All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became A Multi-Billionaire: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
81 Chapters
Ch 0031
Zoe's mind had been occupied with the memories from the previous night after she almost got belittled by some group of jealous women socialites, who could not get her to join their groups, private clubs and parties no matter how hard they tried. It was by the slightest chance, when she had almost turned to leave, that the most unexpected person had come to save her and told them to let her in. 'Just why was this same guy here again, and helping her just when she needed it?' she wondered in her mind, as she followed Martin Lincoln inside the restaurant. "What are you doing here?" She asked him as her eyebrows shot up, forming a high arch of astonishment. "Surprised?" He smiled charmingly at her, as he walked before her while she followed confusedly. "Of course, yes," she answered, matching up her steps to meet him so that she could walk by his side. "I am the new head of this restaurant," he explained to her in calm words, and her eyes raised in shock because she didn't think he
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Ch 0032
Nestled at the top floor of the gigantic skyscraper was Malcolm's office, which was the perfect modern office for a sophistication of his caliber. He sat at his desk, deeply engrossed in his work with his eyes moving through mountains of paperwork that needed to be reviewed with high precision and focus. His demeanor seemed to be off than usual as he sat authoritatively in his position, with his face deeply contorted into a deep dark glare which held the weight of many unsaid emotions. More than anymore, his secretary, Edward, was the one that received the direct smothers of his capricious mood, which bore heavy weights of rage and surliness all day.In just one week, he had made the lives of his executives stormy and put them in an extremely tight spot with canceled project declarations, while raging endlessly to lay them off if they couldn't come up with something better. He canceled every event that he was invited to, and had been working endlessly in his office without leaving or
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Ch 0033
I am not loved by anyone. No one cares. I don't deserve love. You do not deserve love, Zoe. That is why you are alone. And that is how you will continue to be..…..'"Ms. Zoe. Would you like lunch?" The voice came faintly like she was trying to struggle out of some kind of haze, unconscious of her surroundings and everything around her, her mind delving deep on her thoughts. 'Everyone just wanted her for her own selfish gain. Even her own grandfather was trying to make her irrelevant. Everyone was trying to make her miserable with her actions. People from her past are trying to pull her down.' "Ms. Zoe….." she seemed to hear the voice call again, but her gaze was distant and fixed on a point in the horizon that only she could see. It seemed like the words that seemed so near echoed so distantly that she couldn't hear them properly. "Ms. Zoe!" Suddenly, Zara's sharp voice pierced through the veil of her thoughts for an instant, which caused her to startle and turn towards the source
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Ch 0034
Struggling to part her eyelashes open, Zoe's senses awakened by the strong pemeating scent that seemed to taunt her senses even from deep slumber. A gasp escaped her throat the moment her eyes finally opened, and her heart skipped a bit when she realized that, once again, she was nowhere she would have expected herself to be.Her mind flashed to the only person her mind compulsively hoped it was not, because she didn't want to be a burden to him for the nth time. But somewhere in her heart, too, she hoped that it would be him. Even if she didn't know if she could trust him as a stranger, Martin Lincoln made her feel comfortable in some kind of way. "Zoe?" She heard the deep, hoarse voice call her name, and she shut her eyes instantly to be sure that she was not hearing wrongly. More than anything, she wished that it was truly not what she had heard.Opening her eyes again to see the towering figure that was hovering after her, Zoe almost went bonkers on the spot, ignoring the IV tube
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Ch 0035
"Get out of my fucking face!" Zoe yelled at Malcolm as she head-butted him so hard, and the unexpected blow collectively struck different strange nerves in his body as they all tried to process the intensity of the pain. He took a step back instantly as his body instinctively retreated as a defensive response, and his hand held his nose firmly like it would prevent the pain from spreading. Blood drained from his face as he felt a red liquid trickle down the skin beneath his nose, and his hand caught it just in time before it splashed on the floor. He blinked rapidly as he tried to clear the fog of disbelief that clouded his vision, that Zoe had hit him so hard in that manner. "What?!" His lips found the instant words he could use to express his shock, while alternating touching his nose and looking at his blood-smeared hand, in great disbelief that it actually came from his breathing holes. "What? You've never had a nosebleed?" Zoe remarked with a scowl, when she observed the kind
