All Chapters of Hate to Love You: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
85 Chapters
Nora POV: Its Sunday today, two days after the party at Ben's place and my overthinking mind can't stop assuming all the reasons that why in hell Xavier Throne did kiss me! All that I did on weekend is overeating, over-feeling, over stressing, overthinking, oversleeping and all the other overs.... But the butterflies in my stomach are still not taking rest. Whenever I close my eyes, the kiss starts replaying and the damn butterflies start their Zumba dance all over again! Even after he hurt me by calling me "Entertainment" my stupid self still likes him. He has those strong attractive vibes around him that attracts me to him like desperate single bee ready to mingle! Let’s just say I still have a crush on my bully. Hey! It's not a bad thing! Crushes are the reason being single is not utterly boring. Trrrrr....Trrrr.... Can anyone please stop my horrible alarm clock?! I opened my eyes, frustrated and pressed it to shut. Monday again. Gosh! Fuck you Monday! Never mind me, I am
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"Come, let's congratulate my brother!" Natasha said and without hearing my reply dragged me to Xavier and the team. Brittany was hugging Xavier and suddenly they started kissing like a passionate lover. I felt my fist clenched as they continued to chew each other mouth and the crowd cheered. "Get away get away peep!" Natasha said and pulled Brittany and Xavier away and engulfed him in a hug. Brittany glared at Natasha but then huffed and walked out of court stomping. This server you right, Barbie bitch! Xavier smiled at his sister and then kissed her forehead. "I am so proud of you!" Natasha shouted. "Won't we get a hug? We also played to win." Elijah said smirking. Natasha looked at him and then smiled sweetly, "sure" with that she punched him hard in the stomach making him gasp. "Is that enough or you want more, honey?" Natasha asked and Elijah's eyes widened whereas the crowd broke in loud laughter. He walked near Natasha and said something in her that made her blush and
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_____________________ "Student you are free to take any rides but make a group of eight." Mr Asher said, and everyone started to make a group. "Natasha," Xavier motioned with his hand to come and Natasha looked at me. "Come Nora," Natasha said and I nodded though I really didn't want to. We walked to them, and Natasha stood next to Elijah, and I stood next to Cole. Brittany and Jen also joined us. "First dragons fly?" Ben asked and everyone nodded. "Nora, you can be my partner on a swing? "Cole asked and looked at him. "Yeah, sure," I said and smiled. Cole is very handsome with jet black hair and heavily built body. Though he has a very bad reputation of women he still seems to be kind. We stood in line till it was our turn of ride. Natasha sat with Elijah, I with Cole and Xavier with Brittany. I was anxious as I was about to take my first ride. I sat on the seat and my anxiety grew. "Relax, it's okay," Cole said and places his hand on mine. I smiled at him which I wiped of
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Xavier's POV: I was kissing Brittany, pinning her to the wall and aggressively biting her neck. She was making loud noises and was roaming her hands on my back. It was the first day of high school and my second year here as first year student. Previous year my group had a fight with second year students, and I may have intentionally broken their arms that resulted in failing us back to first year when I should be second year student. Any guesses who failed me?! Failed Xavier Throne?! My father, David Throne, who is the owner of Beacon High school and richest man of New York. He said he was being just by failing me and my group. Of course! But actually, he was teaching me a lesson for messing his reputation and school's reputation. Pushing Brittany back, I looked at the time. Physics period. Fuck! My physics teacher, Asher, is actually my parental uncle. Who is my sweet mother's ten years younger brother, and my parents ask him of my performance, so I have to be there. "What
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_____________________ Nora's POV: As Xavier stared at me with a furrowed brow and a slight shock in his eyes, I felt a mix of emotions. I could see the genuine surprise in his expression as my words hung in the air. The truth was, I was conflicted between the undeniable attraction I felt towards him and the cautionary signals my brain was sending. Xavier, usually confident and assertive, seemed momentarily taken aback. He took a step back, creating a little distance between us. His eyes searched mine, as if trying to decipher the thoughts swirling in my mind. "You don't trust me?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of hurt. "It's not that simple," I replied, avoiding direct eye contact. "Your reputation precedes you, Xavier. I've seen how you are with other girls, and it's hard to believe I'd be any different." Xavier sighed, a mixture of frustration and understanding crossing his features. He ran a hand through his dark hair, a habit I noticed he had when he was contemplating s
