All Chapters of Haunter: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
126 Chapters
Back and Forth
The only one who didn’t freeze was the Barbie. She looked at us from over her sunglasses, raising her eyebrows like asking what was wrong with us that we didn’t jump out of the elevator to let her in. I couldn’t help X-raying her. Fake blonde, surgery boobs sort of contained in a top so low cut, it went down almost to her navel, elastic jeans so tight they looked like body-painting and ten-foot high heels.Don’t ask me how my brain works. Already told you it’s a little weird.It may have lasted two heartbeats, maybe three. Looking her up and down was like a splash of cold water on my face. My heart stopped racing and my cheeks didn’t burn anymore. That was no rival. That was his usual fit. I’d been a one-off, and proudly so.I faced him with a quick smile, praying it wouldn’t ooze all the sarcasm I was dying to show. He was still frozen with a mild frown on me, shadowing those beautiful blue eyes. I could see his p
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The Prince
I decided I didn’t want a chaperone to come with me to see Hugo the next morning. It took me a deep breath to enter the lobby, and my own disappointment when I didn’t find Brandon made me feel utterly stupid. Whatever. Hugo had left my full name at the front desk, so the receptionists let me in right away, no questions asked. Waiting for the elevator was another tough test on my nerves. No Brandon there, either. Well, not like lightning strikes twice, right?Hugo welcomed me with a quick hug and kisses on both cheeks, inviting me into his suite with his placid smile. Like the day before, he had tea ready for us, so we sat on the rug at the table to have it.Don’t ask me how he did it, but not five minutes later we were talking about Brandon, and within ten minutes, I was crying and voicing all my doubts and regrets. He brought a box of Kleenex and kept refilling my tea bowl, helping me bring all that messy knot of mixed emotions out with brief questio
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Houston, We Still Have a Problem
Prince Harry took me to my cheap hotel in his lavish steed, opened the car door for me and gave me a quick hug.“I’m so glad we’ve met, Fran,” he said in my ear. “See you tomorrow.”“Thank you for such an amazing day.”“And we’re just getting started, baby. Take care.” He stepped back with a wink and a smile, got in his car and drove away.I turned to walk into the hotel and found Amy and Trisha coming. They spun around to look at Harry’s car and then back at me, baffled.“Wasn’t that Hugo’s grandchild?” asked Amy when they caught up with me.“Yeah, Harry,” I said, walking into the hotel with them. “A total sweet. I spent the whole day with him.”“He single?” asked Trisha shamelessly.“He gay,” Amy replied, chuckling. She turned to me and rubbed my arm. “How are you?”
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Love in Dark Places
Needless to say poor Hugo had to put up with another round of my tears and hiccups and half-words, and waste another full box of Kleenex on me. When I was in shape to shut up, he patted my hand, his smile nailed to his face.“Do you love him, dear?”I nodded with a serious frown, blowing my nose.“That in the hallway was him too. You love that part of him as well?”“Yeah. We’re all rough around the edges. But he cannot come telling me he loves me with another woman in his bed!”“Why not? Sex has nothing to do with love.”“Oh, c’mon!” I tried to breathe deep. “I don’t feel he’s cheating on me, okay? I just think he needs to be a little humble once in his life, and don’t lose it if things don’t go exactly the way he wants them to.”“Why not? Look around you. It’s people like him who always get what they want, because t
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Ready to Shine
Friday morning was cold and windy, with a promise of sudden showers until sunset. Well, at least it wouldn’t rain for the launch party. I bundled up and took on my three-mile walk along Central Park down to Columbus Circle, listening to my happy playlist and singing along to my favorite No Return songs all the way.No traces of Brandon in the lobby. The receptionists didn’t need to check my name on the visitors list anymore, and just nodded hi at me with quick smiles, motioning for me to go on to the elevators. Brandon didn’t show up then, either. Well, finding him so early the day before had surely been a coincidence, because he was more respectful than Trisha to the purebred night owl’s number-one commandment: never get up before ten.It was nice, having tea with Hugo, talking about anything but him. I tried to ask him about his beliefs, but he resorted to the dirty trick of replying with a question and asked me about Kujo. When we finished ou
