All Chapters of Sting of betrayal: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
104 Chapters
Chapter 41 (Pregnancy Hormones)
Athena's POVI grappled with a mix of emotions regarding the pregnancy, joy intertwined with a tinge of fear, sending my breath into unusual patterns."Are you okay?" Yifa inquired, her concern evident. "I'm fine. Just, don't share the news yet." I whispered urgently, forcing a composed smileBefore the mirror, I looked at my reflection, realizing a little change. Perhaps my imagination played tricks or a nascent baby bump truly emerged.After a refreshing bath, I dressed in a flowing gown, my hair twisted into a casual bun, and I descended for breakfast. Ralph, observing my voracious appetite, questioned me. "Are you okay?""Fine," I mumbled between bites.After breakfast, Ralph headed to his office. Restless in my solitude, the urge to confess my telepathic ability pressed, but the pregnancy added complexity.Aware of the abnormality and potential fear of werewolves associated with such abilities, my doubt lingered. What if he rejected this side of me? How would it impact our impe
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Chapter 42 (A Dark Revelation)
Ralph's POV A faint transformation had graced Athena with the gentle touch of pregnancy, and I found myself captivated by every bit of it. Eager to stand by her side throughout this transformative journey, I asked my council members for a meeting, intending to involve their wives in Athena's noble campaign against the scourge of violent relationships within our pack.As I addressed the gathered assembly, a murmur of curiosity rippled through the room. Amarok, ever inquisitive, questioned the mandatory nature of their involvement. “Is it mandatory for our wives to join?”"It is for the collective well-being of our pack, and it is my decree," I asserted, suppressing any dissent with my authority as the Alpha. Though I sensed reservations among some, compliance was not optional. They had to obey. Turning the discussion to the looming threat of the mysterious beast, I sought information on any developments. “Now is there any development on the beast? A full moon is upon us already”
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Chapter 43 (My Dark Past)
Athena’s POVI woke to an empty bed, Ralph's absence signalling his departure from his usual routine. Attempting to rise, a throbbing headache seized meMy nakedness left me puzzled, ‘was it the usual full moon ordeal or because Ralph and I retired to bed naked?’ I pondered. After managing to stand, I headed to my room, bathing and requesting relief herbs for my headache from Yifa. A strange feeling engulfed me as if my heart shattered into thousands of fragments. It wasn't my emotion, perhaps it was a flow of emotion from Ralph's. Seated on the bed, I drew deep breaths wondering what was wrong. After some time I heard him walk into his room aggressively, and almost immediately he was out. His forceful entry to my room, without a knock, startled me. The intensity of betrayal and fury etched on his face hit me like a tidal wave."Is everything okay?" I managed, my voice trembling."Did you come here
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Chapter 44 (Reconciliation)
Ralph’s POVI experienced profound hurt upon the revelation, unable to accept the idea that she could be a murderer. I couldn't sleep or eat for the past two days.“Speak to her,” urged Conri, my wolf, resonating through my thoughts.“I can't,” I replied.“Coward!” he retorted before withdrawing into the recesses of my head.A knock echoed on my office door, but I chose silence, avoiding the company. The door creaked open, and Tala entered, disregarding my unspoken objection.“I didn't invite you in,” I muttered.“You don't need to. Here,” she offered, handing me pastries.“I have no appetite,” I dismissed, anticipating trouble as she sighed deeply.“Either you eat, or we engage in combat,” she threatened. I wasn’t in a good mood for combat, so I reluctantly grabbed a pie, chewing without enjoying it, succumbing t
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Chapter 45 (My Mate's Wolf)
Athena's POVPicking me up he placed me on the bed, we had sex like we had missed each other for decades.Lying in his embrace, a sense of relief washed over me after finally unburdening myself. Yet, to prevent a recurrence, I knew I had to lay bare the entirety of my secrets."Are you asleep?" I whispered to him."No. Why?" he responded, adjusting to gaze at me, his beautiful eyes visible in the dimly lit room."I need to tell you something," I began."I'm listening," he said."Something peculiar has been happening to me. I sometimes delve into memories unknowingly," I continued. He remained silent, seemingly trying to grasp the concept."You're quiet," I noted."Explain further," he urged."The first time occurred with Tala, a fleeting vision of her enduring torment. The second time was with you, I witnessed you in a distressed state," I explained, causing him to sit up, and prompting me to do the same."
