All Chapters of I'm the school's badboy but I'm a girl : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 Chapters
Chapter eleven
The days flew by with Nathania avoiding Xavier as much as she could, especially for the fact that he always give the thinking look whenever he saw her and then he would be like ‘don’t worry, I haven’t thought of a good dare yet’ and that would always make her wish the ground would just open up and swallow her. It didn’t help either that she noticed she was developing an attraction for him and in her opinion, it was really bad. With Xavier in the picture, everything she ever worked hard for would be in vain. She knew that if Oliver, her brother were to find out about what she has been doing, he would definitely not be happy with her since she was practically throwing away her own life and living like him.She sighed and tossed around on the bed, her phone dangling in her hand as she contemplated calling her mother and asking about him. She was literally bored with absolutely nothing to do and she can’t study without Xavier’s handsome face popping in her mind. The guy had literally shoc
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Chapter twelve
The door pushed open and Nathania expected to see gangsters and people cleaning their guns with white powder in a bowl sprawled on the desks. There were people alright, and there were desks but to her utmost surprised, there were no guns, no gangsters, no white powders but just people that ranges from teenagers to young adult. And all of them, like literally all of them were identical in dressings as they all had on big round glasses and some where even dressed in oversized hoodies. All of them except one, a boy dressed in a black leather jacket and the only one with color on his hair and without glasses. He looked totally different from them but he was sitting in front of a desk, just like some of them and was busy scribbling fast on a piece of paper.Nathania glanced around and it was then that she noticed the big white board and on it was a math question that just looking at it, she knew she can never solve without a training and then there was a stopwatch, reading fast while every
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Chapter thirteen
Nathania felt like her brain circuit snapped and reconnected as she stared at those amazing deep brown eyes. Some strands of his black with purple tips hair fell across his face, giving him that sexy anime character look and she couldn’t help but gulp. It took a while before she finally understood his question and shook her head, “no, no you don’t.”“Good,” Xavier said, crossing his arms on his chest, watching the really tall girl in front of him. It was a good thing he was still taller, even if it was by some inches. “So, what makes you think you know me?”“I don’t know you,” Nathania rushed to say and cleared her throat immediately, glancing away from him just in case her eyes gave her away.“Then why are you cheering me up?” he raised an eyebrow. He couldn’t understand what was happening, when he saw her earlier while trying to leave the house, he didn’t give a hoot about her, but now after giving a thorough look on her face, he could feel like she reminds him of someone, he just c
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Chapter fourteen
“I’m sorry, did I waste your time?” Nathania panted as she caught up to the boy in black, blending in with the darkness.“Not much, may I ask what kept you?” Xavier asked, turning to her and watching her as she ate up the distance between them.“I’m sorry, I had to put my granny to sleep.”“You live alone with her?”Nathania nodded. “Yes, my parents are in Philadelphia. They do show up some times but it’s been nearly three months I last saw them.”“You miss them.”“I do,” she smiled sadly, glad that the night was dark and he couldn’t see her face. She missed her brother too, the only reason she was lying to the boy in front of her now. If it weren’t for the fact that she missed him, she wouldn’t have been living a lie. But then again, if it wasn’t for the fact that he was sick, she wouldn’t have come to this town and definitely would not have gone to the school and so won’t meet him. Yes, they do visit her granny but since her granny lives in the small town, they hardly visit the city
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Chapter fifteen
Nathania gulped and slowly liked her lips, yes, she was thinking about that because no action of his since she have known has ever pointed to him being a nerd, in fact, he looked and acted more like a lazy bad boy. she glanced away when she couldn’t take the intensity of his gaze anymore.Smiling, Xavier sat back in his seat, “so yeah. That’s what everyone thinks and one thing about me, I am not the type that hides myself or do things I don’t want just to fit in. I saw a rock band guy with long black hair with green tips, I liked it but I love purple more so I dyed my tips purple. I have always loved motorcycles more than cars. There is field not so far from my mom’s house that riders always come to race. I usually watched them and then I developed a liking for motorcycles. When I finally grew up to join them, I participated with them but then I stopped after an accident, but that didn’t stop me from loving motorcycle. I love the way I dress and I am not about to change it just to fit
