All Chapters of Fix My Heart: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
80 Chapters
Chapter 21
After her quick shower, Kaia found her mother waiting like she had requested, tapping her right foot to show her impatience which did not bother Kaia even a bit. “Don’t you look like you have better things to do than go out and spend my hard-earned money!” Kaia snickered as she sat down across from her mother with an amused smile. “Kaia Trinity Carson, if you want to waste my time by reminding me how much you hate me, don’t bother, I can read it from your face every time and I really couldn’t give two shits.”Melissa was about to stand and leave when what Kaia said clicked. Kaia could literally see dollar signs from her mother’s eyes and she wanted to feel used, hurt or something along those lines but the feeling wouldn’t come. “So, you’re reconsidering the baby shower?” She looked like she was about to jump up and down from her seat with joy.“Of course she is,” came the snarky comment from the direction of the bathroom. Well, looks like Patricia’s still around, oh joy! “I might desp
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Chapter 22
In the days leading up to the baby shower, Kaia's internal turmoil intensified. She grappled with the intricacies of her relationships, especially the strained dynamics with her mother and the lingering presence of Patricia. The apartment, adorned with decorations, became a battleground of conflicting emotions.As Kaia meticulously arranged baby items and decorations, the weight of her father's absence loomed large. Memories of him flooded her mind, a stark reminder of the unconditional love and understanding that had once been her refuge. The absence of his guidance during this significant moment left a void that seemed impossible to fill.Patricia's unwarranted critiques continued, exacerbating the tension. The clash of worlds became more pronounced as Kaia observed Beau and his friends navigating effortlessly through conversations about opulent lifestyles and extravagant events. It was a stark reminder of the stark divide that separated her from the world Beau was pulling her into.
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Chapter 23
In the next few weeks, Kaia's OCD got worse without her medication. The excitement of expanding her family turned into a tough time. Thoughts that she could usually handle now overwhelmed her. This made it hard for her to feel the happiness that comes with expecting a baby.Every day, her mental struggle became more complicated. Even as Kaia's OCD became more difficult, she decided not to tell Beau about her struggles. She faced her inner challenges alone, keeping him unaware of the growing anxieties. She was afraid of troubling him and wanted to appear normal. This choice led her to carry the burden by herself. With time, the difference between how she seemed and the struggles she dealt with quietly inside her mind increased, creating a hidden battle within herself.During a quiet and somber night, as Kaia grappled with a particularly distressing episode, she reached a pivotal decision. Calling her therapist, she confided, "I want to tell Beau, make him understand that my mind creat
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Chapter 24
Beau couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and affection as he looked at Kaia in her pregnant state. The visible evidence of their shared creation, the curve of her belly, stirred a deep sense of connection. He marveled at the idea that a life they had created together was growing within her. The short pajama shorts and camisole, revealing the physical changes brought on by pregnancy, became a testament to the unique bond they were forging.In that moment, Beau found an unexpected allure in Kaia's vulnerability. The softness of her pregnant form, accentuated by the revealing attire, heightened his appreciation for the strength and resilience she displayed throughout their journey. It wasn't just about her body; it was about the shared joy, responsibility, and the anticipation of welcoming a new life into the world. Beau's affectionate gaze spoke volumes, silently acknowledging the beauty of the life they were creating together.Their intimate moments had dwindled in recent weeks due
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Chapter 25
Beau supported Kaia as they explored other solutions that would be safe to try and during these discussions, He stood by her as she shared her struggles.Together with her therapist, Beau built her a great healthcare team. They knew how delicate pregnancy is, and helped Kaia figure out a way to manage her OCD without harming the baby. At first, Kaia was unsure about taking medication while pregnant, but she started to feel more comfortable after talking to the healthcare experts. They carefully considered the possible good and bad effects, thinking about Kaia's well-being and the baby's safety.Beau was always there, supporting Kaia and learning from the doctors. Their teamwork showed how strong their relationship was. The healthcare team made a plan that suited Kaia's needs, and together, they dealt with adjusting the medication and watching out for any problems it might cause. It wasn't easy, but Kaia's determination, along with Beau's constant support, helped them face the challeng