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Ch 0036
"Scumbag jerk!" Zoe cursed under her breath, as she scuttled away after signaling to the kid, who helped her out of the bathroom without getting noticed by the nurse. After she had lied about wanting to go to the bathroom, she began to think of possible ways in which she could escape out of the hospital without getting caught. When she thought of the window, she knew she would end her own life if she tried jumping down from the top floor. And just when she thought there was nothing she could do after spying on the nurses for minutes, she saw a young girl that entered the bathroom shortly after she did by herself, who she deemed rude at first sight. "Are you trying to steal something?" She heard the tiny voice behind her which made her turn sharply, only to see a small cute girl with big, round eyes standing before her. "What? Steal?" She scrunched up her face at the little girl, wondering how old she was and who let her into the bathroom without assistance, "Mind your business, l
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Ch 0037
It had been days since Erin's death was announced, and it seemed like nothing had happened. Zoe had returned to work after a two-day break that was taken under a health rest, and the only person that seemed to know was Zara. Ever since she had gotten the news, she had not been the same person that she was. The pain in her heart grew each day like a relentless tide that pulled her into despair."I am sorry for your loss, Ms Zoe. I really am," Zara said to her apologetically when she appeared at the office earlier than she had expected her to. Maybe those words made her sadder, or they gave her hope that someone cared. Zoe could not even figure it out. She just nodded thankfully and made her way into her office, solemnly and languidly. Gary helped to make arrangements for the burial at a private property, and she was the only one that attended the burial to pay her last respect. Though she was informed by him that Francis Sinclair asked her to take a week's break, she didn't take the
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Ch 0038
You are still around?" Zoe asked in surprise, as she saw her secretary enter into the office after knocking, when she noticed that she was up. "Yes," Zara answered with a modest smile, while observing Zoe's face closely to check for any lingering signs of fatigue. She was relieved to see that her appearance seemed better than hours ago. "But you are supposed to have clocked out about two hours ago," Zoe mentioned as her eyes darted to the wall clock again to be sure that she had seen the time properly the moment she had just woken up. "Yes. I wanted to make sure you were awake before I left," she answered, offering a polite smile. "Oh my! Oh my! I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," Zoe apologized instantly. She couldn't understand the magnitude of this lady's care for her. 'Was it purely out of duty? Or was something else attached?' Zoe wondered in her heart. "No problem at all. It is my job," Zara added instantly, feeling burdened that Zoe was being so well-mannered and warm, u
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Ch 0039
"Did you guys hear that Zoe's grandmother is dead?" Audrey broke the silence at the dining table during breakfast. "Who cares that the sickly woman is finally gone anyway?" Ivy replied to her with heavy sarcasm, wondering why Audrey was suddenly choosing to talk about Zoe. For many days, they had not talked about anything particular at the dining table, except having the most chaotic arguments Ivy and Isla usually had. Everyone had pretty much gone back to their lives, even if it had not remained the same as the past. "It is a pity how unfortunate she is. She has no one by her side, and has always been so unlucky. Only her attended the burial. Even her supposed grandfather didn't," Audrey told them again, not minding if they were not interested in replying to her. She had been so interested in everything about Zoe and had been watching the way she acted, so that the crazy wheel of misfortune would not end up stopping at her name again. "Are you stalking her enough to know such a
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Ch 0040
Zoe had it the same at the office the next day, except with a little change that her afternoon had brought more peace than she ever thought she would find while working. Her secretary, Zara, seemed to have a new joke to tell her which was more fun than the previous ones, and she wanted her to try a new vegetable drink that she learned online too. Though there was barely enough time to make all that happen because of Zoe's busy schedule, she was grateful that someone truly made an effort to make her happy. Towards evening, Zoe soon realized that she would be encumbered with her job at the office till late hours, and called Martin to apologize for her plan to cancel their plans to meet. However, he told her that she could finish whenever she liked and that he would wait for her. Pressured to meet as soon as possible and not waste so much of his time, she had to give up the plan to work through the night and go on with the dinner date. 'It was probably the first time someone had invi
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