All Chapters of Caught Between Two Brothers : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 Chapters
You’re coming with us
SERENA’S POVI let out a deep breath as I stepped through the courthouse doors. It had been a difficult trial but we had won. Justice was served. Flashes from cameras went off all around me as reporters shouted questions. "Serena Santos, over here! What does this victory mean for your career?" "How does it feel to take down Big Tobacco?" I smiled politely but kept walking. "No comment for now, thank you." The last thing I needed was another headline plastering my face. I just wanted to go home and celebrate with Mom and Katy. My eyes scanned the parking lot, searching for my car. That's when I noticed the black sedan idling at the far end. It was nondescript but something about it gave me pause. Hadn't I seen it tailing me earlier that day? I tried to shrug it off as a coincidence but my unease only grew. Since the case started I had been having the feeling of being watched.Finally spotting my Toyota, I hurried over and clicked the locks. As I started the engine, I glanced in the
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You,on top of me
SERENA’S POVJust then, a black Mercedes came squealing into the station. My heart leapt as I recognized Kaden leaping out, face like a thundercloud as he took in the scene. He roared at the men, "Take your filthy paws off her right now before I break every bone in your pathetic bodies!" Despite how chilly his tone sounded, I was completely relieved.Wisely backing down, Lyle dropped my wrist and he and his buddy put up their hands in mock surrender. "Whoa there big guy, no need to get violent. We were just chatting with the little lady here.”But Kaden wasn't fooled. He stepped protectively in front of me, pushing me behind his broad shoulders. "Chatting, my ass. Now I’m gonna be giving you two choices; leave here with your already unattractive faces intact or leave with broken bones and not being able to tell people that your faces weren’t as worse as it would be when I’m done with you.Your own fucking choice." Jake whispered something to his companion, his eyes widening in rec
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Stay with me?
SERENA’S POV"Calm down, Serena. It was just a nightmare," he said, his voice soothing.I went silent, feeling my hands tremble as I placed them over my racing heart. "I'm sorry," I managed to say, my voice quivering. "I must have been triggered because of what happened earlier tonight."Kaden's gaze softened, and he sat down on the edge of the bed. "It's okay, Serena. Nightmares can be overwhelming, especially after a traumatic experience. You don't have to apologize."I nodded, feeling a mix of both relief and a little bit of embarrassment. "I just hope I didn't wake up the whole mansion."Kaden shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Nah, just me. And actually, I wasn't really sleeping anyway. It’s a good thing I just went to grab a bottle of juice from the kitchen and was on my way back before I heard you. If I was already in my room,I definitely wouldn’t.”“And why is that?”“Ya know? Soundproof?”“Oh…” I trailed off. “Well thank God our parents room are on the other
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Vibrato, vibrator
SERENA’S POV“Are you for real?” I flushed and he chuckled.“Just kidding. Of course I would stay with you,scaredy cat.”I didn’t mind if he was inside me though but right at that moment I just wanted him beside me,holding me till I fell asleep.****As the morning light filtered through the curtains, the next morning,I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. I stretched my limbs, expecting to find Kaden's strong arms still wrapped around me, but to my surprise, they weren't there.Of course he had left already,he had to prepare for work. It was then that I noticed the small note on the nightstand.I picked it up, recognizing Kaden's font-like handwriting. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I read his words: "Good morning, sleepy head. I hope you feel better. Get your ass ready for work. See you later tonight."My heart swelled with warmth at his thoughtfulness and for him agreeing to stay with me when I asked him to. Just as I was folding the note a
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Learning to defend
SERENA’S POVI mustered up the courage to ask Kaden to teach me self-defense. After all, he had an intimidating presence that made men cower, and I couldn't help but wonder if he possessed some hidden fighting skills. As we sat together on the couch, I took a deep breath and posed my request."Kaden, I was wondering if you could teach me self-defense," I requested simply.He snorted with laughter, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "You think I can fight? You've got to be kidding me."I frowned,"Well, those men who crossed you that day seemed pretty scared. You must be a great fighter."He sighed, his gaze shifting away momentarily. "Yeah, I guess I'm a decent fighter. But teaching someone is a whole different ballgame. I don't think I can teach you anything."I pleaded with him, my eyes filled with an earnest desire to learn. "Please, Kaden. I just want to be able to defend myself if the need arises. I don't want to feel helpless like I felt the other day. It sucked."He studied me f
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Slowly losing it
SERENA’S POVHe was leaning halfway over me as he brought his hand up to my face, running his fingertips over my cheek to cup my jaw, bringing his face down to mine. He brushed his lips over mine, once, twice, then diving into a kiss that sent the world spinning. Then he grabbed my neck and kissed me senseless and there I was melting into his arms.His lips. Christ, his lips! They were so soft and it felt like kissing silk . Then he pulled away just as quickly as he had leaned in for the kiss and just watched me before getting on to his feet. As I lay there, trying to catch my breath, I suddenly felt a drop of rain on my shoulder. I glanced up, the droplets beginning to fall more steadily. Panic surged through me as I jumped to my feet."Kaden, it's about to rain! We need to start leaving!" I exclaimed, not wanting to get soaked.He looked up at the darkening sky, realization dawning on his face. "You're right. Let's go."We hurriedly made our way out of the training area, the rain
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I want you.