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One Long Night
Just like Trisha had anticipated, she and Amy were among the first to access the venue. They wowed and congratulated me on my looks and went on straight to the buffet, like the rest of the early guests. The audience turned out to be mostly small groups and people alone, only a few couples. Harry welcomed everyone with his poised smile, shaking hands with whoever reached out to him. I had to shake a lot of hands too, a little nice smile nailed to my face, thanking God for my square heels that felt almost comfortable.I singled out Harry’s ex right away. Tall and fit like the prince, but blond, pale and with striking blue eyes. Harry didn’t even flinch, and shook his hand with a quick nod.“Stan,” he said, like he said the name of everyone he recognized.“Harry,” the ex replied, and took a moment longer than necessary to turn to me to force a smile.“I’m Fran, welcome,” I said, surprised to hear my own c
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From Across the Darkness
Many hours later, when I found myself alone in my hotel room, free from my fancy white dress and all the silly masks I’d worn the whole night, I couldn’t help thinking about Brandon. We’d spent the whole time circling each other, always in sight but never close. He’d look away if I glanced at him, I did the same to avoid his eyes. We’d played our parts by somebody else’s hand and left with them in opposite directions.How come we’d turned out to be such stupid chickens?Only then I realized he didn’t know why I needed to be back to the Manor, and he was convinced I was dating Harry. He had no idea about the domino effect his conversation with Edward was having on my life.Not much left to say. Well, yeah, because I’d shut him completely out.Why had I done it?Hugo’s definition of love kept going round and round my head.Halfway.And all of a sudden, I saw Brandon outside the
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Before We Say Goodbye
The next morning, Amy had to kick Trisha out of bed to check out in time. We were in no hurry to catch our plane, so we went shopping before heading to Hugo’s hotel. I let them go straight to his suite while I went to the front desk. I’d bought a nice envelope, and glued it closed with my letter to Brandon, in such a way that it would be evident if anybody opened it before him.I waited patiently a couple of steps away from the guests, until one of the receptionists had a spare minute for me. I hadn’t seen him before. Surely they had a different staff on weekends. He greeted me with a polite smile as to frame it and hang it on the wall behind him.“I’d need to leave this for Mr. Price, please?” I said, handing him the closed envelope.“Sure. Room number?”Oops. “I’m sorry, I don’t know it. The full name is Brandon Price.”The man pretended to check one of the computers. “
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Just Another Night at the Manor
The flight back to Boston lasted but a heartbeat, while I tried to recap all my comings and goings and twists with Brandon for Amy and Trisha.“At least you’re coming home with a happy ending of sorts,” Amy concluded. “That’ll help you through the next days.”“Yeah,” I muttered with a deep breath.She was right. I could still be exhilarated about how things had turned out with Brandon, but that didn’t change what the next days held in store.I was surprised when Trisha said she wasn’t coming back to the Manor with me.“I don’t wanna be a nuisance on such sensitive days, so I’m staying with Padme this week. She broke up with her boyfriend, so I won’t be ruining any mood. Call me if you need me, okay?”“Don’t you want the ride?”“No offense, but the red beast is cooler to go around town.”I hugged her tight and
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Welcome Home
Saturday morning felt like forty hours long in my impatience to see Brandon. When I told Susan we needed vegan supplies for three or four meals, she put up a list in a minute and sent Mike to town to get them. I think my dreamy good mood had her intrigued, but she would rather chop her right hand off than ask about it. She helped me tidy up my room and the study, and I decided it was enough fraternizing and I got off her hair to let her go on with her routine.I called dear Mrs. Arbosky to let her know I might need her expertise on Monday or Tuesday. Lucky me, she assured me she would be available whenever I needed her, be it in person or over the phone. Considering Ann’s warning, I anticipated her it would most likely be a meeting like back in October, to have her take a look at documents I needed to sign before Wednesday. She told me to just go see her as soon as I had the papers, or call her if I needed her to come to the Manor.Okay, I’d invested about
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