All Chapters of Alpha's Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
168 Chapters
Chapter 50
Racheal's POVAs Axel and I walked into the grand dining hall, our hands intertwined, the atmosphere was tense. Axel wasted no time and approached the queen, his mother, with a furrowed brow. "What is Athena doing here?" he inquired, his voice laced with concern.Athena, standing nearby, replied calmly, "I can leave if my presence is not welcome."The queen, sensing the tension, intervened, "No, Athena, please stay." Turning to Axel, she added, "Let's talk."Axel nodded, leading his mother to a secluded corner where they engaged in a heated discussion, their voices hushed but their expressions intense. I could tell they were arguing about Athena's unexpected presence.After a while, Axel returned to the table and took my hands, his eyes filled with regret. "I'm sorry," he whispered.I squeezed his hands reassuringly. "It's fine, Axel. We'll figure this out."As dinner progressed, I noticed a shift in the air. My mother and the queen, who had been at odds earlier, were now engaged in
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Chapter 51
Alpha Axel's POVI ran towards the big white circle, my heart pounding in my chest as I saw Rachael convulsing with her body shaking uncontrollably. A strong wave flung me away, but I quickly regained my footing and saw her mother holding her, chanting some spells. Soon, Rachael calmed down, but she was unconscious. Her mother beckoned me to come forward, but I hesitated, unsure of what had just happened."It's alright, come closer," her mother reassured me. With a deep breath, I cautiously put a foot into the circle. Nothing happened. Encouraged, I rushed towards Rachael's body, feeling the coldness of her skin despite her still breathing."Let's take her to her room," her mother said, her voice filled with urgency. Without hesitation, I picked up Rachael and hurried into her room, her mother and mine following closely behind. I gently laid her on the bed as her mother lit a candle and began murmuring more spells.As the room filled with a soft glow from the candle, her mother t
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Chapter 52
Athena's POVAs I walked out of the palace, my heart was racing with excitement. Rachel was unconscious, and while that wasn't my original plan for her, it was a small victory. I knew I had to act quickly before she woke up and ruined everything.I could feel someone following me as I made my way to my car. I smiled to myself, knowing it was Alpha Axel. He must have put a trail on me because he was starting to have doubts about my loyalty. I decided to play along and lure him into the trap I had set.I got into my car and drove off, making sure to take a few detours to throw off anyone who might be following me. I drove for miles into the woods, the trees closing in around me as I navigated the winding roads.I could see the headlights of the car behind me in my rearview mirror, keeping a safe distance but never losing sight of me. I smirked to myself, knowing that Alpha Axel was falling right into my trap.Finally, I reached a clearing deep in the woods. I parked my car and got out
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Chapter 53
Alpha Axel's POVI injected the intruders with wolfsbane and watched as they writhed in pain on the floor. "Who sent you?" I demanded, my voice cold and menacing.One of the intruders, a young man with fear in his eyes, refused to speak. I could see the hesitation in his eyes, the struggle to keep his secrets hidden.I turned to my beta, Daniel, who stood by my side, his expression unreadable. "They won't talk," I said, frustration creeping into my voice.Daniel placed a hand on my shoulder, his touch grounding me. "Perhaps we should give them some time to reconsider," he suggested calmly.I shook my head, my anger boiling over. "No, I need answers now," I growled, my eyes flashing with fury.I noticed the young man was on the verge of breaking, his resolve crumbling under the pressure. Without hesitation, I turned to the other intruder and snapped his neck, the sound echoing in the room.The young man gasped, his eyes wide with terror. "Please, I'll tell you everything," he pleaded,
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Chapter 54
Athena's POV As I cautiously approached Ardolf's cabin deep in the woods, my heart pounded with a mix of anxiety and determination. I needed his help, and I hoped he would listen to reason. The door creaked open as a guard opened it and I entered, finding Ardolf sitting by the fireplace, his gaze intense as he looked up at me."Ardolf, we need to act now. Rachel is unconscious," I began, urgency lacing my words.Ardolf's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered my words. "We should hold off for now. Rushing into things could make matters worse," he replied, his voice steady."But we don't have time! Alpha Axel suspects me, and he even had a palace guard trailing me," I insisted, the weight of the situation pressing down on me."Why did you come here then, knowing you were being followed?" Ardolf questioned, his brow furrowed in annoyance.Taking a deep breath, I met his gaze. "I had to take care of the loose end and I killed him.”“ I killed the person and delivered the head to the p