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Chapter 46 (Beta Is Missing)
Ralph's POVI revelled in the profound joy that had settled in my heart, witnessing the flourishing connection between Athena and me. It was a happiness so intense that I found myself smiling until I drifted into a peaceful slumber.Over the ensuing weeks, our bond deepened, and the subtle swell of Athena's baby bump indicated the impending addition to our lives.Despite the little progress in honing her telepathic abilities, I acknowledged her extraordinary nature, foreseeing greatness that would engrave her name into history.After a hectic day's work, we indulged in a simple meal before retiring to bed. In the quiet hours, I told her moonlight tales, reminiscent of the stories my mother once shared. Laughter echoed through the room, leaving us with warm memories as we succumbed to sleep.
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Chapter 47 (Revelation Of The Beast)
Athena's POVA sense of fulfilment enfolded me, a newfound purpose emerging in Stormwind. Finally, I felt empowered to make a positive impact on the lives of others.The redemption of the girls marked a turning point, opening the floodgates for troubled souls to confide in us. Amid all that, my baby bump was becoming visible, each moment cherished, especially with Ralph steadfastly by my side.Our evenings became a shared tradition, a leisure from our daily efforts, yet progress in our mystical research remained very little. One evening in the garden, I surfaced the idea of seeking assistance beyond our means. "Should we turn to a shaman or someone else?" I questioned, hoping to sway him."What do you mean?" he replied."Perhaps the shaman outside the city," I suggested, sensing his hesitation. His stoic expression deepened at the mention of the shaman. "What?" I asked innocently."Who told you about hi
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Chapter 48 (Confirmation)
Athena's POV"No, my mind is deceiving me. There must be a rational explanation," I pondered silently. In an eerie synchrony with my thoughts, the mysterious lady retorted."Denial won't change it," and promptly vanished."Wait!" I shouted, but my plea echoed into emptiness, she was gone.Left alone, a surreal vision unfolded before me. It felt as if an unseen force was manipulating the actions of that version of me that I was seeing. In an instant, I saw myself in my bedroom, the vision ending with the version of me returning to bed.The emotional impact was indescribable. I longed for an explanation, and tears streamed down my face. When I snapped back to reality, the enforcer's attention wasn’t with me.Unnoticed, I tactfully retreated, my steps gentle as I fled the scene. Deep within the woods, I halted, unleashing a cry of anguish before resting my hands on my knees for support.Taking deep breaths, I wiped my
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Chapter 49 (Contemplation)
Athena's POV"I apologize, I shouldn't have said that. You seem quite nervous," he expressed, his touch gentle against my face.He must have sensed my fear, my heart racing at an alarming pace. Despite his comforting embrace, the unease persisted."I'll ensure we create a secure environment for you and our baby," he reassured, his hand resting on my growing bump."I feel dizzy, I'll retire to my room," I feigned a smile."But you wanted to share something," he gently reminded."It's nothing significant, we can discuss it later," I assured him."Alright. Rest well," he kissed my forehead as I exited his office.In the hallway, I pressed against the wall, clutching my chest. The surroundings felt dim. Just when I thought I was getting my life in order, this happened.Back in my room, I crouched beside the bed. My head began to throb, but the ache in my heart overshadowed the physical pain.Until evening, I remained
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Chapter 50 (Family Reunion)
Athena's POVThe air was charged with a mixture of disbelief and joy as my exclamation echoed through the room. "Mama? Baba?!" For a moment, it felt as if I had stumbled into someone’s realm of memories, questioning the reality unfolding before me. In response, my mother's voice, tinged with surprise, whispered my name. "Athena?" Without hesitation, I hurried towards them, and the three of us found solace in an embrace, tears streaming down our faces.Ralph, sensing the profound nature of the moment, swiftly dismissed the enforcers. Tala, who stood beside him, was equally taken aback.Lost in the embrace, I couldn't estimate how much time passed. Eventually, my mother withdrew from the hug, cradling my face with tender hands, and studying me intently. "You... you are... pregnant," she stammered, her fingers gently tracing the outlines of my baby bump. It seemed as though the unborn child ackn
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