All Chapters of One Night Stand With The Unforgettable Stranger: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
481 Chapters
“You are so full of shit Nathan,” Brian said, “and Cassie knows it.” Nathan’s face turned red as he fought to control his anger and he stepped close to Brian. “You may think that you have Cassie now,” he said, spittle gathering at the corners of his mouth as he spat the words at Brian, “but she will get tired of you and when she does, she will come crawling back to me. I’ve had my cock inside her in so many different ways that no one else can satisfy her.” Brian’s hand flew to Nathan’s shirt and he fisted it hard, shoving Nathan back against the wall. Nathan dropped his glass and the crash of crystal stopped the conversation on the other side of the room. Brian leaned in close and whispered menacingly into Nathan’s ear. “Your cock is not coming anywhere near Cassie ever again and if it does I’m going to fucking cut it off.” “We’ll just see what Cassie has to say about that,” Nathan sneered. “Maybe you should be more worried about what your wife will say about it.” “Hey,
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Two and Three chatted at her like magpies, but Cassie didn’t seem to be able to make much sense of what they were saying, and she didn’t care enough to ask them to repeat it. She let the noise wash over her as she added a bar of chocolate to each pile and passed it along the line, occasionally unwrapping one and slipping it into her mouth. Chocolate and champagne cocktails, what could be better? A nice collection of empty champagne glasses and chocolate wrappers started to gather around Cassie and she had a comfortable buzz going on. She even managed a smile and a giggle at something Two and Three said. “It looks like you have this all under control,” Maree said. “Kathy why don’t you come with me and we’ll check on lunch.” Ainsley’s mother stood and followed Maree out the door and there was an audible sigh from everyone as they relaxed. “So, Ainsley,” Cassie said as she set yet another empty glass down, “you and Nathan sealed the deal yet?” Ainsley looked at Cassie, confused.
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Cassie looked her over and then drained her glass. “I find it interesting that you have slept with an ex but not with your groom-to-be. Don’t you find Nathan attractive?” She didn’t answer and Cassie let the moment be drawn out before saying, “Or maybe he doesn’t find you attractive.” Ainsley jumped to her feet, her face coloring, her fists clenched at her sides and her mouth screwed up in a scowl. She opened her mouth to say something back to Cassie but at that moment the door opened and the object of their discussions walked in. Ainsley’s face morphed into the adoring fiancée before Cassie’s eyes and she just shook her head. “Lunch is ready,” Nathan said looking between his bride and Cassie, an odd look on his face. “Maree asked us to come and escort you ladies into the dining room.” Ainsley smiled sweetly at him and took his elbow without sparing Cassie another glance. Cassie climbed to her feet unsteadily, swaying slightly as her head spun. Little balls of foil fell to the g
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Cassie widened her eyes and covered her mouth. “Oops,” she said and then looked at Ainsley with a repentant look. “Was I not supposed to?” Ainsley crossed her arms in a huff and stared daggers at Nathan who swallowed visibly. “Now, now,” Nathan said, trying to placate his bride. “I’m sure there’ll still be plenty to go around.” “No, Nathan, there won’t be,” the maid of honor said. “We only bought two hundred and fifty and we had to order them in specially.” “We’ve still got a couple of days, I’m sure we can get more.” “No,” Ainsley said, “it took two months to get them flown in from Belgium.” “That’s why they were so good,” Cassie said. “Belgian chocolate is the best.” Brian coughed to cover his laugh. God, Cassie was a menace and he loved it. “It’s all right pumpkin,” Ainsley’s father said. “I’m sure we can get something to replace them in time.” He shot an accusing look at Brian. “Maybe your new brother-in-law could take it upon himself to fix it.” Brian grinned. “
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Brian held her hair back as she vomited into the toilet. If she didn’t feel so horrific, she would be embarrassed. Champagne, juice, and chocolate were the absolute worst combination to overindulge in. She spat the awful taste from her mouth and accepted the cool washcloth from Brian, wiping her mouth with it and holding it to her flushed cheeks. “Can you take me home now?” she asked, not brave enough to look at him. “Are you going to be sick again?” he asked. “I don’t know,” she replied grumpily. “Well, you’re not going anywhere near my Shelby unless you’re sure. Vomit is the absolute worst thing to clean up in a car.” She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. Brian slid down the wall next to her and handed her a glass of water. She sipped cautiously, not sure if her poor, nauseated stomach could take it. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. He must be so embarrassed by her. She had made a fool of herself in front of his family. No wonder Nathan didn’t want to marry