SERENA’S POVI was sitting in my room going over some files on my laptop when the door suddenly flung open.I gave an eye roll knowing who exactly it was.“You can come in Cameron,” I said sarcastically turning to face him with a sigh.He entered with a gleaming white box tucked under his arm. “I have a surprise for you,” he said with a charming smile. He set the box gently in my hands.Oh Cameron was a real charmer wasn’t he? He always had his way with gifts. “What is it?” I asked, feeling the soft material within. “Why don’t you open it and see?” He asked calmly digging his hands into his trouser pockets.Slowly, I lifted the lid, gasping as I revealed the treasure inside. Nestled in tissue paper was the most exquisite gown I had ever seen!It was a midnight blue chiffon dress practically glittering right back at me.“It’s gorgeous,” I breathed in disbelief. “Do you like it? I had it custom made for you,” Cameron said proudly. I ran my hands over the smooth fabric in awe. This
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With a stranger?
SERENA’S POV“Morning Mr Alex,” I greeted my boss the following morning watching him lean back into his chair carefully."Good morning," he replied politely, gesturing for me to sit. "I've got a new case for you, Serena, and it's a big one." He slid a file across his desk toward me. “Hit me,”My fingers briskly flipped open the folder as he continued,"The D.A. just charged a celebrity with murder one - they’re saying he stabbed his girlfriend to death in a jealous rage. The press is going to have a field day with this. I'm putting you as lead on the defense.”Looking up, I nodded. "I'll get started preparing right away. When's arraignment?""Next Monday, in San Francisco. I'm assigning you an assistant for this one, given the scope." He stood and motioned to the doorway. "Serena, I'd like you to meet your new partner, Evan Cooper."Evan stepped forward with an easy smile, extending his hand in greeting. Tall and fit, he radiated calm competence. Dark hair fell messily across his str
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New girl?
SERENA’S POVAnother successful case had been concluded and I was back into New York. With each victory, my dreams of becoming the chief criminal defense lawyer of the entire state seemed closer to reality.I strode purposefully into the towering skyscraper that housed my law firm.Grabbing my mail from the pigeon holes, I made my way to the elevator. As the numbers lit up towards my floor, I began thumbing through case files, mentally preparing for the day. The bell dinged and I stepped out, striding through the maze of desks towards my workspace. That’s when I spotted my boss,Alex, waving me over, an uncharacteristic grin on his face. “Serena, perfect timing. I have someone I want you to meet.” Alex gestured to the striking woman beside him, and I took her in with professional curiosity. Her almond-shaped brown eyes looked at me sharply while a small sly smile tugged at the corner of her lips.Her high cheekbones, perfect chocolate skin,dyed mint green hair pulled back into a slee
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SERENA’S POV“Why have you gone silent hmm?” Cameron narrowed his eyes at me. “You got a thing for Kaden?” I immediately denied it, not daring to meet his eyes. "Of course not," I said, my words lacking conviction.When I reached my room,I took a deep breath and quickly ran a hot shower. I toweled off,slipped into my nightdress and slid between cool soft white sheets, reaching to turn off the lamp. In the darkness, memories flashed before my closed eyes. Stupid memories of stupid Kaden of course. Ugh, I couldn’t help the way I felt.I sat up with a groan, flinging back the sheets in frustration and made my way to my dressing mirror. I sat down in front of it, staring blankly at my reflection. Was it because Bianca had entered the picture and that she was Kaden’s ex? Or was it the fact that she was going to be a major competitor at the office?Before I could find an answer, the door to my bedroom swung open, and Cameron barged in as he always did. He walked gently toward me,hands d
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