All Chapters of Aurora: Breaking Illusions: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
63 Chapters
31 ~ Aurora
Today was our first appointment with the gynaecologist. When I dressed up that morning, it was with a heavy heart. It had gotten to this. The point of being questioned about my ability to carry a child. Leo came to me just the day before and casually announced that he had booked us an appointment at a fertility clinic first thing this morning. We had never actually discussed it but who was I to question him? I was yet to tell River about all this. She would freak out. I knew she was more than willing for me to call it quits on this marriage. For some reason, I found it hard to speak to her about these things. I felt she would not really understand the pressure I had to face. We were the same age but I was married - a whole different ball game from what she was used to. Sometimes, most of the time even, I wished to be in her shoes. "We're going to be late." Leo came in and jolted me out of my thoughts. "I'll be right there." I said, trying to hide my reluctance. I hated having
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32 ~ Leo
"I don't know why she keeps calling. She even invited me to her wedding." I vented to Rick at the office that afternoon. Melody had been calling and texting me nonstop and inasmuch as I tried to avoid her, she was persistent. She even threatened to come to the office to see me herself if I did not respond to her texts. I was tired. Rick hummed thoughtfully, "I thought she didn't want anything to do with you.""I'm just as surprised as you are. I mean it's been nearly a year, I expected her to be married by now even." I said."Yeah that's true. She did say she wanted one last fling before settling down right?""Yes! That's exactly what she said." "Maybe they postponed the wedding and now she really needs one last fling." He laughed at his own joke but I wasn't having it."I'm not falling for that." My frown went deeper when another of texts popped in. "You did it the first time, why not now?" He asked."She made me feel stupid and it really hurt Aurora." I stated plainly.His eyes
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33 ~Aurora
We decided to go through with the IUI procedure firstly since it seemed less tasking but it failed. Leo insisted that the IVF was a better choice, I don't even know why.The IVF process was a painful one for me. The first time Leo actually decided to consummate our union was because of it.It was an awkward evening. We had just moved out of his parent's house. His mother had crossed the line again and again and Leo's father thought it best that we moved into our own space. I was so grateful for that, he just did not know how much. It was so refreshing to be away from the drama.Leo bought a four-bedroom duplex. It was a smaller space, easier for us to move around and we came across each other more. I took my time in decorating that space, he did not care for all those things so it was never an issue.I wanted to be able to speak to him more freely but he was never available. He was always out, we had separate rooms and my tongue was tied every time I wanted to speak to him on issues a
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34 ~ Aurora
Headaches, searing aches that felt like my head was being pulled apart. The shots came with terrible side effects that made me rethink the whole process. On this particular day, I felt so down, I couldn't get up from bed to get anything done. I was a mess. Leo opened the door and came in. "Are you okay?" He asked, a little concerned when he saw me sprawled on the bed like a sheet of paper."I don't feel so good." I managed to say. My own voice sounded foreign to me.He walked over and placed his palm over my sweaty forehead while I shivered. "Are you pregnant?" He asked. I saw a gleam of hope in his eyes, one that I hoped and prayed would not be dashed."I haven't taken a test so I don't know." I said."Let's get you to the hospital."He helped me up and guided me down the stairs, made sure I was seated comfortably in the car before zooming off. Getting to the hospital, I was immediately admitted after being diagnosed with a high fever as opposed to what we were thinking."The do
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35 ~ Aurora
Home...I sighed when I finally got to lay on my bed for the first time in three days. "How were you able to keep the house so neat?" I asked Leo just before he left after making sure I was comfortable in bed."Oh, I got a cleaning service." He said."Food?""I ate out.""Okay.""Do you need anything? I could order for you,"He asked. I thought about it. I figured I was getting bloated and bigger due to all the things I had to take to conceive. I had to be on a strict diet now because my mother had insisted on it whether I liked it or not."No thanks." I trudged downstairs only about an hour later, fully rested. In my head, I was well rested. He was seated there watching a movie. "What are you watching?" I asked him. "Just a random movie I stumbled on." He said, tapping on the menu to check its name out.I slipped into one end of the grey couch I had picked out for our white themed house. I recall how difficult it was to pick out a specific theme for the house when we finally de