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Chapter 26
Entering their home, Beau expected the familiar sights and sounds that made up their life. But something felt off – Kaia's things were missing. The room, once full of her presence, now seemed empty and cold. He looked around, hoping to find a clue, but all he found were spaces that used to hold her stuff. The realization hit him – Kaia was gone.His eyes scanned the space, searching for any trace of her. A sense of disbelief lingered in the air as he struggled to comprehend the sudden disappearance of the woman he loved. The weight of the unspoken farewell hung in the room, a haunting reminder of the profound change that had silently unfolded in his absence.He called out her name, the silence echoing back at him. Confusion and worry took over as he grappled with the sudden absence of the woman he loved. He desperately searched for any sign of her, but the apartment remained eerily vacant. Standing alone in the quiet, Beau felt the weight of an unexpected farewell, leaving him with mo
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Chapter 27
Kaia discovered solace in a charming cottage nestled amidst lush greenery. Surrounded by vibrant flowers and towering trees, the exterior exuded tranquility. Stepping inside, she found a warm living room adorned with a cozy sofa, family pictures gracing the fireplace, and soft sunlight streaming through the windows.Exploring further, she encountered a well-used kitchen, displaying an assortment of dishes, and a dining table that bore witness to shared meals. She remembered Melissa's meals she had made in here during happier times. Her dad's personal touch was evident with a potted plant and a cherished recipe proudly displayed on the fridge, the recipe they made for Kaia together.Venturing into a small study adorned with books, she felt a sense of comfort and familiarity. The bedroom, decorated with soft sheets and delicate twinkling lights, became a haven for her to retreat. This cottage, once shared with her ex, now stood as a peaceful refuge for Kaia to rebuild and rediscover her
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Chapter 28
As Stacy prepared to depart her office, she found herself immersed in contemplation about the impending meeting with Alex. The meticulously planned details of her scheme seemed to fall into place seamlessly, filling her with a sense of satisfaction and determination. From her perspective, the calculated steps were aligning to lead toward the desired outcome, each detail contributing to the unfolding narrative of her revenge.Driven by her thirst for revenge and fueled by jealousy, Stacy embarked on a mission to unravel Kaia's past. In her pursuit, she delved into unexpected territories, metaphorically casting a net into the vast sea of Kaia's history. The discovery of a significant figure from Kaia's past, caught like a fish in her net, held the potential to become a potent weapon in Stacy's revenge plan, adding a new layer of complexity to the unfolding narrative.Stacy, in her desire for revenge, made a clandestine deal with Alex, promising him money to use him as a tool to extract
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Chapter 29
As the days passed, Beau's sense of helplessness grew. The persistent absence of any leads on Kaia's whereabouts intensified his anxiety. The ticking clock reminded him that the baby's arrival was imminent, and the fear of Kaia enduring the challenges of childbirth without his presence gnawed at his every waking moment.Desperation fueled Beau's search efforts, his heart torn between the urgency of finding Kaia and the fear of what she might be enduring alone. The complexity of their situation deepened, leaving Beau caught in a whirlwind of emotions as he navigated the intricate puzzle of locating the woman he loved, now on the precipice of bringing their child into the world.Surprisingly, Melissa, Kaia's estranged mother who knew Kaia's past better than anyone else, came with information after witnessing a tense exchange between Kaia and a man named Alex. Despite Kaia's attempts to conceal it, Melissa sensed that Alex held a dark significance in Kaia's history, possibly a threat to
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Chapter 30
Under the cover of night, Alex meticulously tracked down Kaia's hiding place, using information from various sources to unravel the threads of her recent life. His persistence and knowledge of Kaia's past became tools in this clandestine pursuit, enabling him to pinpoint her location and bridge the distance that separated them. The dim glow of streetlights cast an eerie ambiance as Alex, driven by an unrelenting desire, closed in on the sanctuary where Kaia sought solace.Nostalgia gripped Alex as he approached the shelter, a place he remembered well from the days when he and Kaia were high school sweethearts. The familiarity of the surroundings echoed with the echoes of their shared past, adding a layer of poignant sentiment to his pursuit. Memories of their youthful romance mingled with the urgency of his current mission, creating a complex tapestry of emotions as he ventured closer to the sanctuary that held a significant place in their history.As Alex closed in on Kaia's hiding p
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