him all through yesterday, Ms. Pact informed me he left early for a meeting and wouldn’t join me for breakfast. Now I’m thinking I’ll just text Ian I’ll be staying the night at Hannah when I run into Ms. Pat. “Hello dear, Mr Quinn asked to see you as soon as you return” I straightened, “He’s home?” it wasn’t even four yet. “Yes, he returned a while ago” Hm. Okay… “Thanks, I’ll go drop my bag and see him.” My eyes rolled around my skull as I tried to imagine what reason he would want to see me this afternoon, coming up with nothing. “I’ll take that, don’t worry, go on dear” She steps into me, reaching for my bag and I have no choice but to relinquish it. “Ah… okay” I handed ov
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