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36 ~ The Parents
~Rowan~Elections were around the corner. This was it, what he had always wanted was around the corner and he hoped it would not slip out of his grasp."Elvado," He said, shocked to see him there. Elvado had a way of showing up unexpectedly in his office. Sometimes he wondered how he managed to always find out when he was in."Long time no see my friend.""My earnest apologies my dear friend. This whole rigmarole has kept me so busy." Rowan said as they shook hands."I understand. I do hope all of this pays off in the end.""Of course it will,""We have worked so hard. It can't flop." Elvado's stare was pointed.Rowan gulped. A lot was on the line with how much Elvado had poured into his political ambitions. "It won't. I promise.""In a few weeks, we'll be celebrating." He held up his glass and they cheered to victory.In his heart of heart, there was a pit of nervousness. He had hope but at the same time it waned. For what it's worth, the pathway to political domination had been ver
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37 ~ Aurora
I stared at the test kit in awe. I looked at its pack again and reread the instructions on it. Two lines. It was positive. I was pregnant! I sighed and sat back on the toilet seat. How was I going to break the news to Leo? I thought and thought about it and I could not find a suitable way.I heard him come into my room and immediately hid the kit even though I knew he would not enter my bathroom. I came out slightly jumpy due to what I had just found out."Everything okay?" He asked.I nodded quickly and slowed down so he wouldn't get suspicious, "Yeah. Do you need anything?""Dad wants us to be at the final campaign today." He announced.The election was less than a week away. It was no surprise that he wanted us to be there."Do we have to go?" I asked. I didn't feel so good.He sighed, "I don't exactly want to but he insists and mom has made me promise to be there." "Okay then. I'll be ready soon." "Great." He strode out and now I had to ponder on what to wear. What do you wear
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38 ~ Leo
"Yes mom, more fruits, got it." I nodded, listing down all the things she had called for me.I looked back at Aurora when I finally dropped the call. "She has a whole list of things for me to do for you," I said."Sorry," she said with with a trace of a smile."No it's fine. Anything for the baby right?" She chuckled slightly. "Yeah."It felt surreal that I was about to be a father. When I saw our first ultrasound, I felt something I had never seen in my entire life."Would you like to move into my room so I can take care of you better?" I asked her. That came out as as I thought about it. She hesitated, "Um, I don't think that's necessary.""Why?" I asked, pulling her close. She seemed nervous. "I have to go sort out your laundry." She tried to walk away but I held her back."We're still talking." I said.I nuzzled her neck. I didn't understand what was happening, I was doing things that I did not ever expect. Was this what the euphoria of being a father did to everyone? I needed
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39 ~ Aurora
I woke up in his bed, startled awake by the strangeness of the room. If this was going to be a norm, it would take a lot of getting used to."Good morning," I sat quickly when I heard his voice. "Good morning," I said, looking around for the alarm clock to see what the time was. I let out a gasp when I saw it. "I'm sorry I overslept. Have you had breakfast?" I asked apologetically."Yeah. The cook made something, she left yours in the kitchen.""Thank you.""Do you feel better?""I guess so," I shrugged and covered my mouth as a yawn escaped my mouth. "I have to go to work. I'll see you in the evening," He said."Alright."He placed a kiss on my forehead and left.~~~"Mom don't speak to her like that.""Oh so you're going to fight your mother over a barren woman?" She retorted in her annoying high pitched tone.This was why we took time before breaking the news to our parents. Leo sighed in exasperation. "Mom stop. Just stop. This was out of our control." "She was careless!"I
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40 ~ Aurora
I got into the house a little past eight at night."Where have you been?"I squeaked in surprise. How did I not notice him standing by the stairs?"Good evening," I said out of courtesy."I asked you a question.""I was out with River." I said like I was trying to refresh his memory."And I specifically told you to not leave this house.""Leo, I-""I'm not done talking woman!" My lips immediately tucked into my mouth as I watched him warily. "You left this house before noon and you're coming back by this time?!""We had a lot to catch up on." I weakly explained."I called you. Where did you keep your phone?""The thing is, we had a spa session and I put my phone on silent mode.""And when you saw the call you missed?""I was on my way back home so I just thought-""You're a married woman for goodness sake! You shouldn't be hanging with her!""But why? She's been there for as long as I remember...""Can't you see she's such a bad influence on you?! For God's sake, this girl disrespec
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