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Chapter 55
Athena's POVAs I slowly woke up to the sound of heavy footsteps approaching, I felt a guard's rough hand shaking my shoulder. "Time to wake up, Miss," he grunted.I shot up, my eyes narrowing as I glared at him. "Don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands," I spat, my voice laced with venom.The guard recoiled slightly, his expression apologetic. "I'm sorry, but your presence is requested. You are needed in the grand hall," he explained, gesturing for me to follow him.I knew what this meant. It was time. With a resigned sigh, I got up and followed the guard through the dimly lit corridors of the Palace.When we finally reached the grand hall, I was met with the stern gazes of all the elders gathered there. A small vial containing a truth serum was placed before me, and Alpha Axel spoke up. "Drink this. If you refuse, it will be taken as a sign of guilt," he declared, his voice firm.I hesitated for a moment, weighing my options. But deep down, I knew there was no way out of thi
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Chapter 56
Alpha Axel's POVI sat beside Racheal and I held her hands in mine, carressing it gently while I silently prayed to the moon goddess to bring her back to me.Athena walked in with a bunch of black roses and a smirk on her face."My condolences Alpha Axel" she chuckled"What are you doing here Athena?" I asked in fury"Well, i came to pay my respects to the dead" she responded nonchalantly "Racheal is not dead, you bitch" I retorted angrily "Get out Athena or i throw you out" i continued"Threats, threats, threats... That is all you can do, " she said, obviously trying to provoke me, but I decided to ignore her as I sat back on the arm chair by the bed and I gently held Rachels hands again.As Athena was about to drop the flowers beside Racheal, I gave her a death glare " Don't you even dare" i said with clenched teeth, but knowing Athena she dropped the flowers and as she turned her back towards me as she headed to the door, my wolf unable to control the anger and Athena's level of d
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Chapter 57
Athena's POVI stumbled out of the palace gates, tossed aside like a discarded toy or more like a piece of trash by the guards. The Alpha's venom coursed through my veins, a cruel reminder of my punishment. My hand clutched at the wound on my neck, the pain unbearable as I staggered towards my car. I knew what I needed to survive the next seventy two hours - My Alpha's blood.But Alpha Axel's blood was out of the question. Desperation clawed at me as I realized there was only one person who could help me now… Mia.Fumbling with my phone, my fingers shaking, I dialed Mia's number. The phone rang, each tone echoing in my ears like a countdown to my demise. Finally, she picked up."Mia, it's me," I gasped, trying to keep my voice steady despite the pain. "I need your help. Meet me outside the palace gate."There was a brief pause on the other end before Mia responded, concern evident in her voice. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"I winced, the ache in my body intensifying. "I've been...
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Chapter 58
Alpha Axel's POVAs I watched Racheal finally drift into a peaceful slumber, a wave of relief washed over me. Seeing her no longer unconscious but sleeping fill me with hope that things would soon return to normal. With a heavy heart but a glimmer of optimism, I made my way to my room, the weight of recent events heavy on my mind.Climbing into bed, I closed my eyes, hoping for a night of undisturbed sleep. As I settled into bed, the weight of exhaustion finally lifted off my shoulders, and I drifted into a peaceful sleep, a luxury I hadn't experienced in days. However, my rest was short lived as I felt a lingering gaze on me, causing me to stir awake.Opening my eyes, I saw Racheal sitting at the edge of my bed, her eyes fixed on me. Her red lipstick and gown gave her an eerie appearance, almost like a she devil. I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine as I asked her, "Racheal, why are you staring at me like that?"She let out a chilling laugh, her eyes glinting with
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Chapter 59
Alpha Axel's POVIn my anxious state, I marched into the living room where my mother was sipping her tea. "Mom, I need to talk to you about something really strange," I blurted out.She set her cup down, concern evident in her eyes. "What's wrong, dear? You seem bothered."Taking a deep breath, I carefully chose my words. "It's Racheal. Something happened during the ritual. Her mother thinks she switched souls with her Shadow soul, and now she's completely different from the calm and kind Racheal we all knew."My mother's eyes widened in disbelief. "Switched souls? Is that even possible?"I nodded fervently. "Yes, Mom, it is. I spoke with Racheal's mother earlier, and she's desperately searching for a solution."Concern etched deeper into my mother's face. "What are we going to do about it, then?"Just as I opened my mouth to reply, a maid entered the room and interrupted our conversation. "Excuse me, sir, ma'am, but Miss Davina is waiting for you in your study."I sighed, the weight
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