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"Girl! Where were you?! I was looking for you like a crazy!" Natasha bombarded me with questions as I came back to the stall and Xavier went to his friends."I....Natasha, Ash I want to tell you something important," I said slowly and that got their attention faster than a whip slash."Speak up!" Ash said impatiently looking at me with narrowed eyes."Xavieraskedmetobehisgirlfriend." I said in single breath."Ash did you understand what robotic code she just uttered?" Natasha said sarcastically and Ash shook her head looking at me with same narrowed eyes."Guys! Okay! Xavier asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes." I said enthusiastically and smiled but my smile flattened seeing their shocked faces."What?!" They both yelled in unison."Yeah...." I said awkwardly. What's so shocking?"My brother Xavier asked you to be his girlfriend?" Natasha asked each word pressing.I felt like she was insulting me."Yeah!" My voice came out harsh than what I felt."Xavier don't do relationship
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We reached his friends and shockingly Natasha was already there with Ashley and talking to Elijah. Till now I have only chatted with Ben and Cole. "Hey dude! In for the club tonight?" Elijah said bro hugging Xavier. "Obviously!" Xavier said as he bro-hugged both Cole and Ben and ruffled Natasha's hair to groaned in return."Xavier if you touched my hair once again, I would shave your head in sleep!" Natasha warned him and he smirked pulling her hair lightly making her scream dramatically. Therefore their siblings bickering started and Elijah put it to end by coming in between and saying,"Nora, Nat, Ashley why don't you all come to club with us too?" "Do professor Asher also go to your club?" Ashley asked the question directly to Xavier."Unfortunately, yes. He comes on every Friday." Xavier said sourly."Oh...I am coming." Ashley said a little to enthusiastically making boys frown in confusion and I and Nora shook our head.She seriously needs to stop going after our professor no
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It was a holiday, and I was baking a cake for my younger brother, Samuel birthday that is tomorrow.It's been three days since the night at the club. After a passionate kiss, we left the club and went to a diner. We had a burger and I had to pretend to eat with etiquette so much!I will, again and again, rub tissue over lips to remove any sauces to avoid myself from embarrassing myself in front of my boyfriend.After that, he dropped me home and left but not before kissing me. Ah! I can never get tired of his spooning kisses.I am so so happy. I finally have a boyfriend who loves me or maybe interested me. With each passing day, I feel myself falling deeply in love with him.With each passing day, a part of my heart is becoming his and I have control over my naive heart.I know I shouldn't rush things and mess up my feelings, but I can't stop my heart.It's gone crazy in his presence. It starts to beat faster at an erratic pace making me scared I may suffer a heart attack if I stayed a
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the ringing of my mobile thankfully stopped my brain shit sessionAshley callingI picked up the call and said hello...."Nora, have you completed Mr Asher assignments? Can you please send me the picture so I can copy it down? I want him to think I am great at math." She said enthusiastically and too gleefully."Yes, I will send them to you," I said and thought if I should ask her the question or not."Thank you, babe." Her voice was relieved."Ash, I want to ask you a question." Okay, let be out with it. It's now or never!"Yeah?""Are you virgin?" OkayyyyyAward of biggest idiot goes to Nora Williams!"Hahaha, why are you so curious?" She chuckled and I felt utterly embarrassed.Award of biggest idiot goes OFFICIALLY to Nora Williams!"Just a general question," I said biting my nails which is my very bad habit whenever I am nervous!"Yes, I am a virgin and I have no plan of losing my virginity to any stranger. Well, if Professor Asher promises me of marriage, then maybe but not to a
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I rush out of the home and looked at the Xavier who was leaning on his sleek black Porsche waiting anxiously. His eyes fell on me, and he double checked out me and smirked. Let see what fate held for us my dear Xavier Throne..... "Hello hot cake!" He called out and I laughed. "Hello handsome!" I giggled softly and he came closer kissing my forehead. "I missed you." He said and my heart fluttered in sheer happiness. "I miss you too." I smiled softly as he took my hand in his and gently took into passenger seat. He opened the car door for me like a true gentleman. I smiled brightly and said thank you. "Anything for my girlfriend," I blushed and sighed as I relaxed on the seat. "Air conditioner or windows down?" He asked and I looked at beautiful weather. "Windows down," With hat he let windows down. "You look so beautiful Nora." His compliments made all the butterflies in my stomach go all mad. "Thank you! You look cute too." I said nervously. Nora seriously?!! Cute?! "Wh
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