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Chapter sixteen
Nathania’s POV Nathania walked out of the library a few days later when she felt something drip from her and paused, no, it can’t be, it most definitely cannot be, she thought as she quickly did the math in her head. Her period is supposed to be here in two days, why now? She shook her head and quickly rushed to the restroom but low and behold, it was filled with students of the male species. There was no way she could do anything with them there so she pretended to forget something and walked out. She paused in the hallway, debating whether to risk it and go to the female restroom. However, when she did get there, she saw a group of girls trooping in. One of them caught sight of her before she could leave and immediately called to her. “Oliver, what are you doing here?” the girl’s question had bought the attention of the others and they were all staring at her now.She chuckled and cleared her throat, trying to act charming and at lost, “sorry girls, I was looking for Teresa,” she s
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Chapter seventeen
Nathania’s POVNana felt her heart missed a beat as she turned sharply to Xavier. Her eyes spoke of her fear and she found herself praying that he didn’t see it or even associate it as something important. She knew she needs to act and fast and so she tried her best to swallow her fear and think of a good answer. She laughed half nervously and glanced at Xavier like he was speaking nonsense, “bleeding? Why on earth should I bleed when I feel no pain?”She saw Xavier gulped and she knew instantly that he was thinking of an answer too. “Well, are you sure you are not hurt? I mean,” he licked his lips and avoided her gaze. “Is that really not blood?”Nathania pretended to check her body, “I don’t see any blood, where do you see it?” she looked up. She could see the difficulty in his eyes and if it was on a different circumstance, she would have loved seeing him like that and would probably humor him some more but too bad she really has to get out of here as soon as possible. She knew alr
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Chapter eighteen
Xavier’s POVXavier parked his bike at the street he could remember coming with Nana, he glanced up ahead at the many houses in front and frowned, he wondered which one would be hers since he could remember what she had said about her neighbors, he wouldn’t want to cause her any problem or defamation by going around and knocking on different doors while asking for her. He glanced around, wishing he could just see her by chance and also regretting why not asking for her number that other night.The times ticked by and he paced to and fro, waiting and trying not to check the time. Eventually, after what felt like two hours had passed, he gave up, there was no way he was going to see her and without her number to call her out, it made it all the more impossible. He sighed and climbed his bike, putting on his helmet. He glanced at the rows of houses and heaved another sigh, he would have really loved to see her and ask her to come with him to Hawaii, he sure as hell knew it would be fun w
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Chapter nineteen
Nathania’s POV The flight wasn’t boring for the rest of them but Nathania guessed it was for Xavier since he slept all through the flight and magically woke himself up just as the jet was landed. Nathania’s family isn’t poor but compared to the Greys, she guess they are just living by. There was a limo waiting for them when they got down from the jet and they all boarded and was driven to the cabin, that is if it was supposed to be called a cabin but a mansion. It was two floors building but it was massive compared to other cabins she had ever seen. She cannot even begin to describe the building other than the word: flawless. Two servants welcomed them and their classmates being teenagers, screamed and ran into the house, trying to get the best rooms. Nathania was rooted at the spot for it was only at this moment that she realized that she would be expected to share a room with Teresa. Just why didn’t I think of this? She wondered while staring at the beautiful house in horror now. I
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Chapter twenty
Nathania’s POVNathania could feel her heart beating loud in her chest as she thought of a thousand and one reason to escape from the person pinning her against the wall until she perceived the familiar cologne. “I will deal with you later about trailing me but now, you need to hush,” Xavier’s voice, ever so smooth flooded into her ears like a silent wave and just then, she heard the murmurs of two men, walking past by quickly and wondering where they have gone. When the coast was clear, Xavier still held her like he did earlier and she tried not to breathe too much or nosily and alert his attention. He smelled so good and all she wanted was just to put her head on his neck and inhale deeply while slowly reaching up to feel his lips. She had her eyes closed, imagining how mesmerizing that would be if she could do it.If she was in her true form, perhaps she would have taken the risk, but at this moment, and donned as Oliver, she would never try it. Not for her sake, but for the sake o
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