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He tipped her face up to his, his finger under her chin, and looked down into her eyes. His green gaze seemed to see right through her. “Who says I still want him?” she asked softly and his eyes heated. He dropped his head so that their foreheads touched and their noses rubbed. “Cassie,” he whispered before taking a deep breath, “don’t say that if you don’t mean it.” She lifted a hand and cupped his jaw feeling the tickling bristles of his beard on her palm. Here was a man who would treasure her, would do anything for her. He wouldn’t marry someone else and expect her to be his mistress on the side. He wouldn’t ask her to be a bridesmaid in his wedding to someone else. Brian was strong and sexy and her body craved him. Her head urged her to take the plunge, to walk away from Nathan once and for all, and to take a chance on Brian. It was only her heart that had reservations. The elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open with a ding. Brian pulled away from her regretfully
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He stripped his shirt off as she watched, followed by his jeans and boxer briefs. Her eyes dropped to his erection as it stood proudly, preening for her. She bit her lip and it jumped in response, her eyes tracking the movement. “Naked,” he said roughly and her hands went to the zip of her jeans. The button snapped open and he tugged them off, raking his eyes over the long length of her smooth, alabaster legs. The delicate pink lace panties she wore were damp and he slipped his finger under them to feel the evidence of her need. “Fuck,” he growled. “You’re so wet, Blue.” She wriggled and removed the loose blouse that she wore, throwing it to the floor. His eyes wandered up from her damp panties, his finger still stroking her wetness, and took in the hollow of her stomach, the rise of her rib cage, and the plump pillows of her breasts. They were full and lush, overflowing from the demi-cup bra she wore and her nipples were hard nubs straining against the pink lace. He slipped h
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He rubbed his nose along the crease of her thigh, his beard underscoring the sensual touch. He took a long slow lick of her folds, taking an extra swirl around her clit. Cassie exhaled and let her knees fall open, making room for his wide shoulders between them. He used his fingers to spread her folds open and traced a figure-eight pattern with his tongue; up around her clit, down the other side to rim her entrance and then back up. It was erotic as fuck and she trembled with need. He nibbled and sucked on her folds, teasing her. She rocked her hips into him, demanding more and he obeyed by rolling her clit between his lips and sucking hard. Her hips shot off the bed and he took advantage of the change in position by sliding his hands under her arse and holding her up so he could devour her. Her orgasm built quickly, her body tightening in preparation. He flicked his tongue over the swollen bundle of nerves in quick little flutters and her climax rocked through her in great waves
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Brian held Cassie close as her breathing lengthened and deepened and her body relaxed into sleep. He loved the way she fit into him, how their bodies clicked together. He levered up onto one elbow so he could look down at her in the ambient light coming from outside. It was enough to see the curve of her cheek, the dip where her neck met her collarbone, and the rise of her shoulder. Her skin was pale in the moonlight, but he knew it was decorated with the dusting of darker freckles and he wanted to chart every one of them. Her hair spread out against the stark white of the pillowcase, and while the pale illumination from the world outside leeched it of color, he knew that it glowed with vibrancy. Everything about Cassie screamed life and fun and…home. Brian lived in apartments and hotel rooms. He didn’t have a home if he was honest with himself. He had a house, but he was very rarely there and even though he had grown up there, without his mother and father in it, it no longer fel
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He leaned his head back against the couch and closed his eyes. It had been ages since they’d all gotten together, and it was well overdue. The men of Alpha Pi Tau met as often as they could, but they were all busy men. Some of them spent a lot of time in other countries, so face-to-face meetings had become rare. They Skyped when they could, but even that had dropped off lately. Maybe it was time to start making it a priority again. Brian got up off the couch and went to the desk where he’d set up his laptop. He sent out an email to all five members, suggesting a meeting and requesting their availability. Then he opened up some work documents, trying to get his head into the right headspace, but it was useless. He usually only needed a few hours’ sleep and he spent most of his waking hours working. Being away from work for this wedding should have made him anxious, but all he could think about was the redhead on his bed. He flipped his laptop closed and headed back to the bedroom w
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